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Made-to-Measure Future(s) for Democracy?
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 362

Made-to-Measure Future(s) for Democracy?

This open access volume analyses the development of democracy at different levels of governance (from local to global). The Basque search for an institutional and democratic model that adapts to its social needs and solves its problems offers an interesting perspective for analyzing the way in which democracy is seeking new forms of materialization from the local to the global. The volume is divided into four parts. The chapters in Part I analyze the tensions between the neoliberal vision of democracy and the voices contesting it, with projections at different levels of government. The chapters in Part II focus on the emerging framework and scales of Western democracy. The chapters in Part I...

The Experiences of Basque and Spanish Iron Workers and their Descendants in Wales from 1900
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 288

The Experiences of Basque and Spanish Iron Workers and their Descendants in Wales from 1900

This work is concerned with human migration at the turn of the twentieth century, specifically with iron workers moving from Spain to south Wales. The research includes an oral history project involving the descendants of some of the original migrants. The book explores the events and challenges that the migrants and their families faced in their new Welsh homes. Those experiences include periods of conflict, such as the Spanish Civil War (in which family members were involved), poverty, disease, heartache and the challenge to their religious and political beliefs. The work also highlights how it was that many of the Spanish overcame hurdles to fully integrate into their new location by learning a new language, a new sport (rugby), choir membership and a new church. It also describes the environment, in which they lived, as a cosmopolitan location where they were exposed, at intervals, to industrial conflict and racism, but where they all eventually became Welsh.

Ending ETA's Armed Campaign
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 257

Ending ETA's Armed Campaign

This book explains how and why the Basque separatist armed group ETA decided to end its armed campaign against the Spanish state. The ETA’s armed campaign for Basque independence lasted fifty years and led to more than 800 casualties. This book analyzes the factors that led to ETA ending its campaign of violence in 2011, despite having yet to achieve its political objectives. It explains how the Basque pro-independence movement’s political leadership won an internal battle and brought ETA to a position in which abandoning violence was the only feasible choice. The work argues that the key factor leading to the cessation of violence was the loss of support for armed struggle within the pr...

Endgame for ETA
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 437

Endgame for ETA

A sober analysis of the risks and benefits of engaging with armed groups proscribed as terrorist and the sometimes contradictory impact of counterterrorist policies.

Former Extremists
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 345

Former Extremists

This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read on the Oxford Academic platform and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. This collection is the first on ex-extremists and combatants (Formers) in violence prevention work. While the engagement of Formers in violence prevention programs--especially in the context of countering and preventing violent extremism (P/CVE), and peacebuilding--has expanded across the world, their involvement has been controversial and contested. This volume captures a variety of work Formers are engaged in across a range of contexts, broadly divided into three ...

Resisting Terror
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 305

Resisting Terror

Civil resistance campaigns have led to some of the most important international developments in recent years, yet little is known of the role that civilian actors can play in challenging the use of violence by militant groups. This book examines the role that social mobilization in the Spanish region of Basque Country played in the decline and end of the Basque armed separatist group Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA). For more than four decades, ETA waged a bloody campaign against the military and the Spanish and Basque police forces while causing a large number of civilian deaths. The Basque case demonstrates that civil resistance can work against terrorism, and this book will show that social mo...

Human Rights Prosecutions in Democracies at War
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 238

Human Rights Prosecutions in Democracies at War

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-09-17
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  • Publisher: Springer

Though many of the longest and most devastating internal armed conflicts have been fought within the boundaries of democratic states, these countries employ some of the highest numbers of human rights prosecutions. What conditions prompt this outcome and what explains the variable patterns of prosecutions in democracies at war? Prosecutions may be enabled by existing democratic norms and institutions, but given their role in a violent conflict, democratic governments may go to great lengths to avoid judicial accountability. Through qualitative and quantitative research of four cases, Sri Lanka, Northern Ireland, Spain and Colombia, this book argues that emergency and anti-terrorism laws issued during the conflict created barriers to the investigation and prosecution of state human rights violations. The extent to which state actors were held accountable was shaped by citizens, NGOs and political actors who challenged or upheld impunity provisions within emergency legislation.

Radical Basque Nationalist-Irish Republican Relations
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 375

Radical Basque Nationalist-Irish Republican Relations

This volume explains the genesis and development of the nexus between radical Basque nationalists and Irish republicans, how they have learnt from each other historically, and how they have utilised this relationship, at times, to their benefit. From medieval tales of shared origins to the violent conflicts largely wrought by ETA and the IRA, the Basque Country and Ireland have long been associated in popular imagination. Despite this, little is known of historical Basque-Irish relations and, in particular, the web of party-political, military and social movement connections between radical Basque nationalists and Irish republicans since the Irish Revolutionary Period (1916–23). Drawing on...

FaceGUK: euskal identitatea eta komunitatearen eraikuntza Internet garaian
  • Language: eu
  • Pages: 127

FaceGUK: euskal identitatea eta komunitatearen eraikuntza Internet garaian

Gaur egungo euskal gizartea apur bat gehiago ulertzeko aukera izango duzu liburu honen bidez eta Gizarte Modernoa gainditzen duen gizarte-ereduaren ezaugarriak identifikatu ahalko dituzu. Horretarako, euskal identitatea bezalako gai zaharra begirada, kontzeptu eta galdera berriekin aztertuko dugu, orain arte ikertu gabeko espazioetan —Internet— eta metodologia berrien bidez —etnografia digitala. Euskal identitatea «zer da» galdetzetik «zelan eraikitzen da» erantzutera igaroko gara: definitzen saiatzetik hainbat modutan sentitzera, bizitzera eta eraikitzera. Horrela, Euskal Herriak Internet garaian duen forma eta habitatzen duen territorioa ezagutzeaz gain, estatu espainiar eta frantziarrak duten eragina ezagutuko dugu. Bide hau musika eta literatura munduko hainbat autoreren eskutik, atseginagoa izango zaizu.

Terörizmle Mücadelede Müzakere Yöntemi: ETA-LTTE-PKK-FARC
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 538

Terörizmle Mücadelede Müzakere Yöntemi: ETA-LTTE-PKK-FARC
