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The Seychelles Law Reports
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 288

The Seychelles Law Reports

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1963
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  • Publisher: Unknown


  • Language: en
  • Pages: 276


Killer instinct is an aggressive tenacious urge for domination in a struggle to attain a set goal. If you say that a sports player or politician has the killer instinct, you admire him for his toughness and determination to succeed.We don’t strive to go the extra mile, which is the toughest in any endeavour. We should not create an impression that there’s nothing more to achieve. Complacency and overconfidence are proven recipes for disaster. Winning isn't about finishing in first place. It isn't about beating the others. It is about overcoming yourself, overcoming your body, your limitations, and your fears. Winning means surpassing yourself and turning your dreams into reality. Success is an excellent acquired quality of a person to sustain a strong spirit which can willfully overpower the dictums of mind

La Reconstruction en Europe Après la Première Et la Seconde Guerre Mondiale Et Le Rôle de la Conservation Des Monuments Historiques
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 393

La Reconstruction en Europe Après la Première Et la Seconde Guerre Mondiale Et Le Rôle de la Conservation Des Monuments Historiques

Living with History focuses on a particular aspect of heritage preservation in the twentieth century: destruction and postwar reconstruction in Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, and The Netherlands. This book establishes a status quaestionis for the historiography of wartime and postwar preservation, and sets these particular developments in preservation history in the context of the general evolution of architecture and urbanism. The authors investigate the specific role of conservationists and heritage institutions and administrations in the overall reconstruction and examine the part played by architects and planners in heritage preservation.

L' Hérédité en République
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 390

L' Hérédité en République

Si « l'hérédité en République » peut sembler un paradoxe, pratiques népotiques, cousinages complexes, ancrage local, réseaux de sociabilité au sein de la bourgeoisie conduisent à la confiscation du destin politique de la Marne par quelques familles entre 1871 et 1940. Malgré le vœu de Gambetta de voir émerger des couches sociales nouvelles en politique, des groupes familiaux alliés mettent la main sur les mandats de conseiller d’arrondissement, conseiller général, député et sénateur.Ces élus limitent le renouvellement des élites politiques nationales et locales. Appartenant à des familles qui s’embourgeoisent progressivement au cours du siècle, ces notables procèd...

From Urban National Parks to Natured Cities in the Global South
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 338

From Urban National Parks to Natured Cities in the Global South

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-07-20
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  • Publisher: Springer

This important volume focuses on the sensitive issue of interrelationships between national parks situated near or within urban areas and their urban environment. It engages with both urban and conservation issues and and compares four national parks located in four large cities in the global South: Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, Mumbai, and Nairobi. Though primarily undertaken as academic research, the project has intensively collaborated with the institutions in charge of these parks. The comparative structure of this volume is also original and unique: each of the chapters incorporates insight from all four sites as far as possible.The term “naturbanity” expresses the necessity for cities...

A New U
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 302

A New U

Every year, the cost of a four-year degree goes up, and the value goes down. But for many students, there's a better answer. So many things are getting faster and cheaper. Movies stream into your living room, without ticket or concession-stand costs. The world's libraries are at your fingertips instantly, and for free. So why is a college education the only thing that seems immune to change? Colleges and universities operate much as they did 40 years ago, with one major exception: tuition expenses have risen dramatically. What's more, earning a degree takes longer than ever before, with the average time to graduate now over five years. As a result, graduates often struggle with enormous debt...

Télévision française La saison 2011
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 432

Télévision française La saison 2011

La saison 2011 propose un panorama critique d'une année de télévision à travers fictions et documentaires, avec de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc. On y trouve aussi une rubrique télévision en livres, revues et DVD, les coups de cœurs cinéma, et les listes et index des fictions et documentaires traités.

  • Language: zh-CN
  • Pages: 72


我們吸收知識、學習做人,但從沒有人教該如何有效率的工作。 有生產力並非事情做得快、也不是做很多事情, 而是知道如何優先完成最符合目標的關鍵工作,每天都有成就感! ✶Google、Zoom、Spotify都相信的高效生產力 為什麼花了很多時間,事情還是做不完? 工作時數能不能減少,做自己想做的事情? 現代上班族需要學習高效完成工作的技術, 組織工作、專注優先要務、加速完成,就是最高生產力方程式。 我們被自己的工作習慣限制了, 忍受每周耗時的會議,而非按照重要性排列行程;浪費時間做不重要的事,而非訓...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 502


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1997
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  • Publisher: Unknown


  • Language: de
  • Pages: 474


Dieses Buch fasst wichtige Veröffentlichungen zu Wasserkraftprojekten aus der Fachzeitschrift WasserWirtschaft zusammen. Dabei werden neuere Analysen zum Wasserkraftpotenzial in Europa, Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz dargestellt sowie über Entwicklungen und technische Besonderheiten berichtet. Beiträge über Projekte aus den Jahren 2010 - 2012 runden die Zusammenstellung ab. In diesem Rahmen wird gleichfalls der Konflikt Ausbau der regenerativen Stromerzeugung und Anforderungen durch Richtlinien, Gesetze und Biodiversitätsstrategien thematisiert. Über die technischen und rechtlichen Aspekte hinaus werden auch Themen der Arbeitssicherheit, der Ökonomie und die Einbeziehung sozioökonomischer Aspekte in Wasserkraftprojekte erörtert.