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El Morell: un poble, una història no és una obra d'història en voga, no pretén ser un recull i anàlisi de dades (socials, econòmiques, polítiques, etc.). És un llibre on la Història amb majúscules deixa pas a la microhistòria, a la vida de la gent. En Josep Bultó ens ofereix un petit viatge en el temps, on ressegueix les passes dels homes i les dones, en alguns casos des del naixement fins a la mort, en què tot rememorant els seus records i, al mateix temps, les vivències dels amics i amigues, ens endinsa en un món en part ja desaparegut. Passejarem pels carrers sense asfaltar, amb roderes marcades pel pas del carros; reviurem converses en què les dites populars eren freqüents. El seu interès ultrapassa l'àmbit estrictament local. Hi trobem un retrat social d'una forma de viure que, amb petites variants, podríem trobar en tots els pobles; uns cicles de vida marcats per les feines del camp, uns preceptes religiosos presents a totes les cases, unes sessions dobles de cinema els diumenges (on podíem menjar i fumar), uns enterraments establerts en tres categories i moltes altres curiositats que anireu descobrint o recordant quan us hi endinseu.
Michael P. Carroll argues that the academic study of religion in the United States continues to be shaped by a "Protestant imagination" that has warped our perception of the American religious experience and its written history and analysis. In this provocative study, Carroll explores a number of historiographical puzzles that emerge from the American Catholic story as it has been understood through the Protestant tradition. Reexamining the experience of Catholicism among Irish immigrants, Italian Americans, Acadians and Cajuns, and Hispanics, Carroll debunks the myths that have informed much of this history. Shedding new light on lived religion in America, Carroll moves an entire academic field in new, exciting directions and challenges his fellow scholars to open their minds and eyes to develop fresh interpretations of American religious history.
What's in a nineteenth-century philanthropist? Fear of an uprising. But the frightened philanthropist has a remedy. Aware that the urban surge of the working-class masses in Spain would create a state of emergency, he or she devises a means to seduce the masses away from rebellion by taking on himself or herself the role of the seducer: the capitalist intellectual hero invested in the caretaking of the unpredictable working class. Intellectual Philanthropy examines cultural practices used by philanthropists in modern Iberia. It explains the meaning and role of intellectual philanthropy by focusing on the devices and apparatuses philanthropists devised to realize their projects. Intellectual ...
Between the sixteenth and the nineteenth centuries, the west central African kingdom of Kongo practiced Christianity and actively participated in the Atlantic world as an independent, cosmopolitan realm. Drawing on an expansive and largely unpublished set of objects, images, and documents, Cécile Fromont examines the advent of Kongo Christian visual culture and traces its development across four centuries marked by war, the Atlantic slave trade, and, finally, the rise of nineteenth-century European colonialism. By offering an extensive analysis of the religious, political, and artistic innovations through which the Kongo embraced Christianity, Fromont approaches the country’s conversion a...
Writing about music, far from being the specialized domain of the rock critic with encyclopedic knowledge of micro-genres or the fancy-pants star journalist flying on private planes with Led Zeppelin, has become something almost any music lover can do—and does. It’s been said, however, that writing about music is a difficult, even pointless enterprise—an absurd impossibility, like “dancing about architecture.” But aside from the fact that dancing about architecture would be awesome, what is that ineffable something that drives people to write about music at all? In this short, insightful book, Joel Heng Hartse unpacks the rock writer Richard Meltzer’s assertion that writing about music should be a “parallel artistic effort” with music itself—and argues that music and the impulse to write about it is part of the eminently mysterious desire for meaning-making that makes us human. Touching on the close resonances between music, language, love, and belief, Dancing about Architecture is a Reasonable Thing to Do is relevant to anyone who finds deep human and spiritual meaning in music, writing, and the mysterious connections between them.
"Social Construction of the Past examines labour, race and gender and its relationship to power and class. It includes chapters on a broad range of topics, from the role of intellectuals in restructuring a non-apartheid South Africa, to Haitian working-class women using sexuality to resist domination. It should be essential reading for academics and students from a whole range of different social and intellectual backgrounds, including anthropology, archaeology, history, comparative literature, political science and sociology."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Ghosts of Colonies Past and Present is the first comprehensive examination of how the literary production of Benito P�rez Gald�s, widely considered Spain's greatest nineteenth-century novelist, addresses the impact of imperial loss on the citizens of Spain. Well before the events that would lead inexorably toward 1898, Gald�s's texts question the nature of Spanish imperialism and the effect of colonial history on the lives of metropolitan citizens. Methodologically framed by trauma studies, affect studies and the concept of the imperial turn, a close reading of the texts reveals Gald�s's preoccupation with explaining not only how Spain lost its vast territories in the Americas in the...
Does gender condition politicians’ discourse strategies in parliament? This is the question we try to answer in A Gender-based Approach to Parliamentary Discourse: The Andalusian Parliament. This book, written by experts in the field of discourse analysis, covers key aspects of political discourse such as gender, identity and verbal and nonverbal strategies: intensification, enumerative series, non-literal quotations, pseudo-desemantisation, lexical colloquialisation, emotion, eye contact and time management. It provides a large number of examples from a balanced gender parliament, the Andalusian Parliament, and it focuses mainly on argumentation, since parliamentary discourse is above all argumentative. This book will prove invaluable to students and teachers in the field of discourse analysis, and more specifically of political discourse, and will also be very useful to politicians and anyone interested in communication strategies. As of January 2019, this e-book is freely available, thanks to the support of libraries working with Knowledge Unlatched.