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tema yang diusung dalam book chapter ini adalah “Adaptasi di Masa Pandemi: Kajian Multidisipliner" sebagai suatu karya yang representatif terhadap situasi dan kondisi di masa Pandemi Covid-19, khususnya di dunia pendidikan dalam perspektif berbagai bidang keilmuan. Pandemi Covid-19 yang telah menjadi pandemi global membuat semua insan di dunia pendidikan harus beradaptasi dengan tatanan baru demi terselenggaranya tujuan yang paling hakiki dari pe-nyelenggaraan pendidikan. Terlebih dalam berbagai pers-pektif bidang ilmu yang memiliki karakteristik tidak seragam, tentunya berbagai ide, pemikiran, dan karya-karya inovatif lainnya harus terus dikembangkan dan direalisasikan demi terciptanya mutu pendidikan yang lebih baik.
Nilai budaya dan religius merupakan nilai yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dari kepariwisataan. Setiap manusia memiliki keinginan yang memahami dan mencari tahu tentang budaya di berbagai belahan dunia. Kebudayaan ini meliputi tradisi, nilai, dan sistem kepercayaan yang berbeda yang seringkali menjadi daya tarik lebih di dunia pariwisata. Bagi wisatawan lokal, pemahamann akan budaya akan memberikan pengalaman lebih banyak tentang sejarah lokal sehingga memberikan rasa bangga dan patriotism bagi wisatawan itu sendiri. Sedangkan secara internasional, pengetahuan tentang budaya akan menumbukan rasa hormat dan kagum yang akan menicptakan identitas dan image Bali itu sendiri.
Over 6000 different languages are used in the world today, but the conventions of 'media speak' are far from universal and the complexities of translation are rarely acknowledged by the industry, audiences or scholars. Redressing this neglect, Speaking in Subtitles argues that the specific contingencies of translation are vital to screen media's global storytelling. Looking at a range of examples, from silent era intertitling to contemporary crowdsourced subtitling, and from avant-garde dubbing to the increasing practice of 'fansubbing', Tessa Dwyer proposes that screen media itself is a fundamentally 'translational' field.
The community of translator trainers is growing constantly, as new courses are set up in diverse contexts throughout the world. After a brief overview of current approaches to translator training, this book offers practical guidance to sound training practices in different contexts. Given the very wide variety of backgrounds translator trainers come from, the text aims to be equally of use to language teachers new to translation, to professional translators new to teaching or training, to recent graduates in translation intending to embark on academic careers in translation studies, and to more experienced trainers wishing to reflect on their activity or to train new trainers. For that reaso...
Survei membuktikan bahwa agama atau keyakinan adalah salah satu faktor paling krusial yang menyebabkan perpecahan dalam masyarakat. Sepanjang sejarah, berbagai jenis konflik biasanya dilatarbelakangi oleh keyakinan yang berbeda. Di kalangan umat Hindu pun, konflik internal karena perbedaan mantra, tata cara persembahyangan, ista-devata, atau bahkan perbedaan kecil lainnya bisa menyulut konflik yang berlarut-larut. Dalam skup inilah peran cendekiawan Hindu yang netral, mengayomi dan melindungi diperlukan. Cendekiawan Hindu hendaknya dapat berpikir luwes dan mampu mencari titik temu di antara berbagai warna dan rona Hindu. Dengan menggabungkan semua warna itu, Hindu akan menjadi jauh lebih indah dan cantik. Hindu tidak harus seragam. Jadikanlah ia tetap beragam namun senantiasa saling genggam.
"Contains research articles by nearly 40 leading mathematicians from North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, presented at the Fourth International Conference on p-adic Functional Analysis held recently in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Includes numerous new open problems documented with extensive comments and references."
One of the first attempts to present a comprehensive study of legal translation, this book is an interdisciplinary study in law and translation theory. It is not bound to any specific languages or legal systems, although emphasis is placed on translation between common law and civil law jurisdictions. The main focus is on the translation of texts which are authoritative sources of the law; examples are cited primarily from statutes, codes and constitutions (Canada, Switzerland and Belgium), as well as instruments of the European Union and international treaties and conventions. Dealing with theoretical as well as practical aspects of the subject matter, the author analyses legal translation as an act of communication in the mechanism of the law, thus making it necessary to redefine the goal of legal translation. This book is intended for both lawyers and linguists, translation theorists, legal translators and drafters, legal lexicographers, as well as teachers and students of translation.
From fansubbing, fan-generated translation, to user-generated translation, from amateur translation to social translation, non-professional subtitling has come a long way since its humble beginning in the 1980s. The prevailing technological affordance enables and mobilises the digital generation to turn subtitling into a method of self-expression and mediation, and their activities have made translation a more social and visible activity than ever before. This volume provides a comprehensive review of the current state of play of this user-generated subtitling phenomenon. It includes projects and research focusing on various aspects of non-professional subtitling, including the communities a...
"Translation Studies" presents an integrated concept based on the theory and practice of translation. The author adapts linguistic approaches and methods in such a way that they may be usefully employed in the theory, practice, and analysis of literary translation. The author develops a more cultural approach through text analysis and cross-cultural communication studies. The book is a contribution to the development of translation studies as a discipline in its own right.