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The first work to provide a broad history of the relationship between Eastern Europe and the decolonising world ranging from the nineteenth to the late twentieth century. At its core is the post-1945 period, when socialism's importance as a globalising force accelerated and drew together what contemporaries called the 'Second' and 'Third Worlds'.
Placing Eastern Europe in a global context, this provides new perspectives on the political, economic, and cultural transformations of the late twentieth century.
The term ‘annotation’ is associated in the Humanities and Technical Sciences with different concepts that vary in coverage, application and direction but which also have instructive parallels. This publication mirrors the increasing cooperation that has been taking place between the two disciplines within the scope of the digitalization of the Humanities. It presents the results of an international conference on the concept of annotation that took place at the University of Wuppertal in February 2019. This publication reflects on different practices and associated concepts of annotation in an interdisciplinary perspective, puts them in relation to each other and attempts to systematize their commonalities and divergences. The following dynamic visualizations allow an interactive navigation within the volume based on keywords: Wordcloud ☁ , Matrix ▦ , Edge Bundling ⊛
This book is aimed at presenting fresh views, interpretations, and reinterpretations of some already researched issues relating to the Yugoslav foreign policy and international relations up to year 1991. Yugoslavia positioned itself as a communist state that was not under the heel of the Soviet diplomacy and policy and as such was perceived by the West as an acceptable partner and useful tool in counteracting the Soviet influence.
In diesem Band sind Beiträge versammelt, die das gesamte Spektrum von Marija Wakounigs inhaltlich, zeitlich und räumlich vielfältigem wissenschaftlichem Werk abdecken. Er umfasst daher vor allem die folgenden Themenbereiche: Adel (Dynastien, Adelshäuser, Transformation des Adels, Fideikommiss, Elitenwandel, Mäzenatentum, Adel und Kulturerbe, Adel und Nation); Diplomatie (Gesandte, Reisen, Missionen, Herbersteiniana, Friedenskonferenzen und -kongresse); Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte; Geschichte der Alpen-Adria-Region; Österreichische Geschichte; Geschichte Kärntens; Slowenische Geschichte.
This promising addition to the growing literature on the history of late socialism charts the development of youth culture and politics in socialist Yugoslavia, focusing on the 1980s. Rather than examining the 1980s as a mere prelude to the violent collapse of the country in the 1990s, the book recovers the multiplicity of political visions and cultural developments that evolved at the time and that have been largely forgotten in subsequent discussion. The youth of this generation, the author convincingly argues, sought to rearticulate the Yugoslav socialist framework in order to reinvigorate it and 'democratise' it, rather than destroy it altogether.
"Offering new insights into promising ways to facilitate the uptake of open scholarship in the humanities, this book gives further shape to the digital humanities and the prospects of their future as part of a far more open and public world of scholarship. The eBook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on Open access was funded by Edith Cowan University"--
Tretji zvezek (osebnosti s priimki na črke Ble–But) Novega Slovenskega biografskega leksikona vsebuje 277 gesel o najvidnejših slovenskih in s Slovenijo povezanih osebnosti in družin iz vseh obdobij naše zgodovine. Osebnosti smo izbrali s področij antropologije, arheologije, arhitekture, biologije, čebelarstva, ekonomije, etnologije, farmacije, filma, filozofije, fizike, geodezije, geografije, geologije, glasbe, gledališča, gospodarstva, gozdarstva, izseljenstva, jezikoslovja, krasoslovja, kulinarike, kulinarike, leksikografije, lesarstva, literature, lutkarstva, medicine, paleontologije, politike, popularne glasbe, prava, psihologije, sociologije, šolstva, športa, umetnostne zgodovine, urbanizma, veterine, zgodovine itd. Tiskano izdajo dopolnjuje spletni portal Slovenska biografija (; urednica Petra Vide Ogrin, Biblioteka SAZU).
Monografija obravnava problematiko v sodobnem slovenskem zgodovinopisju deficitarno zastopanih raziskav gospodarske in družbene zgodovine. Posveča se tudi retrospektivi sistematičnih raziskav z ekonomsko-socialno problematiko. Te so sledile smernicam, ki jih je sredi prejšnjega stoletja začrtala SAZU v sklopu programa Naravna in kulturna dediščina. Leta 1970 in 1980 sta kot plod prizadevanj številnih avtorjev izšla obsežna zvezka o agrarni zgodovini Slovencev, nato pa je delo na programu zaradi različnih razlogov zastalo. Po več kot treh desetletjih zastojev in razpršenega raziskovanja gospodarske in družbene zgodovine, ki v slovenskem zgodovinopisju predstavlja nesporni deside...