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“Mexico’s 1910 Revolution engendered a vast range of responses: from novels and autobiographies to political cartoons, feature films and placards. In the light of the centennial commemorations, contributors to this original collection evaluate the cultural legacy of this landmark event in a series of engaging essays. Imagining the Mexican Revolution is a rich resource for those interested in ways in which literary and visual culture mediate our understandings of this complex historical phenomenon.” – Professor Andrea Noble, Durham University “This collection of essays by leading and emerging Mexicanists is a distinct and welcome contribution that enhances public and academic under...
This work seeks to offer a new way of viewing the French Wars of 1792–1815. Most studies of this period offer international, political, and military analyses using the French Revolution and Napoleon as the prime mover. But this book focuses on military and civilian responses to French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, throughout the rest of Europe and the Americas. It shows how the unprecedented mobilization of this era forged a generation of soldiers and civilians sharing a common experience of suffering, bequeathing the West with a new veteran sensibility. Using a range of sources, especially memoirs, this book reveals the adventure and suffering confronting ordinary soldiers campaigning in Europe and the Americas, and the burdens imposed on civilians enduring rising and falling empires across the West. It also reveals how the wars liberated slaves, serfs, and common people through revolutions and insurgencies.
Consequently, the privileges that the indios fronterizos sought to preserve continued to diminish, unable to survive either the late colonial reforms of the Spanish regime or creole conceptions of race and property in the formation of the new nation-state. This story suggests that Mexico's transition from colony to nation can only be understood by revisiting the origins of the colonial system and by recognizing the role of Spain's indigenous allies in both its construction and demolition. The study relates events in the region to broader patterns of identity, loyalty, and subversion throughout the Americas, providing insight into the process of mestizaje that is commonly understood to have shaped Latin America. It also foreshadows the popular conservatism of the nineteenth century and identifies the roots of post-colonial social unrest.
Volume 2 of 6 of the complete premium print version of journal forum for inter-american research (fiar), which is the official electronic journal of the International Association of Inter-American Studies (IAS). fiar was established by the American Studies Program at Bielefeld University in 2008. We foster a dialogic and interdisciplinary approach to the study of the Americas. fiar is a peer-reviewed online journal. Articles in this journal undergo a double-blind review process and are published in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.
This book presents the results of a Project on political polarization in social media by researchers from El Colegio de México under the auspices of the National Electoral Institute of Mexico. Polarization is a pathological form of distancing and opposition between political alternatives. It can have adverses effects, including institutional paralysis and the abandonment of the democratic debate. It also fosters narratives that justify violations and attacks on democracy. Polarization can be expressed in different ways and in different áreas. However, social media networks ─such as Twitter─ are particularly prone to this phenomenon. This study is one of the first of its type in Mexico. Among the most important findings, we show that communities with similar political identities generate echo chambers in both electoral and non-electoral periods. Experimental evidence also indicates that polarization in social media platforms can have offline effects as it tends to reinforce political identities and mobilize Support for or against them.
El totalitarismo es un concepto que surgió en las entreguerras mundiales del siglo XX; sus derivaciones son múltiples y, aunque aquí no revisaremos ni una sola, son referente de este esfuerzo colectivo. Es inevitable tener en cuenta la experiencia de cualquier sistema que ha pretendido la supremacía de un solo pensamiento. La más atroz, sin duda, es la destrucción de la democracia y la libertad en el nombre de la superioridad racial o de alguna clase social, sea el proletariado o un ente amorfo y difuso llamado “pueblo”, que conduciría al paraíso, guiado por alguien con delirios de iluminado o pretensiones de mesías.” Marco Levario Turcott
Cuando se habla acerca de la Independencia de México es común encontrar los nombres de Hígado, Morelos, Allende, Vicente Guerrero, entre otros. Sin embargo, hay muy pocos testimonios sobre la participación de las mujeres en este proceso histórico que fundó nuestra nación. Más allá de las breves referencias a La Corregidora, doña Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, el papel clave de las heroínas insurgentes sigue sin reconocerse a fondo. En el presente volumen, Celia del Palacio, historiadora y novelista, retoma la cautivadora vida de todas aquellas mujeres que renunciaron a todo con tal de ver cumplidos sus ideales; mujeres que se consagraron a la causa insurgente y se pusieron en riesgo con tal de luchar por sus anhelos. La autora nos retrata las historias de Leona Vicario, Antonia Nava La Generala, la heroína de Soto La Marina, Manuela Medina La Capitana, entre otras. Así nos acercamos a mujeres aguerridas que no quisieron esperar pasivamente ni ser sólo espectadoras en el nacimiento de un país, sino que lo dieron todo, fueron perseguidas por el ejército realista y la Inquisición, conocieron la vida en los campos de batalla y fueron juzgadas duramente por su época.
En esta séptima entrega de Q ITESO: Análisis Crítico de Medios se examina un 2014 colmado de acontecimientos sobre con la reconfiguración de los medios de Jalisco y del país, y sus relaciones con el estado, los empresarios y el público. Destaca la aprobación de la Ley Federal de Telecomunicaciones y Radiocomunicación y los nuevos equilibrios de poder que esto supone. También, se analizan las alianzas de algunos diarios nacionales y del estado con medios extranjeros, para compensar algunas carencias y ampliar su oferta editorial e informativa. Otras cuestiones no menos relevantes tienen que ver con la libertad de expresión y la inseguridad laboral en la que viven muchos trabajadores...