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Puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena buku kompilasi mata kuliah Discourse Analysis ini telah rampung disusun. Buku kompilasi ini berisi tulisan ilmiah dari mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Discourse Analysis di Program Studi Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya, Universitas Darma Persada. Mahasiswa membahas fenomena penggunaan bahasa yang terjadi di dalam suatu wacana, baik tertulis maupun lisan. Oleh sebab itu, topik kajian dalam buku kompilasi ini pun beragam, sesuai dengan ketertarikan mahasiswa terkait suatu isu tertentu, yang dalam konteks ini, berkaitan erat dengan perilaku penggunaan bahasa dalam komunikasi di masyarakat. Tak lupa, tim penyusun menyampaikan terima kasih kepada mahasiswa yang telah menitipkan tulisan ilmiah mereka kepada kami sehingga kami dapat menyusun buku kompilasi ini. Ucapan terima kasih juga disampaikan ke pihak lain yang telah membantu menyelesaikan buku kompilasi ini. Akhir kata, semoga buku kompilasi ini dapat menjadi referensi bacaan bagi banyak orang, khususnya mahasiswa yang menekuni bidang linguistik dan sangat tertarik dengan bidang kajian Ilmu Analisis Wacana
Provides informative description and analysis of the historical, economic, political and socio-cultural development of the Chinese in this country -- Book jacket.
This book is an attempt to understand some of the most important issues that have emerged in the interface between religion and society in recent decades. What is the role that religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, lslam and Judaism play in the public sphere today? How have govermments established in the name of religion fared in matters pertaining to governance?What are the forces responsible for the shift towards religion as the principal conduit for reform and protest in certain societies in Asia? ls the religious worldview and are religious values relevant to the resolution of the major crises confronting humanity today - from environmental degradation to the economic meltdown? What sort of transformation will have to take place within religion itself if it is to serve as a spiritual-moral compass in a world that is moving inexorably in the wrong direction? These are some of the questions that this book seeks to answer through both emperical analysis and theoretical reflections Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia
This is an anthology of the most significant writing on the doctrinal, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions of Shicism. The works included here foster an interpretive understanding of Shicism in its dogmatic and cognitive aspects. The intent of this book is to balance the attention that has been focused on the political aspect of Shicism. Shicism is often seen, not only as an essentially political phenomenon, but as a creed of violence. Understanding Shicism in its total reality will encourage a more balanced approach to issues which are viewed mostly politically. While not denying the importance of political manifestations, this book offers an understanding of the often neglected religious beliefs and spiritual practices of this world community.
"Malaysia is a prosperous, modern Islamic nation in which three main ethnic groups - Malay, Chinese and Indian - coexist peacefully, while maintaining their unique cultural identities. Yet this stable society is founded upon a form of affirmative action th"
Myanmar's transition to democracy has been marred by violence between Buddhists and Muslims. While the violence originally broke out between Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims, it subsequently emerged throughout the country, impacting Buddhists and Muslims of many ethnic backgrounds. This article offers background on these so-called "communal conflicts" and the rise and evolution of Buddhist nationalist groups led by monks that have spearheaded anti-Muslim campaigns. The authors describe how current monastic political mobilization can be understood as an extension of past monastic activism, and is rooted in traditional understandings of the monastic community's responsibility to defend the religion, respond to community needs, and guide political decision-makers. The authors propose a counter-argument rooted in Theravada Buddhism to address the underlying anxieties motivating Buddhist nationalists while directing them toward peaceful actions promoting coexistence. Additionally, given that these conflicts derive from wider political, economic, and social dilemmas, the authors offer a prescription of complementary policy initiatives.--Résumé de l'éditeur.