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Recently, De Nederlandsche Bank in coope:ration with the CentER for Economic Research of Tilburg University organised an international conference on monetary policy. This volume contains the papers, comments and speeches given on that occasion. The organisation of such a conference and the publication of this book were possible only through the efforts of a number of people. More in particular I would like to thank the organising committee (prof Onno de Beaufort Wijnholds, assoc prof Sylvester Eijffinger, dr Lex Hoogduin and Broos van der Werff), Hans Haan the conference manager, Imelda Drubbel and Nicolette Ligtenberg who constituted the conference secretariat, Bert Groothoff who acted as p...
This book, edited by J.B. Zulu, Ian S. McCarthy, Susana Almuiña, and Gabriel Sensenbrenner, presents the proceedings of the special Joint Meetings on Central Banking Technical Assistance held in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1994, and provides detailed information on important issues in central banking, including a comparative sample of 31 countries. The arrangements concerning such issues as the size and composition of the policymaking board, the role of the central bank in monetary and exchange rate policy, resolution of conflict between the central bank and the government, public accountability, relations with the markets, and credit to the government are reviewed.
Europe has a rich monetary history. Until recently, its many central banks assigned divergent priorities and pursued policy objectives via different routes. As a result, Europe's past provides fertile ground for those seeking practical guidance to the art ofcentral banking. The importance of this past gained a new dimension with the prospect of Economic and Monetary Union in 1999, as the participating countries were faced with the challenge of bridging their differences and forging a common monetary policy strategy that would apply throughout the new currency area. At the same time, these countries sought to build forth on the theretofore most successful central bank strategies, thereby main...
This book examines the challenges facing the international monetary and financial system, as well as the future role of the Bretton Woods institutions in addressing those challenges. The volume is based on the proceedings of a 2004 conference cosponsored by the Banco de Espana and the International Monetary Fund to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Bretton Woods meetings in July 1944. The chapters look at global imbalances, exchange rate issues, debt in emerging economies, and innovations in private and multilateral lending.
Las economías europeas, a diferencia de la estadounidense, se caracterizan en general por una menor flexibilidad y una mayor importancia de los aspectos institucionales. Por lo que respecta al mercado de trabajo, se han elaborado en Europa modelos de inspiración keynesiana basados en la interacción de dos grupos de agentes con poder de mercado: trabajadores que determinan los salarios y empresarios que determinan los precios; lo que describiría más adecuadamente el comportamiento de las economías europeas. El modelo desarrollado en este libro se basará, precisamente, en este tipo de consideraciones, con el fin de entender mejor nuestra realidad europea. Al mismo tiempo, el libro proporciona las herramientas básicas para entender cómo se lleva a cabo el análisis macroeconómico y se evalúan las políticas económicas. Al presentar, bajo un hilo conductor común, los temas principales de un curso de macroeconomía intermedia, este libro es heredero del espíritu del *Curso de Macroeconomía*, de Oscar Bajo y Ma Antònia Monés, publicado en esta misma editorial.
Desde un prestigio único entre nuestros economistas, y con la garantía de más de medio siglo de trabajo, Juan Velarde sintetiza todo el siglo XX (y algo más) de nuestra historia en su aspecto económico, desde la Restauración hasta el gobierno de Rodríguez Zapatero. «Desde que comencé a indagar el comportamiento del entramado económico español, comprendí que éste, en cada etapa, era el resultado de la acción de los diversos factores de la producción ---dentro de un marco institucional que incluye la política económica, naturalmente--- sobre una economía preexistente». «Deseo con este libro haber contribuido a que los españoles no contemplen impasibles la aparición de una nueva decadencia económica de España, como la que se desarrolló a lo largo del final de nuestra Edad Moderna».
Written in celebration of its 350th anniversary in 2018, this book details the history of the central bank of Sweden, Sveriges Riksbank, as presented by Klas Fregert. It relates the bank's history to the development of other major central banks around the world. Chapters are written by some of the more prominent scholars in the field of monetary economics and economic history. These chapters include an analysis of the Bank of England written by Charles Goodhart; the evolution of banking in America, written by Barry Eichengreen; a first account of the People's Bank of China, written by Franklin Allen, Xian Gu, and Jun Qian; as well as a chapter about the brief but important history of the European Central Bank, written by Otmar Issing.
Se narra el nacimiento y desarrollo de la primera Bolsa española hasta el momento actual deteniéndose en dos aspectos fundamentales: sus reformas legislativas y su internacionalización.