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Monet Yleisradion ohjelmatyöntekijät ovat julkaisseet muistelmia, mutta tekniikasta on kerrottu harvemmin. Ainut Yleisradion tekniikan historiaa käsittelevä teos on vuonna 1996 julkaistu tohtori Kari Ilmosen Yleisradion historian kolmas osa. Teknillinen johtaja Paavo Velander on julkaissut vuonna 1986 suppeahkon muistelmateoksen "Kidekoneesta väritelevisioon". Yleisradion tuotantotekniikan yli-insinööri Pentti Pesari on vastaavasti muistellut omaa uraansa ja ennen kaikkea Yleisradion televisiotoimintaa vuonna 2005 julkaistussa kirjassaan "Näköradiosta digitelevisioon". DI Jorma Laihon 40 vuoden ura Yleisradiossa kattoi ajanjakson vuosina 1973-2013. Tänä aikana Yleisradio muuttui t...
The Weight of Images explores the ways in which media images can train their viewers’ bodies. Proposing a shift away from an understanding of spectatorship as being constituted by acts of the mind, this book favours a theorization of relations between bodies and images as visceral, affective engagements that shape our body image - with close attention to one particularly charged bodily characteristic in contemporary western culture: fat. The first mapping of the ways in which fat, gendered bodies are represented across a variety of media forms and genres, from reality television to Hollywood movies, from TV sitcoms to documentaries, from print magazine and news media to online pornography,...
The First Conference on the History of Nordic Computing (HiNC1) was organized in Trondheim, in June 2003. The HiNC1 event focused on the early years of computing, that is the years from the 1940s through the 1960s, although it formally extended to year 1985. In the preface of the proceedings of HiNC1, Janis Bubenko, Jr. , John Impagliazzo, and Arne Sølvberg describe well the peculiarities of early Nordic c- puting [1]. While developing hardware was a necessity for the first professionals, quite soon the computer became an industrial product. Computer scientists, among others, grew increasingly interested in programming and application software. P- gress in these areas from the 1960s to the ...