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This book analyses the policies of recognition that were developed and implemented to improve the autonomy and socio-economic well-being of Māori in New Zealand and of indigenous and Afro-descendent people in Colombia. It offers a theoretically informed explanation of the reasons why these policies have not yielded the expected results, and offers solutions to mitigate the shortcomings of policies of recognition in both countries. This in-depth analysis enables readers to develop their understanding of the theory of recognition and how it can promote social justice.
This book examines the everyday functioning and impact of international law and the development project, particularly across cities in emergent nations.
In the early 1970s, a group of Colombian intellectuals led by the pioneering sociologist Orlando Fals Borda created a research-activist collective called La Rosca de Investigación y Acción Social (Circle of Research and Social Action). Combining sociological and historical research with a firm commitment to grassroots social movements, Fals Borda and his colleagues collaborated with indigenous and peasant organizations throughout Colombia. In Cowards Don’t Make History Joanne Rappaport examines the development of participatory action research on the Caribbean coast, highlighting Fals Borda’s rejection of traditional positivist research frameworks in favor of sharing his own authority a...
This handbook explores the political economy and governance of the Americas, placing particular emphasis on collective and intertwined experiences. Forty-six chapters cover a range of Inter-American key concepts and dynamics. The flow of peoples, goods, resources, knowledge and finances have on the one hand promoted interdependence and integration that cut across borders and link the countries of North and South America (including the Caribbean) together. On the other hand, they have contributed to profound asymmetries between different places. The nature of this transversally related and multiply interconnected hemispheric region can only be captured through a transnational, multidisciplina...
Exploring the culture and media of the Americas, this handbook places particular emphasis on collective and intertwined experiences and focuses on the transnational or hemispheric dimensions of cultural flows and geocultural imaginaries that shape the literature, arts, media and other cultural expressions in the Americas. The Routledge Handbook to the Culture and Media of the Americas charts the pervasive, asymmetrical flows of cultural products and capital and their importance in the development of the Americas. The volume offers a comprehensive understanding of how inter-American communication is constituted, framed and structured, and covers the artistic and political dimensions that have...
The colonial heritage and its renewed aftermaths – expressed in the inter-American experiences of slavery, indigeneity, dependence, and freedom movements, to mention only a few aspects – form a common ground of experience in the Western Hemisphere. The flow of peoples, goods, knowledge and finances have promoted interdependence and integration that cut across borders and link the countries of North and South America together. The nature of this transversally related and multiply interconnected region can only be captured through a transnational, multidisciplinary, and comprehensive approach. The Routledge Handbook to the History and Society of the Americas explores the history and societ...
A trajetória profissional e pessoal do autor o direcionou para a interdisciplinaridade, notadamente entre a História e a Geografia, sendo a noção de des-re-territorialização o pilar da sua abordagem acerca da relação entre Maranhão e Roraima, entre o Bumba-meu-Boi que se brinca no Maranhão e o que se brinca em terras roraimenses. A profundidade das suas análises, resultados e conclusões advém de um longo caminho, cuja raiz está na larga experiência nos estudos migratórios, com a metodologia da História Oral, na destreza em manejar o conceito de território e territorialidade e de uma pesquisa fundamentada em um rico elenco de fontes – orais, escritas e imagéticas - coleta...
The book traces the agrarian movement’s evolution from the 1970s through four distinctive phases or dynamics: self-management, reclamation, resistance and self-determination. In the first, peasants fight predominantly for the land through colonization of public lands and occupation of land belonging to major property owners. In the second phase, peasants mobilize to claim public investment in agricultural life and production. The third phase of the peasant struggle is legal resistance and intra-territorial movements due to paramilitary violence. The last one corresponds to the current fight against extractivism and towards territorial autonomy. The study is based principally on the histories of the National Peasant Association (ANUC), established in 1967, of the Southern Bolivar Agricultural–Mining Federation (FEDEAGROMISBOL), established in 1985, and of the National Agrarian Coordination (NAC), established in 1997. These organizations include peasants, who are small and medium owners whose properties are not fully legalized while they farm the land in precarious conditions. Published in French.
A comienzos de la década de 1970, un grupo de intelectuales colombianos liderados por el innovador sociólogo Orlando Fals Borda creó un colectivo dedicado a la investigación-activista, llamado La Rosca de Investigación y Acción Social. Mediante una combinación de sociología e investigación histórica con un compromiso firme con movimientos sociales de base, Fals Borda y sus colegas colaboraron con organizaciones indígenas y campesinas en diferentes regiones de Colombia. En El cobarde no hace historia, Joanne Rappaport analiza el desarrollo de la investigación-acción participativa en la Costa Caribe y explica que Fals Borda abandonó los marcos investigativos positivistas tradicio...