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Chaos and Cosmos offers a new and unique interpretation of Argentine essayist and fiction writer Jorge Luis Borges as a thinker of what continental twentieth century political theory called the political. While not a political writer in the traditional sense, Borges was indeed an author whose response to the advent of totalitarianism, in particular in its Nazi form, generated the most experimental, insightful, and rigorous short fiction and non-fiction political interrogation. As is well known, Borges’ writing went beyond originality; it created a genre of its own, and the Borgesian style is not limited to form. This Borgesian style fundamentally relates to how his response to the advent o...
We are living in a time of acute vulnerability. From climate change to drone warfare, terrorist attacks to mass shootings, safe spaces to trigger warnings, not to mention the COVID-19 pandemic, homo vulnerabilis is once again coming to terms with the fact that it can be wounded, or even killed. Against such finitude, sovereignty is now reasserting itself as a political power that might save us from our ontological state. The irony is, of course, that such sovereignty – for example through camps, walls, police violence, or drones – is also the underlying, historical cause of many of our most intense contemporary experiences of vulnerabilization. Interrupting the dialectic by which soverei...
Un acontecimiento histórico excepcional como la pandemia que estamos atravesando constituye un hecho que nos obliga a reflexionar. Esta obra cumple con ese imperativo y resulta un testimonio vivo escrito en los primeros cien días del aislamiento social, preventivo y obligatorio dispuesto por el gobierno nacional argentino. En el libro se presentan muchas de las preguntas, dudas e incertidumbres surgidas a partir de este acontecimiento que nos atravesó como sociedad, las cuales son abordadas no solo desde los puntos de vista social y sanitario, sino también desde el filosófico y el político. La obra intenta abrir un diálogo con otros textos y artículos que circularon durante aquellos primeros momentos.
Al transformar radicalmente la vida personal y colectiva de millones de personas alrededor del mundo, la pandemia de coronavirus sacudió las estructuras más básicas de las formas políticas establecidas y despertó, con ello, la necesidad de volver observar y pensar para orientarnos en un terreno renovado. De allí surge este libro, que reúne diferentes preguntas y abordajes teóricos que buscan contribuir a la comprensión de la pandemia como acontecimiento político. Cada capítulo recoge algunas de las aristas fundamentales del fenómeno, con el objetivo, no solo de comprender su sentido, sino también de contribuir a la elaboración de una reflexión crítica con respecto a las teor...
A presente obra aborda o princípio da oralidade e suas intersecções com a gestão processual no bojo das audiências previstas no processo de conhecimento disciplinado pelo CPC/15 e se insere dentre os estudos que buscam refletir e propor possíveis alternativas para o amplo contexto a que se acostumou chamar de “crise do sistema de justiça”. Trata-se, assim, de uma tentativa de se pensar os problemas do sistema de justiça brasileiro à luz da conjugação de duas ideias centrais para o trabalho: a oralidade e a gestão processual. Nesse contexto, o trabalho dá destaque à audiência de saneamento compartilhado, na qual ressai o ápice da intersecção entre oralidade e gestão processual, uma vez que os subprincípios da oralidade beneficiam a utilização das técnicas de gestão processual, contribuindo para a prolação de decisão de saneamento e organização do processo eficiente e apta a encurtar o caminho do processo até a prolação de decisão que recaia sobre o mérito da controvérsia.
This book includes chapters related to the analysis of cultural differences as a tool to enrich tacit knowledge and make processes more efficient, the factors that influence job satisfaction and the value of social capital as a competitive strategy to achieve productivity and competitiveness of organizations, in addition to research of the utmost importance to discover the facets of the diamond with respect to the symbolic capital of the organizations where Generation Z will work and how it will discover the best time to establish an innovation ecosystem that will influence its work trajectory. Industry 4.0 requires a major paradigm shift, since human capital is a source of competitive advan...
The Civil War in New Mexico began in 1861 with the Confederate invasion and occupation of the Mesilla Valley. At the same time, small villages and towns in New Mexico Territory faced raids from Navajos and Apaches. In response the commander of the Department of New Mexico Colonel Edward Canby and Governor Henry Connelly recruited what became the First and Second New Mexico Volunteer Infantry. In this book leading Civil War historian Jerry Thompson tells their story for the first time, along with the history of a third regiment of Mounted Infantry and several companies in a fourth regiment. Thompson’s focus is on the Confederate invasion of 1861–1862 and its effects, especially the bloody...