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"This book explores areas such as strategy development, service contracts, human capital management, leadership, management, marketing, e-government, and e-commerce"--Provided by publisher.
This collection of papers from the 2007 International Conference on Knowledge Management, organized by the Executive Academy of the Vienna University of Economics jointly with the International Knowledge Management Society (IKMS), the Austrian Society for Technology Policy (GTP), the Platform Knowledge Management (PWM), the Society of Learning (SoL Austria), the Competence Centre for Knowledge Management Linz, the Austrian Computing Society (OCG), Business Innovation Consulting (BIC-Austria) and Knowledge Management Associates (KMA), represents recent outstanding work by researchers and practitioners in the field of knowledge management.
The organization, processing and representation of knowledge becomes increasingly important in all scientific and business contexts. This book focuses on qualitative methods for knowledge organization and their contributions to knowledge-based issues of marketing management research. Besides theoretical discussions of different approaches to and definitions of knowledge and methods for knowledge organization, several case studies in the field of marketing management are presented. Questions of research design, adequate choice of methodologies and practical relevance of the results are addressed.
Human resources management is essential for any workplace environment and is deemed most effective when a strategic focus is in place to ensure that people can facilitate that achievement of organizational goals. But, effective human resource management also contains an element of risk management for an organization which, as a minimum, ensures legislative compliance. Human Resources Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications compiles the most sought after case studies, architectures, frameworks, methodologies, and research related to human resources management. Including over 100 chapters from professional, this three-volume collection presents an in-depth analysis on the fundamental aspects, tools and technologies, methods and design, applications, managerial impact, social/behavioral perspectives, critical issues, and emerging trends in the field, touching on effective and ineffective management practices when it comes to human resources. This multi-volume work is vital and highly accessible across the hybrid domain of business and management, essential for any library collection.
Das Standardlehrbuch vollständig überarbeitet Personalmanagement - Führung - Organisation: eine Trias, die sich mit menschlichem Verhalten in unterschiedlichen sozialen Kontexten - von Unternehmen über Non-Profit-Organisationen bis hin zu informellen sozialen Gruppen und Ethik im Management - beschäftigt. Die Autorinnen und Autoren führen auf Basis vielfältiger theoretischer Zugänge Studierende und interessierte Praktikerinnen und Praktiker in zentrale management- und organisationstheoretische Problemstellungen ein, die aus dem Zusammenspiel von Menschen und Organisationen entstehen. Sich daraus ergebende Fragestellungen sind z. B.: Wie gelingt die Rekrutierung der richtigen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter? Was ist gute Führung? Welche Organisationsformen sind für welche Aufgaben besonders geeignet? Welche Bedeutung haben Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit in der Arbeitswelt? Diese und weitere Fragen werden in kompakter Form diskutiert, mit theoretischen Konzepten verständlich unterlegt und anhand von Praxisbeispielen erläutert. Die Kapitel dieses Standardwerks wurden entweder komplett neu verfasst oder gründlich überarbeitet und aktualisiert.
This volume covers a range of on-going and newly emerging debates in the study of multinational companies (MNCs). A key aim is to consolidate and make available in one place new conceptual, methodological and critical MNC research.
This volume constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the First EAI International Summit, Smart City 360°, held in Bratislava, Slovakia and Toronto, ON, Canada, in October 2015. The 77 carefully reviewed papers include eight conferences: The Bratislava program covered the Conference on Sustainable Solutions beyond Mobility of Goods (SustainableMoG 2015), the MOBIDANUBE conference which strengthens research in the field of mobility opportunities and within Danube strategy, and the conference on Social Innovation and Community Aspects of Smart Cities (SmartCityCom 2015). In parallel the SmartCity360 Toronto included five conferences addressing urban mobility (SUMS), sustainable cities (S2CT), smart grids SGSC), wearable devices for health and wellbeing SWIT Health), and big data (BigDASC).
In der obersten Liga der Führungskräfteweiterbildung im Executive Management spielt der Post Graduate Management Universitätslehrgang der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (PGM) seit 30 Jahren eine herausragende Rolle. Professoren aus dem gesamten deutschen Sprachraum stellen neuestes Managementwissen aus der Universitätswerkstatt einem erlesenen Teilnehmerkreis vor.Nun werden die als besonders wichtig erkannten aktuellen Themen einer breiten Führungskräfte-Öffentlichkeit mit der vorliegenden Publikation angeboten:LeadershipTeamworkmanagement philosophische Aspekte des ManagementsKooperation und KonkurrenzMotivationStressbekämpfungOrganizationDesignWissensmanagementStrategisches ManagementManagement von Unternehmungsnetzwerken.Die Texte unter dem Motto "Strategien realisieren - Organisationen mobilisieren" enthalten Reflexions- und Handlungsvorschläge, die für jede Führungskraft von höchster Relevanz sind.
Strategy, planning and the best possible use of scare resources are classical priorities on the military sector. Additionally, the principles of modern business management are gaining more and more importance and can certainly be applied to defence administration as well as to operational and troop management - taking into account their unique specifications. In this context, future oriented thinking, adaptability, flexibility, improvability, and the best possible coordination and performance are standing in the foreground. The instruments of performance and effect oriented governance can - if applied correctly and professionally - contribute substantially and in the best way to find solutions for the manifold problems of military management.