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Das Buch liefert einen Überblick über die textilen Arbeiten aus den letzten zwei Lebensjahrzehnten von Louise Bourgeois. »Ich war schon immer fasziniert von der magischen Kraft der Nadel. Nadeln werden benutzt, um einen Schaden zu beheben. Sie sind eine Forderung nach Vergebung.« Für diesen Werkkomplex verwendete die Künstlerin Kleidungsstücke aus allen Bereichen ihres Lebens, später erweiterte sie ihn um andere Textilien wie Bettwäsche, Tapisserien und Stickereien. In Bourgeois’ textilen Arbeiten setzen sich die Themen Identität und Sexualität, Trauma und Aufarbeitung, Schuld und Wiedergutmachung fort. Sie dienen als Metaphern emotionaler und psychologischer Zustände. Der Katalog, der zur Ausstellung in der Hayward Gallery und dem Gropius Bau erscheint, zeigt zahlreiche Arbeiten, wie die monumentalen Cell Installationen, figurative Skulpturen oder abstrakte Stoffzeichnungen.
A "collection of essays on art, feminism, neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy"
Joan Jonas emerged in a rich and experimental 1960s New York art scene that included such luminaries as Richard Serra, Gordon Matta-Clark, John Cage, Philip Glass, and Merce Cunningham. Since that time Jonas has gained a peerless status as a pioneer of performance and video. Jonas's work typically encompasses video, performance, installation, sound, text, and drawing. Defying easy categorization, it engages with complex ideas of ritual, myth, and storytelling. In recent years Jonas has also become increasingly engaged with environmental issues, focusing on the animal world and the vulnerability of our planet. This new publication includes an introduction to Jonas's practice and brings together selected conversations from the last fourteen years, in which the artist talks about her interdisciplinary approach as well as the influences and impulses she has absorbed from literature, music, traditional Japanese Noh theater, and the rituals of foreign cultures.
'Living as Form' grew out of a major exhibition at Creative Time in New York City. Like the exhibition, the book is a landmark survey of more than 100 projects selected by a 30-person curatorial advisory team; each project is documented by a selection of colour images.
In The Aesthetic Clinic, Fernanda Negrete brings together contemporary women writers and artists well known for their formal experimentation—Louise Bourgeois, Sophie Calle, Lygia Clark, Marguerite Duras, Roni Horn, and Clarice Lispector—to argue that the aesthetic experiences afforded by their work are underwritten by a tenacious and uniquely feminine ethics of desire. To elaborate this ethics, Negrete looks to notions of sublimation and feminine sexuality developed by Freud, Baudelaire, Mallarmé, and Nietzsche, and their reinvention with and after Jacques Lacan, including in the schizoanalysis of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. But she also highlights how psychoanalytic theory draw...
In the sciences, the experimental approach has proved its worth in generating what subsequently requires understanding. Can the emergent field of artistic research be inspired by recent thinking about the history and workings of science?
Over the course of his acclaimed 60-year career, Gerhard Richter (b. 1932) has employed both representation and abstraction as a means of reckoning with the legacy, collective memory, and national sensibility of post–WWII Germany, in both broad and very personal terms. This handsomely designed book spans the artist’s rich and varied oeuvre from the early 1960s to the present, including photo paintings, portraits, large-scale abstract series, and works on glass. Essays by leading experts on the artist illuminate Richter’s preoccupation with painting in relation to other modes of representation, and emphasize the ongoing importance of the medium’s formal and conceptual possibilities in contemporary art.
Ende der 1940er-Jahre beschäftigten sich berühmte Künstler der New York School - Robert Rauschenberg, Ad Reinhardt, Mark Rothko, Frank Stella und Barnett Newman - intensiv mit der Farbe Schwarz. Es entstand eine erstaunliche Anzahl von nahezu monochromen schwarzen Bildserien, die heute zu den Glanzstücken international bedeutender Sammlungen wie dem Whitney Museum in New York zählen und in Black Paintings erstmals vereint gezeigt werden. Die Publikation mit einem fundierten Essay von Stephanie Rosenthal beleuchtet Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten der im New York der Nachkriegszeit entstandenen Werke und verfolgt die Frage, welche Bedeutung sie im gesamten Schaffen der Künstler einnehmen. Einen der Ausgangspunkte des Buches bildet dabei die These, dass die schwarzen Gemälde für Durchbrüche und Übergänge im OEuvre der Maler stehen. (Englische Ausgabe ISBN 978-3-7757-1860-8) Ausstellung: Haus der Kunst, München 15.9.2006-14.1.2007
封面故事 《創業者的冒險》 根據經濟部中小企業處調查,2020年台灣18∼64歲成人中,投入早期階段創業活動比率為8.4%,也就是說,每100位成人就有8位正在進行早期創業。但創業說到底就是一場冒險,創業者們得在這條成功率極低的道路,不斷證明與驗證提出的創意和決策,不是一時一己的興致,而是歷經社會考驗與市場審查的長久價值。 當La Vie要談創業,我們選擇從長期關注的文化創意產業切入,想著不同於常見的科技新創,創作者與文化創意相關業者會遇到哪些挑戰?又是否發展出有別於其他產業的生存方式?創業說來...
"One of the great virtues of American/Medieval Goes North is ist wide range of contributors with fascinatingly diverse relationships to the main terms of analysis. There are academic scholars, poets, filmmakers, tribal elders, teachers at various levels; there are Indigenous people, people from settler colonial cultures, expats, immigrants. Their analytic and imaginative encounters with the North catch at the intensely symbolic and political charge of that locus. At a time when Medieval Studies cannot afford to ignore the period's popular uptake – cannot continue with business as usual in the face of white supremacists' brazen appropriations of the Middle Ages – this volume points to new possibilities for grappling with the uneasy relationships between the 'American' and the 'medieval'." – Prof Carolyn Dinshaw, New York University