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"Wildlife in a Changing World" presents an analysis of the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Beginning with an explanation of the IUCN Red List as a key conservation tool, it goes on to discuss the state of the world s species and provides the latest information on the patterns of species facing extinction in some of the most important ecosystems in the world, highlighting the reasons behind their declining status. Areas of focus in the report include: freshwater biodiversity, the status of the world s marine species, species susceptibility to climate change impacts, the Mediterranean biodiversity hot spot, and broadening the coverage of biodiversity assessments."
O Grupo Internacional Geocrítica foi criado na Universidade de Barcelona, nos anos 1990, e se constitui como um dos maiores fóruns de discussão sobre a produção científica no campo da geografia humana e demais ciências sociais, instituindo um debate de amplo espectro e absorvendo em seu interior múltiplas correntes de pensamento crítico, de várias matrizes do pensamento sociológico e geográfico, marxista e não marxista. Sua especificidade maior foi a reunião de pesquisadores da língua latina ibero-americanos, especialmente o castelhano e o português, ainda que frequentemente com a presença de geógrafos franceses e italianos. Esse livro reúne parte das apresentações reali...
Plantation forests often have a negative image. They are typically assumed to be poor substitutes for natural forests, particularly in terms of biodiversity conservation, carbon storage, provision of clean drinking water and other non-timber goods and services. Often they are monocultures that do not appear to invite people for recreation and other direct uses. Yet as this book clearly shows, they can play a vital role in the provision of ecosystem services, when compared to agriculture and other forms of land use or when natural forests have been degraded. This is the first book to examine explicitly the non-timber goods and services provided by plantation forests, including soil, water and...
Covering a wide range of disciplines, this book explains the formulae, techniques, and methods used in field ecology. By providing an awareness of the statistical foundation for existing methods, the book will make biologists more aware of the strengths and possible weaknesses of procedures employed, and statisticians more appreciative of the needs of the field ecologist. Unique to this book is a focus on ecological data for single-species populations, from sampling through modeling. Examples come from real situations in pest management, forestry, wildlife biology, plant protection, and environmental studies, as well as from classical ecology. All those using this book will acquire a strong foundation in the statistical methods of modern ecological research. This textbook is for late undergraduate and graduate students, and for professionals.
Partindo do contexto da instalação de UPPs (Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora) nas favelas do Rio de Janeiro para "salvaguardar" a segurança da cidade durante megaeventos esportivos (como a Copa do Mundo de 2014 e as Olimpíadas de 2016), Renata Souza acompanha a experiência cotidiana na favela da Maré e demonstra como a política de "pacificação" desconhece a dinâmica comunitária da favela. A partir da hipótese de um espírito comunitário na Maré, a autora investiga iniciativas independentes de comunicação e cultura dos jovens mareenses (de que são exemplos o jornal O Cidadão, a página virtual Maré Vive, o aplicativo Nós Por Nós, o bloco Se Benze Que Dá, o Sarau da Roç...
Universal basic income (UBI) is emerging as one of the most hotly debatedissues in development and social protection policy. But what are thefeatures of UBI? What is it meant to achieve? How do we know, andwhat don’t we know, about its performance? What does it take to implementit in practice? Drawing from global evidence, literature, and survey data, thisvolume provides a framework to elucidate issues and trade-offs in UBI with a viewto help inform choices around its appropriateness and feasibility in different contexts.Specifically, the book examines how UBI differs from or complements othersocial assistance programs in terms of objectives, coverage, incidence, adequacy,incentives, effects on poverty and inequality, financing, political economy, andimplementation. It also reviews past and current country experiences, surveys thefull range of existing policy proposals, provides original results from micro–tax benefitsimulations, and sets out a range of considerations around the analytics andpractice of UBI.
Enabling the Business of Agriculture 2019 presents indicators that measure the laws, regulations and bureaucratic processes that affect farmers in 101 countries. The study covers eight thematic areas: supplying seed, registering fertilizer, securing water, registering machinery, sustaining livestock, protecting plant health, trading food and accessing finance. The report highlights global best performers and countries that made the most significant regulatory improvements in support of farmers.
A medida de segurança é compreendida no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro como uma das espécies de sanção penal, ao lado da pena propriamente dita. Tal medida é considerada uma tutela penal para fins terapêuticos, cuja natureza seria preventiva e assistencial. Dessa forma, a medida de segurança é um dos polos de uma cisão no sistema de tutela penal, que se coloca da seguinte maneira: sistema de culpabilidade (imputabilidade/pena) e sistema de periculosidade (inimputabilidade/medida de segurança). A culpabilidade está vinculada a um ato passado, qual seja, o cometimento de um fato penalmente relevante. A periculosidade, por sua vez, orienta a medida de segurança para a prevenção...
This book presents a broad view of the ecology and behavior of aquatic insects, raising awareness of this conspicuous and yet little known fauna that inhabits inland waterbodies such as rivers, lakes and streams, and is particularly abundant and diverse in tropical ecosystems. The chapters address topics such as distribution, dispersal, territoriality, mating behavior, parental care and the role of sensory systems in the response to external and internal cues. In the context of ecology, it discusses aquatic insects as bio indicators that may be used to assess environmental disturbances, either in protected or urban areas, and provides insights into how genetic connectivity can support the development of novel conservation strategies. It also explores how aquatic insects can inspire solutions for various problems faced by modern society, presenting examples in the fields of material science, optics, sensorics and robotics.