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Growth is the biological phenomenon of increase in size with time. The sudden increase in tree diameter often observed after rain is not due to growth but reflects the effects of bark swell. The relationships of tree size to age and increment to age are also important to the forester particularly in predicting future growth. In any one growing season, different parts of a tree start growing at different times. Different species may also react differently. Generally, height growth precedes any diameter growth or needle flush. The progression of terminal bud extension (main stem and branches) is basipetally, i.e. extension growth starts at the top of the tree and progressively moves downwards towards the base. The amount of height growth in any one season depends on hereditary factors, immediate past environmental conditions and present environmental conditions. Diameter growth also proceeds basipetally and is much more related to current foliage and present environmental conditions. The book presents the most up-to-date research in the field.
Nationally-recognised studies and our contacts with a diverse group of industry representatives, non-governmental organisations, and academic researchers show that key barriers to CCS deployment include (1) underdeveloped and costly CO2 capture technology and (2) regulatory and legal uncertainties over CO2 capture, injection, and storage. Among the key technological barriers are a lack of experience in capturing significant amounts of CO2 from power plants and the significant cost of capturing CO2, particularly from existing coal-fired power plants, which are the single largest source of CO2 emissions in the United States. Compounding these technological issues are regulatory and legal uncer...
This book shows papers from researchers of different countries in the world, that point out the study of seismoinduced phenomena associated with recent and historical earthquakes and also an article about the April 6, 2009 devastating earthquake of L'Aquila in central Italy. Starting from the basical knowledge it is possible to reconstruct the geo-history of the phenomena induced by earthquakes and the own recurrence time. Earthquake geologists study the surface expression of earthquake like faults and ground failure caused by strong ground shaking. Moreover, ground deformation phenomena and other secondary effects such as tectonic subsidence and uplift, liquefaction, shaking-induced landsli...
Estuaries are productive ecosystems of high ecological value. They are important habitats for various species and those of highest value are protected by national and international conventions. This book highlights possible pollution impacts in a protected estuarine ecosystem, Amvrakikos Gulf, considered as one of the most important wetlands in Greece. In addition, the Changjiang (Yangtze) River is known to contribute significantly to the ecosystems of the Changjiang River estuary and adjacent waters. In this book, some long-term data of freshwater discharge, sediment load, nutrient concentrations and compositions in the river and estuary waters are presented, as well as the long-term respon...
"Genetic diversity and species diversity are both crucial for ecosystem stability. Analysis of plant diversity aims to understand the organization and the variability of biological populations within ecosystems. This book provides a review on chemotaxonomical criteria helping to understand complex structures of plant diversity. It focuses particularly on the chemotaxonomic usefulness of phenolic compounds in analysis of chemical polymorphisms at different taxonomic levels. The relationship between grazing pressure and grassland vegetation is also examined, using drastically improved information technology such as remote sensing, Geographic Information System (GIS) and Ground Positioning Systems (GPS). Furthermore, an overview of the unique ecosystem of the South Brazilian Campos grasslands are given. The role of disturbance in maintaining Campos biodiversity and dynamics, and the importance of its conservation, is looked at as well. Other chapters in this book discuss the relationship between management and vegetation, and also suggest ways to conserve the species diversity of both plants and butterflies in semi-natural grassland."--Publisher's description.
Current loss of biodiversity places a premium on the task of recognising and formulating proposals on potential areas for biological conservation based on scientific criteria; among these tasks, identification of hotspots has a relevant role on conservation of biodiversity. In this book, the authors discuss the application of different biogeographic methods to identify plant biodiversity hotspots. The areas recognised as such have a relevant role in plant biodiversity and are important in conservation due to their climatic conditions, the historical factors that have been involved in their evolution, and the restricted distribution of some plant taxa that inhabit them. Furthermore, the consequences of deforestation on biodiversity are substantial and widely recognised. This book predicts future land-use change, generates ecological niches of large mammals and assesses wildlife concentrations and their hotspots in different areas of the world. The evolution of the forest fragmentation in the Brazilian Atlantic forest, the present situation of its remnants, and the main strategies, conflicts and potentials for conservation are evaluated as well.
Před osmnácti lety Klára zpřetrhala veškeré vazby s rodným městečkem ve východních Čechách a odstěhovala se do Německa. Když jí však otec v telefonu oznámí, že ho chce někdo zabít, minulost po ní sáhne ledovou rukou. Po jeho náhlé smrti se Klára vydává zařídit vše potřebné kolem pohřbu. A zjišťuje, že pod pokličkou maloměstského života stále vře jedovatá směs tajemství. Všichni něco skrývají. Všichni mají důvod ji nenávidět. A někdo z nich ji chce vidět mrtvou.
Interest in democratic socialism is on the rise, but this wide-ranging comparison of two systems shows that the Nordic model of capitalism achieves virtually everything that contemporary democratic socialists say we should want. Socialism is back in the conversation, and recent polls suggest the share of young Americans who have a favorable impression of socialism is about the same as the share that have a favorable view of capitalism. The case for a modern democratic socialism is that capitalism is bad, or at least not very good, and that socialism would be an improvement. To fully and fairly assess democratic socialism's desirability, Lane Kenworthy argues in Would Democratic Socialism Be Better?, we need to compare it to the best version of capitalism that humans have devised: social democratic capitalism. Kenworthy offers a close look at the evidence about how capitalist economies have performed on an array of outcomes. He finds that social democratic capitalism achieves virtually everything that contemporary democratic socialists say we should want.
The 3rd International Multidisciplinary Microscopy Congress (InterM2015), held from 19 to 23 October 2015, focused on the latest developments concerning applications of microscopy in the biological, physical and chemical sciences at all dimensional scales, advances in instrumentation, techniques in and educational materials on microscopy. These proceedings gather 17 peer-reviewed technical papers submitted by leading academic and research institutions from nine countries and representing some of the most cutting-edge research available.