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Trabalho 4.0
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 348

Trabalho 4.0

  • Categories: Law

A COVID-19 acelerou o futuro, colocou a sociedade diante de desafios para os quais ainda não estava pronta. É cedo para prever como será o mundo pós coronavírus, qual será o grau e a extensão dos impactos na economia, na sociedade e na vida dos habitantes do planeta Terra. As tecnologias digitais estão mediando a vida cotidiana, encurtando os espaços físicos: trabalhamos, consumimos, socializamos e nos entretemos num mesmo local. Dessa experiência única não sairemos incólumes. A partir de uma visão multidisciplinar, 11 autores analisam os impactos da revolução digital em curso sobre a economia e a sociedade brasileira, especialmente no que toca às mudanças nas relações de trabalho e na organização da educação, da ciência e da cultura, abordando desde os fundamentos da Economia de Dados, as transformações na indústria e Trabalho 4.0 até as políticas públicas e o rumo do desenvolvimento econômico e social.

Local Governance in Developing Countries
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 492

Local Governance in Developing Countries

This book provides a new institutional economics perspective on alternative models of local governance, offering a comprehensive view of local government organization and finance in the developing world. The experiences of ten developing/transition economies are reviewed to draw lessons of general interest in strengthening responsive, responsible, and accountable local governance. The book is written in simple user friendly language to facilitate a wider readership by policy makers and practitioners in addition to students and scholars of public finance, economics and politics.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 379


A major survey of the economic and social development of Brazil.

Tributação E Desigualdade
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 800

Tributação E Desigualdade

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Por que o sistema tributário brasileiro é regressivo? Qual o grau de concentração de renda no topo no Brasil? Os tributos podem contribuir para a redistribuição de renda e redução das desigualdades sociais? Qual o potencial redistributivo do imposto de renda? Quais os impactos da tributação diferenciada do capital e do trabalho? Os dividendos devem ser tributados no Brasil? Este livro reúne artigos de especialistas nacionais e internacionais que procuram responder todas estas questões envolvendo o potencial redistributivo da tributação no Brasil e no mundo.

Tributação 4.0
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 416

Tributação 4.0

  • Categories: Law

Como serão cobrados os impostos no futuro? É uma grande incógnita. Há a certeza, porém, de que muitos dos atuais tributos serão alterados ou mesmo desaparecerão. As mudanças tecnológicas alteram desde a forma de produção, os hábitos de consumo e as relações econômicas e sociais. Dezenas de professores e especialistas, de diferentes instituições e países, aceitaram o desafio de escrever sobre variados temas que compreendem a Tributação 4.0. Para quem trabalha com impostos e se preocupa com a reforma tributária, não pode deixar de ler esse abrangente e instigante livro

Development Centre Seminars Fiscal Decentralisation in Emerging Economies Governance Issues
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 248

Development Centre Seminars Fiscal Decentralisation in Emerging Economies Governance Issues

This collection of experiences of fiscal decentralisation across a wide range of OECD-Member and non-member economies reveals lessons which are equally of relevance to both groups of countries.

Local Government and Metropolitan Regions in Federal Countries
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 440

Local Government and Metropolitan Regions in Federal Countries

While local government is found in all federal countries, its place and role in the governance of these countries varies considerably. In some countries, local government is considered an essential part of the federal nature of the state and recognized in the constitution as such, whereas in others it is simply a creature of the subnational states/provinces. When referring to local government it is more correct to refer to local governments (plural), as these institutions come in all shapes and sizes, performing widely divergent functions. They range from metropolitan municipalities of mega-cities to counties, small town councils, and villages. Their focus is either multi-purpose in the case...

Federalism and Economic Reform
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 558

Federalism and Economic Reform

This collection focuses on the ways in which federalism has affected and been affected by economic reform, especially global integration. The editors and contributors focus in particular on the political economy of institutional and economic change - how the division of authority between national and subnational governments shapes debates over policy changes, as well as how the changing economic environment creates incentives to modify the basic agreements between levels of governments. Each chapter contains a historical overview, and an in-depth account of division of authority, lines of accountability, and legislative, bureaucratic, and other arenas in which the levels of government interact for a particular country. The analyses are based on reform (or non-reform) episodes for each country - most from recent history, but some spanning the century. As a collection, the country studies span a range of developing and industrial countries with varying political systems.

The Future of Federalism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 400

The Future of Federalism

The crisis and its aftermath had a dramatic short-term effect on federal relations and, as the twelve case studies in this volume show, set in place a new set of socio-political factors that are shaping the longer-run process of institutional evolution and adaptation in federal systems. This illuminating book illustrates how an understanding of these complex dynamics is crucial to the development of policies needed for effective and sustainable federal governance in the twenty-first century.​

Better Spending for Better Lives
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 453

Better Spending for Better Lives

How can this puzzle of larger demands and fiscal strengthening be solved? This edition of the development in the Americas (DIA) report focuses precisely on this question. The book suggests that the answer is about fiscal efficiency and smart spending rather than the standard solution of across-the-board spending cuts to achieve fiscal sustainability— sometimes at great cost for society. It is about doing more with less. · Analysis of government spending in Latin America and the Caribbean reveals widespread waste and inefficiencies that could be as large as 4.4 percent of the region’s GDP, showing there is ample room to improve basic services without necessarily spending more resources. · The publication argues against across-the-board cuts. It looks at whether countries spend too much or too little on different priorities, whether they invest enough to ensure a better future, and whether those expenditures make inequality better or worse. · Along with the diagnosis, the report offers several policy recommendations on how to improve the efficiency of government spending.