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In her manuscript Elisa Ravasi examines how the ECtHR responds to the growing challenges of overlapping legal systems. She focuses, in particular, on the relationship between the ECHR and EU law. First, she systematically analyses 10 years of ECtHR jurisprudence on the principle of equivalent protection and develops an innovative analysis scheme for its application. Afterwards, she examines the equivalency of the human rights protection provided by the ECJ in light of the minimum standards of the ECHR in three specific fields (naming law, ne bis in idem and equality of arms). Finally, she considers whether the presumption of equivalent protection of the ECtHR in favour of the EU is still justified.
European Convention on Human Rights – Article 10 – Freedom of expression 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises. 2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial int...
Provides an international forum for high-quality articles on the laws of armed conflict in international law.
This work is a comparative study of domestic implementation of Security Council mandatory sanctions taken under Article 41, Chapter VII of the UN Charter, including the establishment of the two international criminal tribunals, the ICTY and ICTR, and recent resolutions on the combating of the financing of terrorism. The book examines implementation in 16 select States in Europe, America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, underlining also the particular problems arising from sanctions implementation by the European Union, by a permanently neutral and former non-Member State - Switzerland - and by States confronted with special economic problems within the meaning of Article 50 of the UN Chart...
Im Rahmen ihrer Beteiligung an multinationalen Militäroperationen ist es für truppenstellende Staaten erforderlich, Gegner in Gewahrsam zu nehmen. Doch was, wenn der Staat die Gewahrsamsperson nicht im eignen Gewahrsam behalten will? Unter welchen Voraussetzungen ist es möglich, die Gewahrsamsperson an einen anderen Staat zu überstellen? Im Gegensatz zu den Vorgaben des menschenrechtlichen refoulement-Verbots haben die humanitärvölkerrechtlichen Überstellungsregeln der Genfer Konventionen von 1949 bisher trotz ihrer vorrangigen Anwendbarkeit in bewaffneten Konflikten wenig Beachtung gefunden. Mit der Kommentierung dieser Regeln schließt dieses Werk eine Lücke in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur zur Thematik.
Considering paradigmatic changes and current challenges in international law this collection of essays covers diverse areas such as law of the sea, human rights, international environmental law, international dispute settlement, peace and security, global governance and its relationship to domestic law.
Twelve leading scholars of international law and international relations consider whether the current strength of the United States is leading to change in the international legal system. This book demonstrates that the effects of U.S. domination of the foundations of international law are real, but also intensely complex. The volume stimulates debate about the role of the United States in international law and interests scholars of international law and international relations, government officials and international organizations.
There has been intense debate in recent times over the legitimacy or otherwise of international law. This book contains fresh perspectives on these questions, offered at an international and interdisciplinary conference hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Law and International Law. At issue are questions including, for example, whether international law lacks legitimacy in general and whether international law or a part of it has yielded to the facts of power.
The book explores the various means of making non-conventional/non-treaty law and the cross-cutting issues that they raise. Law-making by technical/informal expert bodies, Conferences of Parties, international organizations, the UN Security Council, regional organizations and arrangements and non-state actors is examined in turn. This forms the basis for the analysis of the complementarity of international treaty law, customary international law and non-traditional law-making, potential subject matters of non-treaty law-making, domestic consequences of non-treaty law-making, proliferation of actors, commissions and treaty bodies of the UN system, and International courts and tribunals.