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In Latin America, the production of telenovelas and TV series about the region's recent and traumatic past has grown considerably in the last 20 years, affecting societal perceptions of the past, historical consciousness, and political culture. While these TV products are usually perceived as trivial, they do provide a historical framework to a wide audience, which finds it easier to relate to the national past through fiction than through history books, journalistic articles or documentaries. Latin America's Contested Pasts in Telenovelas and TV Series analyzes the historical culture of Latin American society embodied in telenovelas and TV series from the 1960s to this day. It compiles regional case studies on the televised representation of 20th-century dictatorships in Chile, Argentina, and Brazil, as well as the war against drug trafficking and the armed conflict in Colombia. Highlighting the political and social relevance of fictional television, the contributions offer interdisciplinary insights into its discourses and narratives, from the heroization of criminals to the search for reconciliation and the construction of a historical memory.
'No More Haunted Dolls: Horror Fiction that Transcends the Tropes' is a multi-author work united by the common theme of critical analysis of the use of horror tropes in literature, film, and even video games. Tackling issues dealing with gender, race, sexuality, social class, religion, politics, disability, and more in horror, the authors are horror scholars hailing from varied backgrounds and areas of specialty. This book may be used as a resource for classes that study horror or simply as entertainment for horror fans; readers will consider diverse perspectives on the tropes themselves as well as their representation in specific works.
This book provides a systematic, interdisciplinary analysis of the conflicts, issues, and tensions associated with today’s ecological transformation processes from an Environmental Humanities perspective. It explores the notion of ecological ambivalence, where conflicting reactions, beliefs, or feelings toward public policies or private practices for "saving planet Earth" threaten to produce a stalemate. Under the umbrella of the Environmental Humanities, the book brings together scholars from fields such as environmental history, ecological economics, human geography, and ecocriticism. Contributions investigate the dissonances, or ambivalences, wound up with processes of environmental tra...
Intermedial Ecocriticism: The Climate Crisis Through Art and Media provides an extensive understanding of the climate crisis as it is represented in a number of medial forms, including scientific reports, popular science, graphic novels, documentaries, websites, feature films, and advertising. Theoretically, this is the first book that combines two important theories from the humanities: ecocriticism and intermedial studies. The book carefully develops Intermedial Ecocriticism as a method of investigating how climate crisis is represented and communicated through diverse media types. The chapters each include a comparative analysis of two or three specific media products and how they mediate the climate crisis.
The existence of World Literature depends on specific processes, institutions, and actors involved in the global circulation of literary works. The contributions of this volume aim to pay attention to these multiple material dimensions of Latin American 20th and 21st century literatures. From perspectives informed by materialism, sociology, book studies, and digital humanities, the articles of this volume analyze the role of publishing houses, politics of translation, mediators and gatekeepers, allowing insights into the processes that enable books to cross borders and to be transformed into globally circulating commodities. The book focusses both on material (re)sources of literary archives, key actors in literary and cultural markets, prizes and book fairs, as well as on recent dimension of the digital age. Statements of some of the leading representatives of the global publishing world complement these analyses of the operations of selection and aggregation of value to literary texts.
Gradation is usually considered to be a property of adjectives. Examples like "The boy loves his mother very much" and "The boy has grown a lot" reveal that gradation is not limited to adjectives but verbs are gradable too. Verb gradation has received considerably less attention in the literature than gradation of adjectives. The aim of the current volume is to explore the notion of verb gradation in more detail. The book presents a semantic as well as a syntactic analysis of verb gradation and combines three case studies with a general perspective on the phenomenon. Issues addressed in the volume cover, among others, the notion of scalarity in the verbal domain, the interaction of verb gradation with grammatical as well as lexical aspect and verb gradation as a subcompositional phenomenon. These topics are investigated from a cross-linguistic perspective. The languages of investigation include, among others, German, Russian and French.
Elissa Pustka & Linda Bäumler (Wien) Regionale Varietäten und Plurizentrik im Spanischunterricht: Ergebnisse einer Online-Umfrage unter bayerischen und österreichischen Erstsemestern Corinna Deppner (Hamburg) Interkulturelles Lernen im Spanischunterricht. Pablo Picassos „Les Demoiselles d’Avignon“ als Impuls für die Förderung interkultureller Kompetenz durch bildende Kunst Melanie Koch-Fröhlich (Freiburg) Leselust statt Lesefrust? Professionsorientierte Zugänge zur Literaturwissenschaft mit der Autosoziobiografie Georgia Gödecke (Bremen) La fille dans l’écran – die Arbeit mit der bande déssinée als Beitrag zum textsortenspezifischen Lernen im Französischunterricht Danie...
Im Jahr 1988 eröffnete Konrad Baumgartner zusammen mit Werner Rück in Verbindung mit Ludwig Mödl, Josef Müller und Ehrenfried Schulz die Reihe "Studien zur Theologie und Praxis der Seelsorge". Sie sollte wissenschaftliche Dissertationen, Habilitationen und vergleichbare Forschungsarbeiten der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich machen. Nach fast 30 Jahren können die aktuellen Herausgeber den Jubiläumsband 100 präsentieren, der wichtige Publikationen aus der Reihe noch einmal aktualisiert. Dabei wird der Seelsorgebegriff angesichts gewandelter Kontexte genauso in den Blick genommen wie einzelne Handlungsfelder und Orte in der Seelsorge. Beispielhaft seien genannt: Hospiz- und Krankenhausseelsorge, Notfallseelsorge, Seelsorge angesichts größerer pastoraler Räume, Interkulturelle Seelsorge sowie geänderte Anforderungsprofile an Seelsorger/innen. Ein Schaufenster für aktuelle Diskurse in der Seelsorgetheorie und eine Einladung zu weiteren Veröffentlichungen.
Intermedialität ist in der heutigen Medienlandschaft ein viel diskutiertes Thema, denn die einzelnen Medien verbinden und vermischen sich und kreieren neue Formen, die es zu verstehen gilt. Die Untersuchung greift diesen Prozess auf und setzt sich mit der intermedialen Wechselbeziehung zwischen pikturalen Werken und filmisch bewegten Bildern am Beispiel Julie Taymors biografischem Künstlerfilm „Frida“ auseinander. Der Spielfilm bindet Werke der mexikanischen Künstlerin Frida Kahlo in unterschiedlicher Weise in den Handlungsverlauf der Filmgeschichte mit ein. Im Mittelpunkt der Analyse steht der Konflikt zwischen dem künstlerischen Objekt, dessen Gestaltung und Wirkung und dem Filmmed...