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This is the second in a series of books which introduce their readers in a natural and systematic way to the world of computer programming. This book teaches computer programming with the C# programming language. Pronounced "see sharp", this language is the latest important programming language in the computer world. While studying computer programming with this book, the reader does not necessarily require any previous knowledge about the subject. The basic operating principles of computers are taught before the actual studies of computer programming begin. All the examples of computer programs are written so that the reader encounters a lot of natural-language expressions instead of the tr...
Global recessions and structural economic shifts are motivating government and business leaders worldwide to increasingly look to "their" universities to stimulate regional development and to contribute to national competiveness. The challenge is clear and the question is pressing: How will universities respond? This book presents in-depth case narratives of ten universities from Norway, Finland, Sweden, UK, and the U.S. that have overcome significant challenges to develop programs and activities to commercialize scientific research, launch entrepreneurial degree programs, establish industry partnerships, and build entrepreneurial cultures and ecosystems. The universities are quite diverse: ...
Throughout Egypt’s long history, pottery sherds and flakes of limestone were commonly used for drawings and short-form texts in a number of languages. These objects are conventionally called ostraca, and thousands of them have been and continue to be discovered. This volume highlights some of the methodologies that have been developed for analyzing the archaeological contexts, material aspects, and textual peculiarities of ostraca.
William Wordsworth (1770-1850) needs little introduction as the central figure in Romantic poetry and a crucial influence in the development of poetry generally. This broad-ranging survey redefines the variety of his writing by showing how it incorporates contemporary concepts of language difference and the ways in which popular and serious literature were compared and distinguished during this period. It discusses many of Wordsworth's later poems, comparing his work with that of his regional contemporaries as well as major writers such as Scott. The key theme of relationship, both between characters within poems and between poet and reader, is explored through Wordsworth's construction of community and his use of power relationships. A serious discussion of the place of sexual feeling in his writing is also included.
Teatteripäiväkirja on itsenäistä jatkoa Pertti Julkusen Kirjastopäiväkirjalle (ntamo 2013). Tekijä kertoo teatterikokemuksistaan ja keskustelee julkisuuden ja teatterin filosofiasta, journalismista ja politiikasta – ja edelleen myös edellisen teoksen huolenaiheestaan, kirjastojen kohtalosta. Keskeisinä syväteemoina ovat empatia ja ideologia. Teatteri hahmottuu paikkana, jossa yhteiskuntaa katsotaan ”ulkopuolelta”, mutta joka myös rinnastuu moniin sen ”esityksellisiin” rakenteisiin. ”Teatterin poliittisuus ei ole niissä aiheissa, joita se valitsee, eikä varsinkaan niissä tiedoissa, joita se mahdollisesti välittää. Poliittisuus on näyttelijässä ja näyttämössä. Se on siinä tavassa, jolla näyttelijät astuvat yleisön ja yleisön kautta koko sen yhteiskunnan eteen, josta he ovat esityksen ajaksi karanneet pois.” ”(...) sanomalehden numero on näyttämöteos, (...) toimittajalla on oltava oma mielensisäinen journalistinen näyttämö (...)”
Musician-Teacher Collaborations: Altering the Chord explores the dynamics between musicians and teachers within educational settings, illustrating how new musical worlds are discovered and accessed through music-in-education initiatives. An international array of scholars from ten countries present leading debates and issues—both theoretical and empirical—in order to identify and expand upon key questions: How are visiting musicians perceived by various stakeholders? What opportunities and challenges do musicians bring to educational spaces? Why are such initiatives often seen as "saving" children, music, and education? The text is organized into three parts: Critical Insights presents n...
Denna bok utgör en del av min planerade bokutgivning om mina skogsfinska anor. Här beskrivs nybyggare i Hedmark fylke och deras ättlingar, såsom Räisäinen, Raatikainen, Vappuinen, Mullikka, Purainen, Liitiäinen och Tossavainen.
This theoretical and practical book builds on the knowledge that sustainability’s value pluralism cannot be reconciled with the value monism of classical, neoclassical, nationalist or socialist political economy. Developing the concept of sustainability value (SV), which requires integrating economic (exchange), social (labour), environmental (intrinsic) and cultural (use) values in all processes of extraction, manufacturing, trade, consumption and disposal, the book reformulates our understanding of key political economy topics such as trade, investment, preference formation, corporate governance and the role of the state. The book illustrates how SV is being realised via multi-stakeholder networks which, forming at the community, national and global levels, enable the required cross-value deliberation.