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O comportamento humano se manifesta de maneira dinâmica nos mais diversificados ambientes. Tanto é que a sociedade sempre está em evolução desde os primórdios da existência da humanidade. Muito embora alguns dos avanços na civilização despertaram comportamentos que direcionaram ações positivas e negativas diante de si mesmo e dos outros. Isto é, o consumo em excesso de algumas drogas lícitas e o uso de substâncias psicoativas ilícitas, provocam alteração no funcionamento cognitivo, afetivo, social e sensório motor das pessoas que usam desse meio. Essa obra nos permite pensarmos e refletirmos criticamente sobre a influência das drogas digitais, apontando os impactos negativos no desenvolvimento humano. Como também, enfatizando as principais substâncias psicoativas nocivas ao ser humano.
O livro “Transtorno do Espectro Autista: concepção atual e multidisciplinar na saúde”, que tive o prazer de organizar, trata-se de uma obra literária científica onde pudemos selecionar cuidadosamente os temas a serem publicados, baseados na própria ideia conceitual do livro, que seria uma abordagem multidisciplinar com informações atualizadas e recentes sobre o TEA. Longe de trazer soluções e respostas para todos os questionamentos e dúvidas sobre o TEA, este livro teve como objetivo abrir espaço para que a comunidade acadêmica dialogasse livremente com o tema, onde cada autor de capítulo, diante de sua expertise, pudesse compartilhar com os leitores informações que ajudassem a entender um pouco mais sobre o TEA e as pessoas com este transtorno.
Human health depends on the health of the planet. Earth’s natural systems—the air, the water, the biodiversity, the climate—are our life support systems. Yet climate change, biodiversity loss, scarcity of land and freshwater, pollution and other threats are degrading these systems. The emerging field of planetary health aims to understand how these changes threaten our health and how to protect ourselves and the rest of the biosphere. Planetary Health: Protecting Nature to Protect Ourselves provides a readable introduction to this new paradigm. With an interdisciplinary approach, the book addresses a wide range of health impacts felt in the Anthropocene, including food and nutrition, i...
Thoroughly revised, this third edition focuses on modern techniques used to generate synthetic three-dimensional images in a fraction of a second. With the advent of programmable shaders, a wide variety of new algorithms have arisen and evolved over the past few years. This edition discusses current, practical rendering methods used in games and other applications. It also presents a solid theoretical framework and relevant mathematics for the field of interactive computer graphics, all in an approachable style. The authors have made the figures used in the book available for download for fair use.:Download Figures. Reviews Rendering has been a required reference for professional graphics pr...
Ethnobotany includes the traditional use of plants in different fields like medicine and agriculture. This book incorporates important studies based on ethnobotany of different geographic zones. The book covers medicinaland aromatic plants, ethnopharmacology, bioactive molecules, plants used in cancer, hypertension, disorders of the central nervous system, and also as antipsoriatic, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiurolithiatic. The book will be useful for a diverse group of readers including plant scientists, pharmacologists, clinicians, herbalists, natural therapy experts, chemists, microbiologists, NGOs and those who are interested in traditional therapies.
A unique approach to the challenges of complex environmental systems Environmental Transport Processes, Second Edition provides much-needed guidance on mass transfer principles in environmental engineering. It focuses on working with uncontrolled conditions involving biological and physical systems, offering examples from diverse fields, including mass transport, kinetics, wastewater treatment, and unit processes. This new edition is fully revised and updated, incorporating modern approaches and practice problems at the end of chapters, making the Second Edition more concise, accessible, and easy to use. The book discusses the fundamentals of transport processes occurring in natural environm...
Fundamentals and Analytical Applications of Multi-Way Calibration presents researchers with a set of effective tools they can use to obtain the maximum information from instrumental data. It includes the most advanced techniques, methods, and algorithms related to multi-way calibration and the ways they can be applied to solve actual analytical problems. This book provides a comprehensive coverage of the main aspects of multi-way analysis, including fundamentals and selected applications of chemometrics that can resolve complex analytical chemistry problems through the use of multi-way calibration. - Includes the most advanced techniques, methods, and algorithms related to multi-way calibration and the ways they can be applied to solve actual analytical problems - Presents researchers with a set of effective tools they can use to obtain the maximum information from instrumental data - Provides comprehensive coverage of the main aspects of multi-way analysis, including fundamentals and selected applications of chemometrics