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While severe hypoxia has detrimental health consequences, the controlled application of hypoxia can be protective and holds great promise as a performance-enhancing and therapeutic intervention. Hypoxia Conditioning in Health, Exercise and Sport: Principles, Mechanisms and Applications delivers an understanding of systemic and molecular mechanisms involved in hypoxia adaptations and examines the most promising forms of hypoxia conditioning with a view to create performance-enhancing strategies for athletes, as well as an offering an examination on clinical applications for numerous pathologies. This cutting-edge book examines how positive physiological adaptations not only acutely enhance to...
Diagnosis and Management in Dementia: The Neuroscience of Dementia, Volume 1 consolidates different fields of dementia into a single book, covering a range of subjects, including Alzheimer's disease, Lewy body dementia, mixed dementia, vascular dementia, physical activity, risk factors, mortality, biomarkers, SPECT, CT, MRI, questionnaires, nutrition, sleep, delirium, hearing loss, agitation, aggression, delusions, anxiety, depression, hallucinations, psychosis, senile plaques, tau and amyloid-beta, neuroinflammation, molecular biology, and more. With an impact on millions globally, and billions of research dollars being invested in dementia research, this book will stimulate research in the...
The Neuroscience of Dementia brings together different fields of dementia research into a single book, covering a wide range of subjects, including Alzheimer's disease, Lewy body dementia, mixed dementia, vascular dementia, physical activity, risk factors, mortality, biomarkers, SPECT, CT, MRI, questionnaires, nutrition, sleep, delirium, hearing loss, agitation, aggression, delusions, anxiety, depression, hallucinations, psychosis, senile plaques, tau and amyloid-beta, neuroinflammation, molecular biology, and more. This foundational, comprehensive book compiles the latest understanding on all forms of dementia and their common features in a single source. It is an invaluable resource for ne...
인체 해부학의 기원에서 근력운동에 관한 최신 과학까지 정형외과 의사가 들려주는 근육 교양 강의! 근육은 인체에서 움직임을 담당하는 가장 다재다능한 일꾼이다. 근육은 달리기를 하거나 무거운 물건을 들 때만 쓰이지 않는다. 눈을 깜빡이고, 호흡하고, 소화하고, 혈액을 운반할 때도 근육이 관여한다. 또한 근육은 많은 비밀을 간직하고 있다. 근육은 어떻게 작동할까? 근육통은 왜 생기는 것일까? 운동을 하지 않고 근육을 키울 수 있을까? 화성 여행에서 근육이 문제를 일으키는 이유는 무엇일까? 『우리는 어떻게 움직이는가』는 정형외과 의사가 직접 쓴, 근육에 대한 거의 모든 것을 담은 교양과학서다. 저자는 근육의 신비를 풀기 위해 해부학, 생리학, 생물학, 역사, 그리고 피트니스에 이르기까지 광범위한 분야를 탐험한다. 이 책을 통해 독자들은 근육의 종류와 작동 원리부터 근육 통증과 근육 건강 관리법까지 근육에 관한 과학 지식을 탄탄히 다질 수 있을 것이다.
Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Welt des Trailrunnings mit diesem praxisorientierten Ratgeber, der Sie Schritt für Schritt in die Kunst des Geländelaufs einführt. Der Guide behandelt alle wichtigen Aspekte des Trailrunnings - von der grundlegenden Ausrüstungswahl bis hin zu fortgeschrittenen Techniken für anspruchsvolle Bergläufe. Sie lernen die richtige Schuhwahl für verschiedene Untergründe, effektive Lauftechniken für Auf- und Abstiege sowie den sinnvollen Einsatz von Stöcken. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Sicherheit im Gelände: Die ausführlichen Kapitel zur Navigation, Wetterbeobachtung und zum Umgang mit alpinen Gefahren bereiten Sie optimal auf selbstständige Trails v...
Das Montafon hält zahlreiche Geschichten über Gesundheit und Krankheit seiner Talbewohnerinnen und -bewohner bereit. Neben medizinischen Professionistinnen und Professionisten wie akademischen Ärztinnen und Ärzten, Wundärzten und Hebammen boten auch traditionelle Heilpersonen und der Volksglaube den Menschen Linderung ihrer körperlichen und psychischen Leiden. Dieser Band präsentiert nicht nur etliche charismatische Akteurinnen und Akteure, sondern beleuchtet diverse medizinische Arbeitsfelder und Institutionen der Versorgung im ländlichen Raum von der Frühen Neuzeit bis ins 21. Jahrhundert. Die gesellschaftlichen, politischen und medizinischen Reaktionen auf Krankheit, seien dies epidemische Seuchenereignisse oder chronische Erkrankungen, werden anhand unterschiedlicher thematischer Zugänge rekonstruiert.
The first edition of the Practical Guide to the EU Labyrinth was published in 1991. 32 years and 16 editions later, Daniel Guéguen and Vicky Marissen now offer an updated and adapted edition. The Treaty of Lisbon of 1 December 2009 requires a comprehensive reform of this guide to understand the new procedures, new ways of conduct and new practices of the EU. After reading this guide, enriched with diagrams, examples and summaries, the structures, competences and procedures of the European institutions will no longer hold any secrets for you. ABOUT THE AUTHORS Former Associate Partner of EPPA, Daniel Guéguen has dedicated his whole working life to European public affairs. Daniel set up seve...