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This book presents essays and commentaries that continue on Thomas Kuhn’s work from where he left off at the time of his death. Contrary to other books, this volume picks up the gauntlet to develop, from a contemporary perspective, some points that can be improved in the light of recent findings and conceptualizations in metatheory. Thus, this work pays a visit to the classical Kuhnian landscapes, but rather proposing interpretations, it takes them as the starting point to go further. One hundred years after Kuhn's birth, the editors and authors rekindle the passion and interest that have always surrounded the work of the great Boston philosopher and historian.
The Politics of Paradigms shows that America's most famous and influential book about science, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions of 1962, was inspired and shaped by Thomas Kuhn's political interests, his relationship with the influential cold warrior James Bryant Conant, and America's McCarthy-era struggle to resist and defeat totalitarian ideology. Through detailed archival research, Reisch shows how Kuhn's well-known theories of paradigms, crises, and scientific revolutions emerged from within urgent political worries—on campus and in the public sphere—about the invisible, unconscious powers of ideology, language, and history to shape the human mind and its experience of the world.
The theory of knowledge, or epistemology, is often regarded as a dry topic that bears little relation to actual knowledge practices. Knowledge: The Philosophical Quest in History addresses this perception by showing the roots, developments and prospects of modern epistemology from its beginnings in the nineteenth century to the present day. Beginning with an introduction to the central questions and problems in theory of knowledge, Steve Fuller goes on to demonstrate that contemporary epistemology is enriched by its interdisciplinarity, analysing keys areas including: Epistemology as Cognitive Economics Epistemology as Divine Psychology Epistemology as Philosophy of Science Epistemology as Sociology of Science Epistemology and Postmodernism. A wide-ranging and historically-informed assessment of the ways in which man has - and continues to - pursue, question, contest, expand and shape knowledge, this book is essential reading anyone in the Humanities and Social Sciences interested in the history and practical application of epistemology.
This cross-cultural study explores the diversity of views that humans have held on being, humanity, and understanding. It asks how far we are bound by the conceptual systems to which we belong, and explores topics such as ontology, morality philosophy of language, and communication.
Le réseau « Chromatiques whiteheadiennes » a pour objectif premier de fédérer les recherches sur les différents aspects, nuances et implications de la pensée du philosophe et algébriste britannique Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947). C'est dans ce cadre qu'ont été créés en 2002 à l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne des séminaires de recherche sur la philosophie organique whiteheadienne. Ces séminaires en sont à leur quatrième année et le temps est mûr pour le lancement d'un « Annuaire de la philosophie en procès » qui rendra systématiquement public les principaux résultats de ces travaux et offrira complémentairement des études critiques et des comptes rendus récents dans les domaines whiteheadiens et connexes.
Regression addresses what has come before; it is a matter of looking backward of retrospections? The motionless things of nature are generally forward-looking their problem is that of the question: Where do we go from here? It is primarily with intelligent beings that we ask: How did we get to where we now find ourselves? Regression and infinite regression in particular is thus a concept that has gained a greater prominence in the human sciences than in the sciences of nature. Argumentation to infinite regress has long been a favored instrument of philosophical dialectic. Philosophers have used it to disprove the positions they model to criticize. Infinite regresses, so they reason, are unre...
En Corpus animusque se estudia por primera vez y de una forma comprehensiva el retrato literario en la poesía romana. Su autor ofrece una detallada aproximación al término y concepto de retrato para, a continuación, profundizar en los materiales y esquemas que articularon dicha práctica literaria a través de campos como la retórica o la fisiognomía. Este panorama de esencia teórica se completa y ve enriquecido al presentar al lector enjundiosos comentarios acerca de los retratos y descripciones de personajes en las obras de los más célebres poetas de la latinidad clásica, Virgilio (Eneida), Horacio (Odas, Epodos, Sátiras, Epístolas) y Ovidio (Metamorfosis y obras elegíacas).
Nada propone una interpretación de las diferentes conciencias (arcaica, mágica, mítica, mental e integral) que han ocupado los distintos eones que ha atravesado nuestra especie (urobórico, tifónico, matriarcal, patriarcal y fratriarcal), partiendo de que en todas ellas se ensayan diversos tratos con la nada o lo indeterminado. Se sugiere que, en cada eón, la respectiva conciencia pasa por una fase de ignorancia negativa (no sabe que no sabe), otra de ignorancia positiva (sabe que no sabe), un momento de impasse en el que el decaimiento de una conciencia se cruza con la emergencia de otra, resultando de tal cruce un conocimiento inconsciente (no sabe que sabe), y un momento final de conciencia plena o sabiduría (sabe que sabe) desde el que se precipitan, de nuevo, pero en otro eón y sobre otra conciencia, nuevas ignorancias.
Aunque se ha escrito mucho sobre José Luis Borau, apenas existen referencias a su literatura y sus postulaciones sobre el guion. El libro puede interesar a especialistas del cine, del guion y de la literatura, a estudiosos de la generación del cincuenta y a todos aquellos que quieran acercarse a esta faceta de Borau.