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In the impoverished outskirts of French cities, known as the banlieues, minority communities are turning to American culture, history, and theory to make their own voices, cultures, and histories visible. Filmmakers have followed suit, turning to Hollywood genre conventions to challenge notions of identity, belonging, and marginalization in mainstream French film. French B Movies proposes that French banlieue films, far from being a fringe genre, offer a privileged site from which to understand the current state of the French film industry in an age of globalization. This gritty style appears in popular arthouse films such as Mathieu Kassovitz's La Haine and Bande de filles (Girlhood) along ...
Mitigation and decarbonization efforts are falling short of the 1.5°C goal, making adaptation critical. Developing economies are affected the most, despite having contributed the least to the problem. Nearly 98 percent of adaptation finance comes from public actors, with highly fragmented flows from the private sector. As financing needs increase, bringing private sector finance becomes critical and requires reframing adaptation investments from being seen not just as a risk exposure but also as an investment opportunity. This requires addressing real and perceived investment barriers, public-private collaboration and risk sharing, as well as financial incentives and innovation to unlock scalable, inclusive solutions. Adaptation is more complex than mitigation, with challenges in defining, evaluating, pricing, and scaling investments. Progress on adaptation requires policy reforms, incentives, and partnerships between governments, businesses, and communities and public-private risk sharing.
Using a wealth of anecdotes, data from academic literature, and original research, this very accessible little book highlights how we all struggle to cope with the maelstrom of choices, influences and experiences that come our way. The authors have slogged through piles of dry research papers to provide many wonderful nuggets of information and surprising insights. For example: Why is an upside-down red triangle such a powerful warning sign on the road? What is the best kind of alibi? What makes the number 7 so special? Why is it better to whisper words of love into the left ear? Will that recent marriage last? Why is it that the French eat snails but not slugs? The reader will discover the amazing tools and shortcuts that millennia of evolution have built into our brains. And this knowledge is power! Knowing more about how the human mind connects the dots helps us understand why decision-making is so tricky. With insights from evolutionary psychology, we become better equipped to understand ourselves and others and to interact and communicate more effectively.
Au nom du Comité d’évaluation et de contrôle des politiques publiques (CEC), MM. Jean-Jacques Guillet et François de Rugy ont évalué la mise en oeuvre, par la France, du paquet « énergie-climat ». Cette évaluation s’inscrit dans la perspective de l’examen du projet de loi sur la transition énergétique que le Gouvernement prévoit de déposer avant l’été 2014. Elle a été réalisée à partir d’une étude demandée par le CEC à la Cour des comptes. Au cours des tables rondes thématiques et des auditions qu’ils ont animées, les rapporteurs ont entendu les acteurs et les parties prenantes de la mise en oeuvre du paquet « énergie-climat » qui ont pu ainsi prendre...
Public speaking is an essential component in the life of a scientist, whatever your level of career. In this book, the authors describe a tried-and-tested technique for preparing a presentation: the SELL Method. Following these three simple steps - Skeleton, Envelope, Life & Logistics - will help you make the most out of any talk. Whether it be a 3-minute pitch or an hour-long plenary session, you will find pages of advice, theory and practical exercises enabling you to SELL YOUR RESEARCH with impact. For scientists these days, the work is not done until it is communicated. And now that problem is solved. Solidly researched and immaculately written, Sell Your Research is a goldmine of useful...
7ª Apostila do Programa Capacitar Mulheres para a Liberdade. Os temas preparam a pessoa estudante dessa apostila para o Brasil pós Acordos Mercosul, União Europeia e com certeza Japão. Garante atualização frente aos Desafios da Economia 4.0 e a Comunicação não verbal. Em formato editorial completamente inovador - Inclui temas de - Proxêmica, Aspectos Ocultos da Comunicação, Questões de Observação para Proxêmica, (aproximação, comunicação oral, Comunicação não verbal), Treinamento para observação, Como Decifrar Pessoas e Falar Para Elas, Preferencias argumentativas (estilos linguísticos persuasivos, uso de figuras de linguagem) , geopolítica das emoções - Brasil e...
Pour contenir le réchauffement en dessous de 2° C, il faut changer les règles du jeu économique. Les instruments à utiliser concernent le climat, mais aussi la justice sociale et les autres facettes de la crise environnementale. Le recours aux énergies fossiles a été à la source de la croissance du XXe siècle et de ses impacts sur la planète. La sortie du règne des fossiles sera la grandeaffaire du xxie siècle. Cette transition énergétique a démarré, mais elle ne met pas nos sociétés à l’abri du risque climatique. En effet, son rythme n’est pas en phase avec le tic-tac de l’horloge climatique et elle ne permet pas de faire face à l’appauvrissement du milieu natur...
Esse é o 1º Livro para Programar Você Chegar lá e se manter – Da teoria a prática. Todas as pessoas observam e perguntam, ainda que silenciosamente: por que algumas pessoas precisam suar a camisa para alcançar o que quer que desejam, enquanto algumas parecem “chegar lÁ” facilmente? A resposta está no modelo pessoal que todos nós trazemos gravado no subconsciente. Mesmo quando uma pessoa domina a área em que atua profissionalmente, se a pessoa deixar de se programar para um alto nível de sucesso, ela jamais “chegará lá”. Esse é um Livro para Programar Você para alcançar suas metas e objetivos. Esse livro contem um Livro para você saber como dirigir as pessoas a aceitar aquilo que você propõe. Assim, um livro se transforma em um Livro para você escolher alcançar o que deseja com aplicação de menos esforço, de meio e métodos. É disso que trata esse livro em seu sentido “latu Senso”.
Over recent decades concerns at the increased scarcity and precarity of salaried employment have dominated political struggles, theoretical debates and cultural representations in France. This study argues that such concerns are evidence of a profound shift in contemporary French economy, culture and society. Engaging with work in political economy and sociology, the book sketches a new interpretative framework, the better to understand the nature and implications of these profound changes. It examines the challenges such changes have posed to fundamental French republican values, arguing they have opened up a rift between older notions of French republican citizenship and the precarious forms of subjectivity characteristic of post-Fordist labour. The book traces the symptoms of this rift in a range of cinematic and literary representations of the contemporary workplace, as these depict the dilemmas faced, the trajectories followed, and the geographical regions inhabited by French workers of different ages, sexes, social classes, and ethnicities.
PRESSIONS, COLLUSIONS, MENSONGES... Tous les ingrédients d'un bon thriller réunis dans une enquête inédite sur la qualité de notre air. À en croire l'État, depuis quelques années, la qualité de notre air s'améliore... Un discours en parfait décalage avec la perception globale des Français. Mais aussi des plus éminents scientifiques qui considèrent que la pollution atmosphérique ne diminue pas mais qu'elle se transforme... pour être encore plus nuisible. Alors, qui dit vrai ? De quoi est véritablement composé l'air que nous respirons dans l'Hexagone ? Pourquoi la France est-elle dans le collimateur de la Commission européenne ? Nos dirigeants auraient-ils délibérément laissé les lobbies industriels et agricoles prendre les commandes ? Ce livre répond à toutes ces questions. Oui, quelque chose cloche dans le ciel français, et, non, l'air de la campagne n'est pas plus sain que celui des villes. Mais cet ouvrage redonne également espoir en mettant en lumière le sursaut citoyen qui naît progressivement un peu partout, et fait bouger les lignes. Car savoir, c'est le début du pouvoir.