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Las lecturas dominicales del ciclo A, aunque estén tomadas del evangelio de Mateo, son imposibles de compaginar con el proceso dramático del mismo. Pero el hecho de que el primer ciclo se dedique preferentemente a este evangelio anima a conocerlo mejor. La intención de este comentario es ayudar a descubrir el proceso que llevó a Jesús hasta la muerte, acompañándolo, a veces sin entender mucho, como los discípulos; escandalizándonos en ciertos momentos, como los fariseos; desconcertados, como las mujeres ante la tumba; cumpliendo, entre dudas y entusiasmo, la misión final que nos encarga, convencidos de que él está con nosotros hasta el fin del mundo.
Una completa introducción al evangelio de Lucas con un comentario serio, que no elude los problemas, pero que está escrito en un lenguaje asequible para personas sin especial formación teológica y que tiene en cuenta el mensaje actual de los pasajes. El texto del evangelio se presenta con tres tipos de letra para que se adviertan fácilmente los documentos principales usados por Lucas: evangelio de Marcos, dichos de Jesús (Q) y tradiciones propias (L). La obra se completa con una bibliografía en la que se ofrecen las publicaciones más importantes aparecidas en el siglo XXI.
Universality belongs to the very being of the catholic Church. This claim of the Gospel is rooted in the ministry of Jesus, witnessed to by the canonical Gospels and the other books of the New Testament, all of which present the universal openness of salvation as a fulfillment of the Scriptures of Israel. In this book, after addressing the universality of salvation in the writings of the Old Covenant, we examine the differentiated and concordant witness of the synoptic Gospels, John and Paul, as well as the Letter to the Hebrews and the Apocalypse. In this way, we intend to show how this apostolic witness responds to the will of the Lord Jesus, while highlighting its harmony with Torah, Prop...
This set of varied and stimulating papers, by an international group of younger as well as senior scholars, examines the manner in which peoplehood was understood by the Jewish communities of the Second Temple period and by the religious traditions that emerged from those communities and later flourished in Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism. The Hebrew and Greek terms for "people" and "nation" and the name "Israel" are closely analyzed, especially in forays into wisdom literature, Jewish apologetic and the Dead Sea Scrolls, and their uses are related to geographical, political and theological developments, as well as statehood, authority and rulership in the Persian world, Hasmonean times an...
Drawing inspiration from the widely recognized parody of Ps 8:5 in Job 7:17–18, this study inquires whether other allusions to the Psalms might likewise contribute to the dialogue between Job, his friends, and God. An intertextual method that incorporates both “diachronic” and “synchronic” concerns is applied to the sections of Job and the Psalms in which the intertextual connections are the most pronounced, the Job dialogue and six psalms that fall into three broad categories: praise (8, 107), supplication (39, 139), and instruction (1, 73). In each case, Job’s dependence on the Psalms is determined to be the more likely explanation of the parallel, and, in most, allusions to th...
The book of Amos holds a unique and central place among the canonical prophetic literature and presents a special array of issues for scholarly discussion. This book provides a thorough and balanced overview of the history of scholarship on the book of Amos, two essays that trace the history of scholarship and offer promising lines for further inquiry, a substantial anthology of readings of the multiple ways Amos has been analyzed and appropriated, an extensive and current bibliography, and notes on doctoral dissertations conducted in recent years. The result is a comprehensive compendium of resources for scholarly writing on the book of Amos.
Wisdom's Wonder offers a fresh reading of the Hebrew Bible's wisdom literature with a unique emphasis on "wonder" as the framework for understanding biblical wisdom. William Brown argues that wonder effectively integrates biblical wisdom's emphasis on character formation and its outlook on creation, breaking an impasse that has plagued recent wisdom studies. Drawing on various disciplines, from philosophy to neuroscience, Brown discovers new distinctions and connections in Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes. Each book is studied in terms of its view of moral character and creation, as well as in terms of the social or intellectual crisis each book identifies. Most general treatments of the wisd...
Highly respected New Testament scholar Craig Keener is known for his meticulous and comprehensive research. This commentary on Acts, his magnum opus, may be the largest and most thoroughly documented Acts commentary available. Useful not only for the study of Acts but also early Christianity, this work sets Acts in its first-century context. In this volume, the first of four, Keener introduces the book of Acts, particularly historical questions related to it, and provides detailed exegesis of its opening chapters. He utilizes an unparalleled range of ancient sources and offers a wealth of fresh insights. This magisterial commentary will be a valuable resource for New Testament professors and students, pastors, Acts scholars, and libraries.
Journal of Latin American Theology: Christian Reflections from the Latino South Special issue on the Comentario biblico contemporaneo Vol. 11, No. 1, Spring 2016 The Journal of Latin American Theology enters its second decade with this current issue, which presents an English-language sample of the exciting Comentario biblico contemporaneo (CBC, Contemporary Bible Commentary), forthcoming in Spanish from publisher Certeza Unida and in English from Zondervan. This full-Bible, one-volume commentary has been years in the making and contains some of the finest biblical exegesis and pastoral theology by contemporary Latin American Protestant leaders. This issue includes the CBC's commentaries on three entire books of the Bible: Ruth, Obadiah, and Galatians; as well as seven of the short articles included in the CBC which treat some of the most vital issues for the church today, including migration, racism, and sexual identity. We are overjoyed to present this gift from the Latin American church to English-speaking Christians around the globe.
The Global Bible Commentary invites its users to expand their horizon by reading the Bible with scholars from all over the world and from different religious persuasions. These scholars have approaches and concerns that often are poles apart. Yet they share two basic convictions: biblical interpretation always matters; and reading the Bible "with others" is highly rewarding. Each of the short commentaries of the Global Bible Commentary is a readily accessible guide for reading a biblical book. Written for undergraduate and seminary students and their teachers, as well as for pastors, priests, and Adult Sunday School classes, it introduces the users to the main features of the biblical book a...