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This book examines the problem of theodicy arising from the fall of Jerusalem (587 B.C.E.) in the book of Jeremiah. It explores the ways in which the authors of the book of Jeremiah tried to explain away their God's responsibility while clinging to the idea of divine mastery over human affairs. In order to trace the development of a particular book's understanding of God's role in meting out punishments, this book analyzes all the passages containing the word pivotal, הכעיס (“to provoke to anger”) in Deuteronomistic History and the book of Jeremiah.
The Texts @ Contexts series gathers scholarly voices from diverse contexts and social locations to bring new or unfamiliar facets of biblical texts to light. Joshua and Judges focuses attention on themes and tensions at the beginning of Israel's story in the Bible. How do these books represent conquest, war, trauma, violence against women and their marginalization? How does God appear to relate to these realities? And what do contemporary men and women do with biblical ambivalence? Like other volumes in the Texts @ Contexts series, these essays de-center the often homogeneous first-world orientation of much biblical scholarship and open up new possibilities for discovery.
This wide-ranging Reader provides a comprehensive survey of the interaction between postcolonial criticism and biblical studies. Examines how various empires such as the Persian and Roman affected biblical narratives. Demonstrates how different biblical writers such as Paul, Matthew and Mark handled the challenges of empire. Includes examples of the practical application of postcolonial criticism to biblical texts. Considers contemporary issues such as diaspora, race, representation and territory. Editorial commentary draws out the key points to be made and creates a coherent narrative.
Through careful reading of the stories at the end of Judges and in 1 Samuel, Reconciling Violence and Kingship demonstrates that events surrounding Saul have significance independent of David and preceding David's kingship. Michelson argues that Saul's kingship is uniquely important in establishing the person of the king, who was inaugurated in order to minimize violence.
This commentary is the eighteenth published volume in The Forms of the Old Testament Literature (FOTL), a series that aims to present a form-critical analysis of the books and units in the Hebrew Bible. Serge Frolov's valuable study of Judges, addressing both synchronic and diachronic perspectives, offers the first full-scale form-critical treatment of Judges since 1922 and represents an important application of form criticism as practiced today. Fundamentally exegetical, Frolov's work examines the structure, genre, setting, and intention of Judges. Focusing on the canonical Hebrew text, Frolov argues that what we know as the book of Judges is not a literary unit but rather a series of interconnected units that are for the most part closely linked to adjoining books. In particular, he shows how the sequence "apostasy-oppression-repentance-deliverance" traverses the boundary between Judges and Samuel. Frolov also analyzes the history behind the form-critical discussion of this book and exposes the exegetical process so as to enable students and pastors to engage in their own analysis and interpretation of Judges.
In this Amesterdam-based volume, eight experts on Bible translations present essays concerning the practises of translating the Bible for the present and the future, through Christian and Jewish approaches, in Western Europe and North America as well as in the former Eastern Bloc and in Africa. Each paper will be followed by a response. Contributors include S. Noorda, J. Rogerson, S. Crisp, R. Carroll, M. Korsak, E. Fox, J. Punt, L. Sanneh, and other noted acedemics who write responses to the essays.
The books of Jeremiah and Ezekiel contain the majority of the biblical accounts of prophetic sign-actions. By analysing these two prophets' actions according to the terms and concepts used in studies of nonverbal communication and rhetoric, this work seeks to bring conceptual and terminological clarity to the discussion of prophetic sign-acts and to enhance the perception of the prophets as persuasive communicators. Rather than prophetic sign-acts being viewed as having a magical derivation or as being inherently efficacious in bringing about what they portray, the sign-acts are viewed as being primarily forms of nonverbal communication whose purpose was to have a persuasive impact upon spectators.
An application of current linguistic research on discourse markers to sentence conjunctions in Matthew's Gospel. This treatment combines linguistic insights with a detailed examination of Matthew's use of kai, de and similar conjunctions in narrative passages, culminating in a verse by verse commentary on the structure of Matthew's ;miracle chapters', Matthew 8-9. Black breaks new ground in linguistic theory by modelling the interplay between features such as sentence conjunction, word order, and verb tense in the portrayal of continuity and discontinuity in Greek narrative. A volume of interest to New Testament scholars, classicists, discourse analysts and linguists alike.
Commentators are often disturbed by the presence of various speakers in the three poems of Lamentations 1 and 2, and Isaiah 51.9-52.2, the change of speakers being thought to disrupt the flow of ideas. This study shows that a close reading of all three poems in the light of their mourning ceremony setting displays a clear and consistent flow of thought. Purported cases of 'disruption' now fit into their present context as moments in which different mourners voice their pains and their questions aloud, and bring their incomprehensible sufferings to Yahweh their God and the creator of all.
In Reading the Bible Across Contexts Esa Autero offers a fresh perspective on Luke’s poverty texts. In addition to an historical reading, he conducted an empirical investigation of two Latin American Bible reading groups – one poor and the other affluent – to shed light on Luke’s poverty texts. The interaction between historical reading and present-day readings demonstrates the impact of socio-economic status on biblical hermeneutics and sheds new light on Luke’s views on wealth and poverty. At the same time Esa Autero critically examines liberation theologian’s claim that poor are privileged biblical interpreters.