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In the current debate around sexting, this book gives a nuanced account of motives, contexts and possible risks of intimate digital communication. Authors discuss how social media shape new dating opportunities through apps and dating sites, how sexting fits within individual’s relational and sexual development. They examine the relationships between sexting, health and sexual risk behaviours and focusing on adolescents, further highlight which role parents can play in relational and sexual education. Chapters cover topics such as abusive sexting behaviours in the context of dating violence and slut shaming, media discourses concerning sexting and the legal framework in several countries that shape the context of sexting. This edited collection will be of great interest to academics and students of communication studies, psychology, health sciences and sociology, as well as policy makers and the general public interested in current debates on how social media are used for intimate communication.
How teens navigate a networked world and how adults can support them. What are teens actually doing on their smartphones? Contrary to many adults’ assumptions, they are not simply “addicted” to their screens, oblivious to the afterlife of what they post, or missing out on personal connection. They are just trying to navigate a networked world. In Behind Their Screens, Emily Weinstein and Carrie James, Harvard researchers who are experts on teens and technology, explore the complexities that teens face in their digital lives, and suggest that many adult efforts to help—“Get off your phone!” “Just don’t sext!”—fall short. Weinstein and James warn against a single-minded foc...
Zusammenfassung: This edited collection examines different facets of organizational communication in the context of current technological developments and disruptions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. AI is making inroads in organizational communication practice, influencing how organizations communicate and interact with their environments. It drives, augments and supplements organizational communication. Chatbots, for example, are becoming increasingly relied upon by organizations, using them to manage basic communication tasks that used to belong solidly to the realm of human. Similarly, developments such as ChatGPT have attracted scholarly attention due to their perceived implicati...
Stories of teen sexting scandals, cyberbullying, and image-based sexual abuse have become commonplace fixtures of the digital age, with many adults struggling to identify ways to monitor young people's digital engagement. In When Rape Goes Viral, Anna Gjika argues that rather than focusing on surveillance, we should examine such incidents for what they tell us about youth peer cultures and the gender norms and sexual ethics governing their interactions. Drawing from interviews with teens and high-profile cases of mediated juvenile sexual assault, Gjika exposes the deeply unequal and heteronormative power dynamics informing teens' intimate relationships and online practices, and she critically interrogates the role of digital cultures and broader social values in sanctioning abuse. The book also explores the consequences of social media and digital evidence for young victim-survivors and perpetrators of sexual assault, detailing the paradoxical capacities of technology for social and legal responses to gender-based violence.
This volume provides the basis for contemporary privacy and social media research and informs global as well as local initiatives to address issues related to social media privacy through research, policymaking, and education. Renowned scholars in the fields of communication, psychology, philosophy, informatics, and law look back on the last decade of privacy research and project how the topic will develop in the next decade. The text begins with an overview of key scholarship in online privacy, expands to focus on influential factors shaping privacy perceptions and behaviors – such as culture, gender, and trust – and continues with specific examinations of concerns around vulnerable pop...
Intimate partner violence (IPV), defined as physical, sexual, emotional, and economic abuse and controlling behaviors inflicted within intimate partner relationships, is a global crisis that extends beyond national and sociocultural boundaries, affecting people of all ages, religions, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds. Though studies exist that seek to explain how people become trapped within violent relationships and what factors facilitate survival, escape and safety, this book provides fresh insights into this complex and multifaceted issue. People often ask of women in abusive relationships “why does she stay?” Critics suggest that this question carries implicit notions of victim...
This book examines the social consequences of mobile communication in the era of the smartphone and how the smartphone has positively and negatively impacted society.
Hoe verhouden Nederlandstaligen in België zich tot 'hun' dialect? Gaat dat dialect als sociale werkelijkheid vooruit of achteruit? Of zijn de herleving van het dialect en de achteruitgang ervan twee samenlopende sporen, die erop wijzen dat de vraag naar de taalontwikkeling in Vlaanderen anders gesteld moet worden? Joris Van Ouytsel heeft deze vragen op een vlekkeloze wijze beantwoord in zijn meesterschapsproeve, die uitmondde in dit boek. De auteur neemt ons mee op zijn zoektocht. Hij staat stil bij de recente geschiedenis van de taal in de zuidelijke Nederlanden, hij bekijkt de standpunten over de huidige ontwikkeling zoals die bij taalgeleerden te vinden zijn en toont hoe belangrijk de interactie tussen taal en maatschappij is. De positie van vrouwen en mannen, de toegenomen mobiliteit, de industrialisering, de verstedelijking, het hoger opleidingsniveau, de wereld van de media, vooral dan van radio en televisie, en de recentere communicatiemiddelen, het zijn gegevens die inwerken op de taal en omgekeerd. - Provided by publisher.
De digitalisering van onze samenleving werkt door in nieuwe vormen van criminaliteit, overkoepelend aangeduid als cybercrime. Wat weten we echter over daders, slachtoffers en verschillende vormen van computercriminaliteit? In dit Cahier belichten Nederlandse en Belgische experten het thema politie en cybercrime. De auteurs gaan vervolgens in op belangrijke actuele vraagstukken. Dit alles gebaseerd op eigen praktijk en resultaten van recent (internationaal) onderzoek. Specifiek komt onder meer aan bod: - Bewijsverzameling in een digitale omgeving; - Specifieke vormen, zoals helpdeskfraude, sexting, cyborgcrime; - Profiling van daders; - Privaat-publieke samenwerking (PPS); - Lokale aanpak van...