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Doctor Alexandre Sanvisens Marfull
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 288

Doctor Alexandre Sanvisens Marfull

En este libro publicado en ocasión del décimo aniversario de su muerte, se presenta una aproximación al perfil personal, intelectual y académico del Dr. Alexandre Sanvisens Marfull (1918-1995) que durante toda su vida estuvo vinculado a la Universidad de Barcelona. Primero como alumno de Filosofía y Derecho, después como profesor de la Facultad de Filosofía desde el año 1942 y, finalmente, como catedrático (1971) de Pedagogía General de la misma Universidad. Formado al socaire del magisterio de los hermanos Tomás y Joaquín Carreras Artau, el profesor Sanvisens se vinculó a la tradición filosófica catalana (Martí de Eixalá, Llorens Barba) perfilando un pensamiento que se cara...

National Union Catalog
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 616

National Union Catalog

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1978
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Aproximación histórica al desarrollo de la astronomía en España.
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 528
L'acció pancatalanista i la llengua
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 164

L'acció pancatalanista i la llengua


Transactions of the International Astronomical Union
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 912

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

IAU Transactions XXIIB summarizes the work of the XXIInd General Assembly. The discourses given during the Inaugural and Closing Ceremonies are reproduced in Chapters I and III, respectively. The proceedings of the two sessions of the General Assembly will be found in Chapter II, which includes the Resolutions and the report of the Finance Committee. The Statutes, Bye-Laws and a few working rules of the Union are published in Chapter IV. The Accounts and other aspects of the administration of the Union are recorded in Chapter V, together with the report of the Executive Committee for this last triennium, and provide the permanent record for the Union in the period 1991-1994. This volume also contains the Commission reports from The Hague compiled by the Presidents of the Commissions (Chapter VI). Finally, Chapter VII contains the list of countries adhering to the Union and the alphabetical, geographical and commission membership lists of about 8000 individual members. The IAU still appears to be unique among the scientific Unions in maintaining this category of individual membership which contributes in a crucial way to the spirit and the aims of the Union.

Subject Catalog
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1032

Subject Catalog

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Escriptors i erudits contemporanis
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 348

Escriptors i erudits contemporanis


Proceedings of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly Prague 2006
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 530

Proceedings of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly Prague 2006

IAU Transactions XXVIB contains the Proceedings of the IAU XXVII General Assembly held in Prague, 14-25 August 2006, hosting a total of 2412 participants from 73 countries. The Assembly featured a rich scientific program, comprising 6 Symposia, 17 Joint Discussions and 7 Special Sessions. During the program about 650 papers were presented and more than 1550 posters displayed. The Proceedings of the 6 Symposia have been published in the Proceedings of the IAU Symposia Series, and the proceedings of the Joint Discussions and Special Sessions feature in IAU Highlights of Astronomy, 14. Together with those 7 volumes, these Transactions cover the entire General Assembly. In addition to the scientific program, the XXVI General Assembly hosted the regular Business Meetings of the EC, the 12 Divisions, 40 Commissions and 75 Working Groups. This volume records the organizational and administrative business of the XXVI General Assembly and the status of the IAU membership.

Mossèn Alcover i les comarques centrals del territori lingüístic
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 242

Mossèn Alcover i les comarques centrals del territori lingüístic

Estudi des de diversos punts de vista de la figura i l’obra de mossèn Joaquim Garcia Girona (Benassal, 1867 Baeza, 1928), un cas molt singular d’intel·lectual compromès amb la llengua. En aquest volum, Lluís Gimeno Betí, professor de la Universitat Jaume I, analitza i publica per primera vegada la correspondència entre mossèn Garcia Girona, mossèn Antoni M. Alcover i el seu jove deixeble Francesc de B. Moll, i hi afegeix altres textos inèdits de Garcia i Girona, que contribueixen a conèixer-lo millor i a situar-lo entre els lexicògrafs i traductors valencians del segle XX.