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Ask the Experts
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 277

Ask the Experts

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020
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  • Publisher: Unknown

This book tells a new story about patterns of public and private grantmaking from the 1950s to the 1970s, a period during which the United States witnessed a remarkable expansion in arts patronage. Through archival documents, oral history, and ethnographic material, author Michael Sy Uy offers an in-depth analysis of grant-making practices, and highlights important and instructive issues concerning philanthropy, arts patronage, and musical production and consumption.

Materiality, Rules and Regulation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 334

Materiality, Rules and Regulation

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-02-20
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  • Publisher: Springer

Materiality, Rules and Regulation: New Trend in Management and Organization Studies concentrates on the relationship of rules and regulation to the materiality of artefacts, practices, and organizations. It combines the recent scholarly interest on sociomateriality with a focus on regulation and rules.

Popular Sovereignty in a Digital Age
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 399

Popular Sovereignty in a Digital Age

In the evolution of global capitalism and geopolitics, digitalization presents a new and yet unresolved chapter. In the lead up to digitalization, neoliberalism weakened the welfare states of the global North and the developmental states of the global South where they existed. Neoliberalism also disorganized working classes, as Left parties and labor organization declined across the globe. Into this deregulated and unchecked context, digitalization proceeded, and technology companies inserted themselves into multiple sectors, making use of first mover advantage and monopolistic practices to drive out smaller and less advanced firms. We can now characterize a landscape in which states have be...

Business Strategies for Sustainability
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 835

Business Strategies for Sustainability

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-10-03
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Business Strategies for Sustainability brings together important research contributions that demonstrate different approaches to business strategies for sustainability. Many corporate initiatives toward what firms perceive to be sustainability are simply efficiency drives or competitive moves – falling far short of actual strategies for ecological sustainability. To suggest true ecological sustainability strategies, this new research anthology adopts an interdisciplinary, or transdisciplinary, approach to discern what business strategies might look like if they were underpinned by environmental and ecological science. The 23 chapters in this anthology reflect five main topic sections: (a) delineating sustainability challenges and visions; (b) contradiction, integration and transformation of business and sustainability logics; (c) innovating and developing strategic capabilities for sustainability; (d) assessing and valuing sustainability; and (e) toward multi-level engagement and collaboration.

Dare to Un-Lead
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 439

Dare to Un-Lead

2022 PORCHLIGHT LEADERSHIP & STRATEGY BOOK OF THE YEAR A transformational book for trying times, Dare to Un-Lead will challenge the way you think and feel about the role of leadership in your life. What is revered as leadership today is often nothing more than a destructive set of obsolete behaviors and systems evolved from the centuries-old industrial theories popularized by Frederick Taylor and Henry Ford. This mode of leadership harms individuals and societies and must be reinvented to better reflect the way we live, trade, and work in the 21st century. Dare to Un-Lead explores how contemporary organizations can transform leadership from a top-down hegemony to one that empowers people to ...

  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 284


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-10-07
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  • Publisher: Dunod

Comment, à grande vitesse, assurer la montée en compétence des salariés face au défi de la numérisation des tâches et des métiers ? Ce livre est le premier à faire un lien systémique entre montée en compétences des salariés et transformation des modes d’apprentissage et de travail, et à donner des repères pour bâtir une stratégie d’upskilling à l’échelle de toute une organisation. Il s’appuie aussi sur l’expérience du Covid 19, moment extrême d’apprentissage de nouveaux modes de travail dans les organisations. Parti-pris : il ne saurait y avoir d’upskilling efficace et durable sans réflexion approfondie sur le rôle du management, le niveau d’autonomie et de participation accordé aux équipes, la place donnée à l’initiative et au droit à l’erreur, la raison d’être de l’entreprise et le sens de l’action.

La proximité, une stratégie !
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 208

La proximité, une stratégie !

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-04-15
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  • Publisher: Dunod

A entendre les dirigeants, tout est fait dans l'entreprise pour permettre la proximité : réseaux internes, managers de proximité, DRH de proximité... Mais si l'on interroge les collaborateurs, on entend un autre discours ! Cependant, mettre l'homme au coeur de l'entreprise, faire de la proximité une réalité d'entreprise est possible. De fait, cette proximité est multiple et il faut la considérer dans ses différentes dimensions : spatiale, temporelle, cognitive, sociale et pratique. L'analyse est ici complétée par de nombreux exemples et trois études de cas (les cas sont réels mais les noms d'entreprises sont fictifs)

İş yerinde etkili iletişim kurma
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 21

İş yerinde etkili iletişim kurma

Bu pratik ve özlü kitapla sadece 50 dakikada iş yerinde etkili iletişim kurmayı öğrenin. İyi iletişim kurmak performans yönetimi, çatışma çözümü ve sağlıklı profesyonel ilişkilerin sürdürülmesi açısından hayati önem taşır. Ekiplerin sorunsuz çalışmasına yardımcı olur ve şirketteki herkesin aynı sayfada olmasını sağlayarak daha iyi bir çalışma ortamı ve daha fazla verimlilik yaratır. Bu kitapta, daha iyi iletişimin ekip çalışması, iş görüşmeleri ve topluluk önünde konuşma konularında size nasıl yardımcı olabileceğini öğreneceksiniz. Ayrıca, iletişim tarzınızı hedef kitlenize uyarlamak için faydalı ipuçları ve beden diliyle ilgili tavsiyeler de içeren bu kitap, harika bir iletişimci olmak için ihtiyacınız olan her şeyi size sunuyor!

Skuteczne komunikowanie się w pracy
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 21

Skuteczne komunikowanie się w pracy

Naucz się skutecznie komunikować w pracy w zaledwie 50 minut dzięki tej praktycznej i zwięzłej książce. Dobra komunikacja jest niezbędna w zarządzaniu wydajnością, rozwiązywaniu konfliktów i utrzymywaniu zdrowych relacji zawodowych. Pomaga zespołom działać płynnie i zapewnia, że wszyscy w firmie są na tej samej stronie, tworząc lepsze środowisko pracy i większą wydajność. Z tej książki dowiesz się, jak lepsza komunikacja może pomóc ci w pracy zespołowej, rozmowach kwalifikacyjnych i wystąpieniach publicznych. Zawiera również przydatne wskazówki dotyczące dostosowania stylu komunikacji do odbiorców oraz porady dotyczące mowy ciała, dając ci wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, aby stać się świetnym komunikatorem!

Sociétal 2016
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 319

Sociétal 2016

Le décryptage annuel des enjeux économiques et sociaux "Nous sommes tous à la frontière" affirme d'emblée l'édition 2016 de Sociétal. À l'heure où la transformation numérique bouleverse les chaînes de valeur économiques, le travail, l'emploi, le droit et le dialogue social, l'éducation et la formation, avons-nous pris toute la mesure de ces mutations ? Comment nous adapter, individuellement et collectivement ? Sommes-nous lost in transition ? Ce numéro de Sociétal s'interroge sur les mutations du travail et de l'emploi à l'ère numérique, et leurs conséquences sociales. Car la grande transformation que nous vivons nous propulse dans l'âge des paradoxes : salarié et entrep...