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  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 120


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: RFB Editora

Trabalho da Enfermagem: esse é o tema deste livro que você tem em mãos. Aqui a Enfermagem é apresentada como um sujeito que se forma e se organiza politicamente no processo de trabalho. Pode-se dizer que não há novidade nessa apresentação. E isso é certo. Mas, também é certo que o imenso contingente de profissionais de Enfermagem precisa refletir muito sobre a sua própria profissão pela perspectiva do trabalho. Essa é uma afirmação que parece estar impregnada de tautologia. E pode ser. Ainda assim, insisto no convite para que todas as pessoas que exercem a profissão de Enfermagem separem ao menos um pequeno período de tempo para ler e refletir sobre as suas atividades pela perspectiva do trabalho, como a que é oferecida por este livro.

  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 113
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 493


Sugarcane: Agricultural Production, Bioenergy and Ethanol explores this vital source for "green" biofuel from the breeding and care of the plant all the way through to its effective and efficient transformation into bioenergy. The book explores sugarcane's 40 year history as a fuel for cars, along with its impressive leaps in production and productivity that have created a robust global market. In addition, new prospects for the future are discussed as promising applications in agroenergy, whether for biofuels or bioelectricity, or for bagasse pellets as an alternative to firewood for home heating purposes are explored. Experts from around the world address these topics in this timely book as global warming continues to represent a major concern for both crop and green energy production. - Focuses on sugarcane production and processing for bioenergy - Provides a holistic approach to sugarcane's potential – from the successful growth and harvest of the plant to the end-use product - Presents important information for "green energy" options

Decision-Making Support Systems: Achievements and Challenges for the New Decade
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 435

Decision-Making Support Systems: Achievements and Challenges for the New Decade

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2002-07-01
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  • Publisher: IGI Global

Annotation The book presents state-of-the-art knowledge about decision-making support systems (DMSS). Its main goals are to provide a compendium of quality chapters on decision-making support systems that help diffuse scarce knowledge about effective methods and strategies for successfully designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating decision-making support systems, and to create an awareness among readers about the relevance of decision-making support systems in the current complex and dynamic management environment.

Nossos Ancestrais, Genealogia E História
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 656

Nossos Ancestrais, Genealogia E História

Este livro, que levou vinte e sete anos de pesquisas genealógicas, será de grande relevância, uma vez que vai documentar e registrar a genealogia de grandes famílias de quase todo o Centro-Oeste Mineiro, e ainda, narrar um pouco de sua história, de sua etnia e de sua cultura. Seu público alvo será, além, de seus próprios descendentes, também de futuros pesquisadores de seus próprios ramos genealógicos e estudiosos sobre o assunto. Sobretudo, será de grande importância para a História de Minas e do Brasil, na medida em que essas famílias deram ao nosso país elementos de realce na vida pública, artística, cultural, etc. Durante todos estes longos anos de pesquisas, que dediquei e dedico as Famílias Rabelo, Vasconcelos, Gonçalves da Costa e outras, sejam através de batistérios paroquiais, arquivos públicos, prefeituras e cartórios, tomando depoimento de várias pessoas, principalmente dos mais velhos, cujas memórias remontam a um passado mais distante, dando-me incentivo e informações importantes para a construção desta obra.

The Atlantic Forest
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 527

The Atlantic Forest

The Atlantic Forest is one of the 36 hotspots for biodiversity conservation worldwide. It is a unique, large biome (more than 3000 km in latitude; 2500 in longitude), marked by high biodiversity, high degree of endemic species and, at the same time, extremely threatened. Approximately 70% of the Brazilian population lives in the area of this biome, which makes the conflict between biodiversity conservation and the sustainability of the human population a relevant issue. This book aims to cover: 1) the historical characterization and geographic variation of the biome; 2) the distribution of the diversity of some relevant taxa; 3) the main threats to biodiversity, and 4) possible opportunities to ensure the biodiversity conservation, and the economic and social sustainability. Also, it is hoped that this book can be useful for those involved in the development of public policies aimed at the conservation of this important global biome.

The Alkaloids
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 288

The Alkaloids

Provides coverage of this field. Each volume provides detailed coverage of particular classes or sources of alkaloids.

Connecting Expertise Multidisciplinary Development For The Future
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 2526
Placar Magazine
  • Language: pt
  • Pages: 80

Placar Magazine

  • Type: Magazine
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  • Published: 1980-10-17
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  • Publisher: Unknown

PLACAR: a maior revista brasileira de futebol. Notícias, perfis, entrevistas, fotos exclusivas.

Doing Business 2015
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 331

Doing Business 2015

Twelfth in a series of annual reports comparing business regulation in 189 economies, Doing Business 2015 measures regulations affecting 10 areas of everyday business activity: Starting a business Dealing with construction permits Getting electricity Registering property Getting credit Protecting minority investors Paying taxes Trading across borders Enforcing contracts Resolving insolvency Labor market regulations This year's report will present data for a second city for the 11 economies with more than 100 million inhabitants. These are Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, and the United States. Three of the 10 topics covere...