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Nesta obra, apresento a autoetnografia como estratégia metodológica e como performance escrita nas pesquisas em formação de professores. A partir da perspectiva afetiva, narro experiências vividas com o Espanhol, desde quando fui apresentada a essa língua pelos programas de televisão brasileiros, passando pelos papéis de estudante e professora e chegando até minha formação continuada no Doutorado. Nessas narrativas, de cunho subjetivo e, concomitantemente, reflexivo-teórico, analiso como as sensibilidades influenciam minha formação como professora intercultural de Espanhol: o que me moveu a aprender a língua e a querer continuar dedicando-me a ela foi a paixão experimentada a...
Estes são os anais do 16o Congresso Brasileiro de Professores de Espanhol (16o CBPE)/ 1o Simpósio Nacional de Professores de Espanhol em Formação (1o SNPEF), eventos organizados pela Associação de Professores de Espanhol do Estado de São Paulo (APEESP), juntamente com a Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) e a Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar). Os eventos tiveram lugar na UFSCar, localizada na cidade paulista de São Carlos, entre os dias 28 e 31 de julho de 2015, e contaram com recursos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) e da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp), além do apoio da Pró-Reitoria de...
This book makes evident how love, as an interstitial practice, produces a set of collective practices and how, through a mapping of these practices, it is possible to observe the connection between the politics of sensibilities and social conflict. The book provides – in the face of a global normalization of immediate enjoyment through consumption, the internationalization of fear and anxiety, the rise of "post-truth" and a distrust regarding politics – a systematic analysis of love as an interstitial practice. This book follows a sociology of body/emotions approaches within which sensations, emotions and sensibilities are part of dialectical social structuration process. The book propos...
This edited collection of articles illustrates recent work on beliefs about second language acquisition, drawing on the thinking of educational philosophers and discursive psychologists including Dewey, Bakhtin, Vygotsky, and Potter. Coverage extends to beliefs held by second/foreign language learners and as well as teachers. The book includes detailed accounts of starting points, definitions, methods of data collection and analysis, main findings and implications for further research.
International Commercial Arbitration and African States is a timely assessment of the arbitral process in the African context. The book focuses on the contribution that arbitration, and other methods of alternative dispute resolution, may make to the development of African states and peoples, while satisfying the legitimate expectations of inward investors and traders. Although focusing on dispute resolution regimes affecting or concerning African states and their nationals, the work will also have practical, policy and comparative implications for dispute resolution, commercial arbitration and foreign investment in other regions.
Atualmente, mais da metade dos refugiados no mundo são crianças. Este livro explora a complexidade da situação das crianças refugiadas à luz da Convenção de 1951 relativa ao Estatuto dos Refugiados e da Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança, destacando a necessidade de proteção em contextos de perseguições por motivos de raça, nacionalidade, religião, opinião política ou pertencimento a grupo social, e que façam com que essa criança não possa ou não queira retornar ao seu país de origem. Apesar de muitas vezes não serem vistas como capazes de agência – a habilidade de tomar decisões e determinar o próprio destino –, as crianças possuem uma singularidade que ...
European Accountancy Yearbook is the first annual reference work to focus on the emerging Pan-European accounting scene. Following numerous international mergers and syndicate formations large accountancy firms are competing to provide services to international corporations and businesses with cross-border trade. The Yearbook provides a one-stop reference source allowing financial directors of these companies to find out which accountancy firms are providing what services and where. It will also provide great assistance to other accountancy and financial services organisations to evaluate the state of the fast growing European market, and to assess competitors or possible partners. The Yearbook includes profiles of all the major firms showing the international coverage, their services offered, fee income, partners, branch offices, etc. In addition the Yearbook includes invaluable reference data such as country by country accountancy scene overview, corporate tax rates, E.C. directives, etc.
This book will provide useful information for consumer products and food industry personnel involved in the production and marketing of foods, beverages, cosmetics, paper products, and fragrances.