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Antoni Muntadas (*Barcelona, 1942) is one of the most important contemporary Spanish artists. His work addresses social, political and communications issues, the relationship between public and private space within social framework, and investigates channels of information and the ways they are used to promulgate ideas and control and censor information. Working in different media, such as photography, video, publications, Internet and multi-media installations, Muntadas often speaks about the condition of being "in between" as a point of departure for his work. This "between" can be characterized as a place of ambiguity outside specific sites or destinations. This two-volume publication is ...
Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts machte zeitgleich mit dem Expressionismus eine neue Kunstform ihre ersten Schritte, die Bild, Sprache und Musik in sich vereinte: der Kinofilm. In Deutschland hatte die expressionistische Ästhetik einen enormen Einfluss auf dieses neue Medium, der sich in Filmen wie Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920), Der Golem (1920), Nosferatu (1922) oder Metropolis (1927) zeigt und bis heute seine Spuren hinterlassen hat. Dieser Band analysiert, wie Themen, Motive, Mythen und Ästhetik des expressionistischen Kinos der 1920er Jahre in den audiovisuellen Medien bis ins 21. Jahrhundert fortwirken und welchen Einfluss sie auf Myth Criticism oder auf populäre Gattungen wie Fantasy, Horror oder Science Fiction nach wie vor ausüben.
This book features research presented and discussed during the Research & Innovation Forum (Rii Forum) 2023. As such, this book offers a unique insight into emerging topics, issues and developments pertinent to the fields of technology, innovation and education and their social impact. Papers included in this book apply inter- and multi-disciplinary approaches to query such issues as technology-enhanced teaching and learning, smart cities, information systems, cognitive computing and social networking. What brings these threads of the discussion together is the question of how advances in computer science—which are otherwise largely incomprehensible to researchers from other fields—can be effectively translated and capitalized on so as to make them beneficial for society as a whole. In this context, Rii Forum and Rii Forum proceedings offer an essential venue where diverse stakeholders, including academics, the think tank sector and decision-makers, can engage in a meaningful dialogue with a view to improving the applicability of advances in computer science.
Tourism conceived as a political and cultural phenomenon, in full expansion thanks to the globalising process of late capitalism which, together with the consumer and leisure society and the information, communication and transport technologies, is radically transforming our territories and (space-time) perception of the world. A contemporary practice, mobility, yet different according to the place one is speaking from: perpetual present and pure space, deterritorialised, for the globalised; impossibility of the present and physically confined space for the localised. The uses of time and space are clearly differentiated and at the same time they themselves differentiate. The pursuit of happ...
With more than 180 films during a career spanning several decades, Jesus Franco (1930-2013) was an extraordinarily prolific and chameleon-like Spanish director, covering virtually every genre from horror to film noir, adventure and erotic, and adapting to all kinds of productions. A one-of-a-kind filmmaker, he was boldly original in the themes, style, and in his idea of cinema. This book examines his life and career between his first short film to the moment he cut his ties with his home country and became an "international" director, with a detailed production history and critical analysis of his films, placing his work within the social and political context of Spanish culture, politics, a...
Los fans han sido tradicionalmente menospreciados como objeto de estudio serio para las aproximaciones sociológicas y culturales de la comunicación. Los fans son, en muchos aspectos, la sublimación del modelo de consumidor de cultura vulgar carente de cualquier clase de gusto. La legitimidad de los fans como objeto de estudio es relativamente reciente. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, los fans se han consolidado como un tema digno de observación y reflexión. A ello ha contribuido sin duda el establecimiento de una buena base de estudios sobre la comunicación en internet. Las tecnologías digitales, y especialmente la infraestructura de internet, han ocupado un papel central en sus r...
En este libro se recogen varias aportaciones en torno a un tema central: el desafío que deben afrontar los historiadores en la medida en que, además de dedicarse a la investigación, han de desempeñar una labor docente y, como tal, de comunicación en la sociedad actual, caracterizada precisamente por la avalancha informativa y la proliferación de noticias falsas, también conocidas como "bulos" o "fake news". Los capítulos giran en torno a la necesidad de revalorizar nuestra disciplina científica, la identificación de herramientas alternativas para la enseñanza de la historia en las aulas, y un compendio de buenas prácticas educativas cuyo fin no es otro que demostrar que otra historia es posible, no para alejarnos de nuestras raíces científicas, sino para dirigirnos al público actual en un lenguaje que le resulte familiar y, al mismo tiempo, presentarnos como alternativa clara, rigurosa y objetiva, a otras noticias e informaciones de dudosa veracidad.
Las técnicas de realización de obras audiovisuales han evolucionado de forma paralela a los avances tecnológicos. Desde sus inicios en el cine, esta evolución ha supuesto, tanto para el realizador como para su público, la incorporación del guión y del montaje, la creación de dramáticos, la aparición y desarrollo de la televisión, la grabación y reproducción de la noticia, la incorporación de la grabación multicámara, el directo, la revolución digital, la preponderancia de la postproducción y de los efectos especiales, entre otros acontecimientos. En la actualidad, el realizador audiovisual mantiene su parcela de autoría, como siempre, pero es en su capacidad de adaptación...
Crisis TV addresses the motif of crisis that has come to dominate contemporary Hispanic televisual production since 2008 and the onset of the global financial crisis. In almost unprecedented fashion, the global economy came to a standstill, reshaping both geopolitical organizations and, more importantly, the lives of billions across the globe. The Great Recession, sociopolitical instabilities, the rise of extremist political parties and governments, and a worldwide pandemic have resulted in a mode of crisis that pervades contemporary television fiction. 2008 also marks a revolution in television, as local and global streaming services began to gain market share and even overtake traditional over-the-air transmission. The essays in Crisis TV identify and analyze the narrative tropes and aesthetic qualities of Hispanic television post-2008 to understand how different regions and genres have negotiated these intersecting crises and changing dynamics in production, dissemination, and consumption.