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The topics addressed in this book have traditionally been covered in separate publications on civil and commercial law. This dualism of regimes has made it difficult for students and professionals alike to comprehend Spanish private law as a whole. In the past this has led to inefficient duplication of explanations, gaps in key areas and an altogether fragmented picture. Introduction to Spanish Private Law presents a consolidated, modern, and realistic image of today’s Spanish private legal system. It combines both civil and commercial law and integrates them in the same book, making the overall subject far more accessible to readers. This united approach results in a more logical and effi...
This book seeks to enrich and, in some cases, reverse current ideas on corruption and its prevention. It is a long held belief that sanctions are the best guard against corrupt practise. This innovative work argues that in some cases sanctions paradoxically increase corruption and that controls provide opportunities for corrupt transactions. Instead it suggests that better regulation and responsive enforcement, not sanctions, offer the most effective response to corruption. Taking both a theoretical and applied approach, it examines the question from a global perspective, drawing on in particular a regulatory perspective, to provide a model for tackling corrupt practises.
The pace and scale of the exchange of cultural goods of all sorts&—paintings, furniture, even ladies' fans&—increased sharply in nineteenth-century Spain, and new institutions and practices for exhibiting as well as valorizing &"art&" were soon formed. Oscar V&ázquez maps this cultural landscape, tracing the connections between the growth of art markets and changing patterns of collecting. Unlike many earlier students of collecting, he focuses not upon questions of taste but rather upon the discursive and institutional frameworks that came to regulate art's economic and symbolic worth at all levels of Spanish society. Drawing upon sources that range from newspaper reviews to notarial documents, V&ázquez shows how collecting acquired the power to mediate debates over individual, regional, and national identity. His book also looks at the emergence of a new state apparatus for arts administration and situates these social and political changes in the broader European context. Inventing the Art Collection will be of interest to historians and sociologists of Spain and Europe, as well as art historians and cultural theorists.
This issue is the first milestone on the way to the XXth AIDP World Congress dedica-ted to ‘Criminal Justice and Corporate Business’. It brings together key proceedings of the International Colloquium on ‘Food Regulation and Criminal Justice’, organised by the Chinese group of the AIPD in Beijing on September 23rd-26th, 2016. The volume contains the resolutions adopted in Beijing, the general report, four transversal articles, and several national reports. It offers a broad overview of the main challenges raised by contemporary food regulation, as well as various responses provided by criminal law around the globe. The contributions deal with issues concerning food security, food safety, and food fraud. They pay particular attention to the international dimension, the interaction with administrative enforcement mechanisms, and the increasing relevance of self-regulation.
En la actualidad, dos de los grandes retos que afronta el Derecho ambiental son la prevención oportuna y la reparación efectiva de los daños ambientales. En esta obra no solo se abordan ambas problemáticas, sino que, además, se ofrecen herramientas legales y recomendaciones para afrontarlas de manera eficaz. El libro se compone de tres capítulos. El primero detalla las técnicas jurídicas que existen para autorizar y gestionar los riesgos ambientales, así como para prevenir y reparar los daños provocados en el ambiente. El segundo desarrolla a profundidad el régimen jurídico del daño ambiental y explica los principios jurídicos que orientan, de manera integral, el régimen de re...
One of the differentiating factors of our present is the increased environmental awareness. However, this has not yet been converted into social, economic and law systems that reveal the multiple challenges that are imposed on us. The destructive impulse of the dominant ideologies in the twentieth century maintains the hegemony of their spaces, barely trying to adapt itself into a new reality that surpasses them. Meanwhile in 1972 we believed there was a marked environmental degradation, in 2022 we recognize that we are in the middle of the sixth mass extinction of the species, the earth temperature has already increased in more than one degree Celsius and a significant percent of the planet...
La idea central del libro es la de articular la existencia de la obligación positiva a cargo del Estado de protección del ambiente y su responsabilidad por los daños ecológicos y ambientales que se causen, bien sea por su propia actividad, por inactividad, o por su insuficiente (ineficiente) cumplimiento de las misiones inherentes al deber de protección. Puede parecer una formulación simplista de la cuestión, pero resulta que la propuesta que se hace en la doctrina pretende, o bien confundir la responsabilidad con el régimen sancionatorio, o con las herramientas fiscales. Se trata de retomar una tesis que ya existe, que ya ha sido planteada por el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos con fundamento y la vulneración debida a la contaminación o afectación del ambiente.
This book presents a broad overview of the many intersections between health and the environment that lie at the basis of the most crucial environmental health issues, focusing on the responses provided by international and EU law. Consistent with the One Health approach and moving from the relevant international and EU legal frameworks, the book addresses some of the most important issues of environmental health including the traditional, such as pollution of air, water and soil and related food safety issues, as well as new and emerging challenges, like those linked to climate change, antimicrobial resistance and electromagnetic fields. Applying an intersectoral and interdisciplinary appro...
La profunda influencia que la obra de Santi Romano “El Ordenamiento Jurídico” (2017 y 2018) produjo en España ha llevado al Instituto de Derecho Comparado de la UCM a publicar este volumen. En él se analiza su recepción, primero en el Derecho administrativo, y luego en el constitucional. El lector encontrará también en estas páginas dos reflexiones críticas, una desde el contexto jurídico-cultural en el que surgió la obra romaniana en Italia y otra desde la Teoría Comunicacional del Derecho como método hermenéutico- analítico para superar las contradicciones que entre la parte primera (concepto de ordenamiento) y la segunda (relaciones entre ordenamientos) de la obra conmemorada. Asimismo, se proyecta la teoría de los ordenamientos jurídicos para resolver problemas actuales como explicar las relaciones entre el ordenamiento nacional, el supranacional (con especial referencia a la Unión Europea) y el internacional y dar una respuesta metodológica al frecuente recurso a la jurisprudencia extranjera por los altos tribunales.