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Media, Power and Empowerment
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 491

Media, Power and Empowerment

This collection brings together 71 papers by 83 authors from 20 countries presented at the 5th Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference, titled “Media, Power and Empowerment”, in Prague, Czech Republic, in April 2012. It maps out trends in CEE media research across the entire region and provides insight into the broad span of relevant topics. The contributors to the volume successfully voice the multiple, yet specific, questions relevant to the CEE countries; the papers offer original research results to the reader, and invite them to participate in further debate on CEE media and communications research. To date, there have not been many publications dedicated to ...

The Radical Right During Crisis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 486

The Radical Right During Crisis

While the COVID-19 pandemic overshadowed all else and would quickly have a lasting impact on our daily lives, other events related to the radical right in 2020 soon surfaced. From terrorist attacks in Germany and India to anti-mask protests across the U.S. and Europe, radical right violence escalated in the midst of circulating conspiracy theories and disinformation. The yearbook draws upon insightful analyses from an international network of scholars, policymakers, and practitioners who explore the dynamics and impact of the radical right. It explores a wide range of topics including reflections on authoritarianism and fascism, the role of ideology and (counter-)intellectuals, and radical-right responses to the pandemic and calls for police reform in the height of the Black Lives Matter protests. It ends with important assessments on best approaches towards countering the radical right, both online and offline. This timely overview provides a broad examination of the global radical right in 2020, which will be useful for scholars, students, policymakers, journalists, and the public.

The Global and Social Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 338

The Global and Social Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic

This book directly addresses the social and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. It does so by focusing on both the immediate effects during the pandemic and the lockdowns, as well as the issues related to the long-term social consequences that are likely to result from the economic crisis in the coming years. To date, most philosophical essays and books have focused on the health aspects of the pandemic, and in particular on the fields of medical ethics and public health ethics. Containing a truly international and interdisciplinary group of scholars, a unique and global perspective is offered on the rarely discussed social and economic consequences of the pandemic. This book is of great interest to academic philosophers, but also to researchers from the social sciences.

Digital Unsettling
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 264

Digital Unsettling

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-04-11
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  • Publisher: NYU Press

How digital networks are positioned within the enduring structures of coloniality The revolutionary aspirations that fueled decolonization circulated on paper—as pamphlets, leaflets, handbills, and brochures. Now—as evidenced by movements from the Arab Spring to Black Lives Matter—revolutions, protests, and political dissidence are profoundly shaped by information circulating through digital networks. Digital Unsettling is a critical exploration of digitalization that puts contemporary “decolonizing” movements into conversation with theorizations of digital communication. Sahana Udupa and Ethiraj Gabriel Dattatreyan interrogate the forms, forces, and processes that have reinforced ...

Social Media Victimization
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 111

Social Media Victimization

Every week we read more and more stories of someone who commits suicide, gets fired, gets "canceled", abandoned, or worse, because of a conflict or misunderstanding involving social media. Using theories that originated in studies of extremism and terrorism, Jessica Emami analyzes the processes that drive people to punish others using social media. Professor Emami makes a case that "cyberpunishment" is driven by outrage against our personal sense of morality, and a deep desire for our act of punishment to be acknowledged by others. Moreover, she demonstrates that today's social media platforms are by their very structure unable to curb or resist cyberpunishment.

Methods for Studying Video Games and Religion
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 242

Methods for Studying Video Games and Religion

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-11-28
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Game studies has been an understudied area within the emerging field of digital media and religion. Video games can reflect, reject, or reconfigure traditionally held religious ideas and often serve as sources for the production of religious practices and ideas. This collection of essays presents a broad range of influential methodological approaches that illuminate how and why video games shape the construction of religious beliefs and practices, and also situates such research within the wider discourse on how digital media intersect with the religious worlds of the 21st century. Each chapter discusses a particular method and its theoretical background, summarizes existing research, and provides a practical case study that demonstrates how the method specifically contributes to the wider study of video games and religion. Featuring contributions from leading and emerging scholars of religion and digital gaming, this book will be an invaluable resource for scholars in the areas of digital culture, new media, religious studies, and game studies across a wide range of disciplines.

Expressions of Radicalization
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 376

Expressions of Radicalization

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-12-15
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  • Publisher: Springer

This edited collection considers whether it is possible to discern how the level of ideology is affected by radicalization. In other words: what happens in the minds of people before they decide to use political violence as means to attain their goals? Also this book asks: what has to happen in the minds of people in order to preclude them from using political violence as a way of attaining their goals? This volume unites scholars from several disciplines and perspectives from a number of different geographical, social and cultural contexts with the overarching aim to refine our understanding of what ‘radicalization’ actually implies.

Media life
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 267

Media life

Publikace předkládá ucelenou a originální koncepci „života v médiích“. Přestože člověk obvykle trvá na pojetí technologie jako něčeho, co je vůči životu vnější, média nejen reprodukují, ale i utvářejí svět, v němž žijeme. Přítomnost médií v lidském životě obvykle vnímáme, jen pokud jde o jejich technologickou infrastrukturu, je ale třeba si uvědomit, že intuitivnost a samozřejmost jejich používání vedou k tomu, že mizejí z našeho aktivního vědomí a stávají se neviditelnými. Autor představuje nové formy společenského uspořádání, které vznikají vlivem globálního masového používání mediálních technologií. Život v ...

Public relations
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 108

Public relations

Na českém trhu dosud chyběla podobně komplexní a moderně pojatá publikace z oboru public relations, zaměřená na domácí podmínky a obsahující případové studie. Jejím cílem je stát se základním kánonem oboru. Je určená především studentům vysokých škol, PR manažerům, tiskovým mluvčím a dalším pracovníkům PR v komerčním, státním a veřejném sektoru. Představuje jak základní teoretické přístupy a koncepty, tak důležité poznatky ze souvisejících disciplín, a popisuje specifické oblasti PR včetně jejich etických a legislativních hranic. Jednoznačným odlišením od ostatních knih je silný důraz na domácí vývoj a případové studie, které umožní čtenáři snadnou orientaci v tématech, která jsou mu blízká. Kniha však využívá i řadu mezinárodních teorií a výzkumů (např. European Communication Monitor či Edelman Trust Barometer), které jsou nezbytné pro pochopení celosvětového vývoje oboru. Autorkou publikace je vedoucí katedry marketingové komunikace a public relations, která také úzce spolupracuje s praxí.

Čtvrtá revoluce
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 273

Čtvrtá revoluce

Vývoj informačních a komunikačních technologií (ICT) radikálně proměňuje nejen to, jak rozumíme světu a jak vzájemně komunikujeme, ale také způsob, jakým se díváme sami na sebe a jak chápeme svou vlastní povahu, existenci a odpovědnost. Rozšíření ICT tak představuje čtvrtou revoluci v dlouhém procesu přehodnocování základní podstaty a role lidstva ve vesmíru: jakožto lidstvo netvoříme nehybný střed vesmíru (kopernikovská revoluce), nelišíme se nijak mimořádně od zbytku zvířecího světa (darwinovská revoluce) a zdaleka nejsme sami pro sebe ve svém vědomí zcela transparentní (freudovská revoluce). ICT nám nyní dávají najevo, že nepředstavujeme izolované, odpojené činitele, ale informační organismy, kteří spolu s jinými druhy těchto činitelů sdílejí globální prostředí, v konečném pohledu utvářené z informací, takzvanou infosféru (Turingova revoluce).