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In response to Benedict XVI's first encyclical, the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies and Marriage and Family reflects, together with the Holy Father, on love. From the very beginning, the fundamental work of the Institute has been pursuing a deeper understanding of God's plan for marriage and family. In these twenty-five years various generations of students and professors, following the legacy of John Paul II, have been able to discover and communicate the beauty of the vocation for which all men have been created: the call to love. Twenty-six professors from the Institute's various sessions express what in their understanding are the main themes of the document, approaching the topics raised by the Holy Father with different theological and philosophical perspectives; by so doing they have highlighted the significance and fecundity of the lines of thought suggested by the Pope. This book is offered as a path towards a fuller understanding of the profundity and richness of the love with which God fills us and wants us to communicate in our turn.
La questione del giudizio morale degli atti omosessuali è un problema che attraversa, in certo modo, tutta la storia umana. Fin dall'antichità si hanno significative indicazioni dell'attuazione di pratiche omosessuali e le grandi religioni hanno fondamentalmente condannato tali atti a livello morale. In questo testo viene presentata appunto anzitutto una storia dell'omosessualità e del giudizio morale riguardo ad essa anche nelle grandi religioni del mondo con una storia del pensiero filosofico antico e moderno in relazione alla sessualità e in particolare all'omosessualità, specie in occidente, e con una storia scientifica e politica riguardante la legittimazione dell'omosessualità, i...
In recent scholarship there is an emerging interest in the integration of philosophy and theology. Philosophers and theologians address the relationship between body and soul and its implications for theological anthropology. In so doing, philosopher-theologians interact with cognitive science, biological evolution, psychology, and sociology. Reflecting these exciting new developments, The Ashgate Research Companion to Theological Anthropology is a resource for philosophers and theologians, students and scholars, interested in the constructive, critical exploration of a theology of human persons. Throughout this collection of newly authored contributions, key themes are addressed: human agency and grace, the soul, sin and salvation, Christology, glory, feminism, the theology of human nature, and other major themes in theological anthropology in historic as well as contemporary contexts.
Papa Francesco in particolare attraverso "Amor Laetitia" sta attuando, in modo discreto ma netto, una vera sovversione della sana morale cattolica e un vero tradimento del deposito della fede, con grande scandalo di molti fedeli e con evidente danno di molte anime. In questo libro viene ampiamente riportata la sana dottrina cattolica fissata nella Bibbia e nella Tradizione e d'altra parte viene ampiamente documentata la sovversione che questo Papa sta realizzando attraverso la suddetta Esortazione Apostolica e più generalmente attraverso quello che qualche Cardinale ha definito come il "cambio di paradigma". Questo volume documenta in particolare ciò che Papa Francesco sta facendo in ordine alla legittimazione degli atti omosessuali, in netto contrasto con la dottrina cattolica. Dalla lettura di questo testo si capisce bene cosa c'è dietro la "Fiducia supplicans", il controverso documento che permette le benedizioni per le coppie omosessuali, e si rende evidente a tutti che tale documento rientra in un'ampia strategia per la legittimazione degli atti omosessuali.
The Story of Bella Montez begins when she sets out on a journey looking for a place to settle in. She was looking for a place to live a normal life away from sorcery and a relentless powerful witch-hunter. Her wish was to find peace in a place where she would be among good people and a desire to have a family of her own to love...
A major study on the theology of Beloved Community. This long-awaited work by the church's top clergy, scholars, and thought leaders examines the theological foundation of Beloved Community and its threats. It addresses such important topics as the legacy and sin of white supremacy, economic disparity, racial healing, and the call for reparations. The committee's work sheds light on the societal and cultural implications of the largest obstacle to the core mission of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and outlines what is necessary for the future of racial justice. "I am so grateful for the... work of the theologians and bishops who have spent the last five years working on [this study] . . . This is hard and holy work, not to hurt or harm, but to help and heal." —Michael B. Curry, the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church
Sam sat looking out the window of a bullet train traveling at about ninety miles per hour, staring at her passport picture, wondering if she wanted to change the color or length of her long black hair for her next location or if she just wanted to stay Sam for this stay. Sometimes it has seemed easier to become someone else for a stay so that you can leave it all behind and block it out of memory. Sam had fallen asleep, but suddenly, she was startled awake by the train whistle and realized she had been dreaming of her childhood in Mexico.