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This collection of articles by well-known experts was originally published in 2000 and is intended for researchers in computer science, practitioners of formal methods, and computer programmers working in safety-critical applications or in the technology of component-based systems. The work brings together several elements of this area that were fast becoming the focus of much research and practice in computing. The introduction by Clemens Szyperski gives a snapshot of research in the field. About half the articles deal with theoretical frameworks, models, and systems of notation; the rest of the book concentrates on case studies by researchers who have built prototype systems and present findings on architectures verification. The emphasis is on advances in the technological infrastructure of component-based systems; how to design and specify reusable components; and how to reason about, verify, and validate systems from components. Thus the book shows how theory might move into practice.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First European Workshop on Software Architecture, EWSA 2004, held in St Andrews, Scotland, UK in May 2004 in conjunction with ICSE 2004. The 9 revised full research papers, 4 revised full experience papers, and 6 revised position papers presented together with 5 invited presentations on ongoing European projects on software architectures were carefully reviewed and selected from 48 submissions. All current aspects of software architectures are addressed ranging from foundational and methodological issues to application issues of practical relevance.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Compiler Construction, CC 2003, held in Warsaw, Poland, in April 2003. The 20 revised full regular papers and one tool demonstration paper presented together with two invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 83 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on register allocation, language constructs and their implementation, type analysis, Java, pot pourri, and optimization.
ETAPS 2002 is the ?fth instance of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software. ETAPS is an annual federated conference that was established in 1998by combining a number of existing and new conferences. This year it comprises ?ve conferences (FOSSACS, FASE, ESOP, CC, TACAS), thirteen satellite workshops (ACL2, AGT, CMCS, COCV, DCC, INT, LDTA, SC, SFEDL, SLAP, SPIN, TPTS and VISS), eight invited lectures (not including those that are speci?c to the satellite events), and several tutorials. The events that comprise ETAPS address various aspects of the system - velopment process, including speci?cation, design, implementation, analysis and improvement. The languages, methodologies and tools which support these - tivities are all well within its scope. Di?erent blends of theory and practice are represented, with an inclination towards theory with a practical motivation on one hand and soundly-based practice on the other. Many of the issues involved in software design apply to systems in general, including hardware systems, and the emphasis on software is not intended to be exclusive.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, FOSSACS 2004, held in Barcelona, Spain in March/April 2004. The 34 revised full papers presented together with the abstracts of 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from over 130 submissions. Among the topics addressed are lambda calculus, cryptographic protocol analysis, graphs and grammar systems, decision theory, bisimulation, rewriting, normalization, specification, verification, process calculi, mobile code, automata, program semantics, dynamic logics, timed languages, security analysis, information-theoretical aspects.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, SBMF 2020, which was supposed to take place in Ouro Preto, Brazil, in November 2020. Instead the symposium took place virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 10 regular papers presented together with 3 invited talks in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 17 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections such as: experience reports; models, languages and semantics; and software product lines. Chapter ‘Safety Assurance of a High Voltage Controller for an Industrial Robotic System’ is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, FOSSACS 2003, held in Warsaw, Poland in April 2003. The 26 revised full papers presented together with an invited paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 96 submissions. Among the topics covered are algebraic models; automata and language theory; behavioral equivalences; categorical models; computation processes over discrete and continuous data; computation structures; logics of programs; models of concurrent, reactive, distributed, and mobile systems; process algebras and calculi; semantics of programming languages; software specification and refinement; transition systems; and type systems and type theory.
This volume contains the proceedings of AMAST 2002, the 9th International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, held during September 9–13, 2002, in Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, R ́eunion Island, France. The major goal of the AMAST conferences is to promote research that may lead to setting software technology on a ?rm mathematical basis. This goal is achieved through a large international cooperation with contributions from both academia and industry. Developing a software technology on a mathematical basis p- duces software that is: (a) correct, and the correctness can be proved mathem- ically, (b) safe, so that it can be used in the implementation of critical systems,...
ETAPS'99 is the second instance of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software. ETAPS is an annual federated conference that was established in 1998 by combining a number of existing and new conferences. This year it comprises ve conferences (FOSSACS, FASE, ESOP, CC, TACAS), four satellite workshops (CMCS, AS, WAGA, CoFI), seven invited lectures, two invited tutorials, and six contributed tutorials. The events that comprise ETAPS address various aspects of the system - velopment process, including speci cation, design, implementation, analysis and improvement. The languages, methodologies and tools which support these - tivities are all well within its scope. Dieren t blends of theory and practice are represented, with an inclination towards theory with a practical motivation on one hand and soundly-based practice on the other. Many of the issues involved in software design apply to systems in general, including hardware systems, and the emphasis on software is not intended to be exclusive.
This volume contains the proceedings of the fIrst workshop held by the Theory and Formal Methods Section ofthe Imperial College Department of Computing. It contains papers from almost every member of the Section, from our long-term academic visitors, and from those who have recently left us. The papers fall into four broad areas: • semantics • concurrency • logic • specification with some papers spanning a number of disciplines. The subject material varies from work on mathematical foundations to practical applications of this theory, expressing the Section's commitment to both the foundations of computer science, and the application of theory to real computing problems. In preparing...