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Sustainability Engineering: Challenges, Technologies, and Applications focuses on emerging topics within sustainability science and engineering, including the circular economy, advanced recycling technologies, decarbonization, renewable energy, and waste valorization. Readers will learn the trends driving today’s sustainability research and innovation as well as the latest in sustainable process technologies. This book: Addresses emerging sustainability development challenges, progress, and disruptive technologies Discusses biological sustainability, recycling technologies, and sustainable process design and manufacture Features a comprehensive view from renowned experts who are leaders in their respective research areas This work is aimed at an interdisciplinary audience of engineers and scientists working on solutions to advance the development and application of sustainable technologies, including – but not limited to – chemical and environmental engineers.
Integrating nanotechnology and sustainable energy frontiers, Advanced Hybrid Nanomaterials for Energy Storage explores the groundbreaking field of material design at the nanoscale for next‐generation energy storage solutions. This comprehensive text delves into the synthesis, characterization, and optimization of hybrid nanomaterials developed by combining the advantageous properties of diverse materials. This diverse range of materials includes metal oxides, carbon nanostructures, biopolymers, and functionalized surfaces. These materials have the potential to revolutionize energy storage technologies such as batteries and supercapacitors due to their synergistic properties and innovative ...
Held in Singapore from 9 to 11 October 2009, the 2009 International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (CBEE 2009) aims to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research and development activities in chemical, biological and environmental engineering. Conference delegates will also have the opportunity to exchange new ideas and application experiences, establish business or research relations and find global partners for future collaboration. Sample Chapter(s). Chapter 1: The Future of Biopharmaceutics'' Production (92 KB). Contents: Study on Pyrolysis Characterist...
Geopolymers and zeolites as eco-friendly materials can participate in cutting-edge research and applications due to their tailored properties, including superabsorbent capacity, heavy metals encapsulation, flame retardancy, mechanical performance, electrokinetic behaviour, corrosion resistance, and thermal properties. This book joins activities and knowledge of researchers from multiple fields to present a comprehensive overview of the advances in synthesis and characterization of geopolymers and zeolites, including base chemistry concepts, nanoscale characterization, and applications in top-level industry.
This book covers advances in nanostructured materials across a variety of biomedical applications as the field evolves from development of prototype devices to real-world implementation. It provides an in-depth look at the current state of the art in oxide nanostructures, carbon nanostructures, and 2D material fabrication and highlights the most important biomedical applications and devices of nanomaterials, including drug delivery, medical imaging, gene therapy, biosensors, and diagnostics. FEATURES Presents the findings of cutting-edge research activities in the field of nanomaterials, with a particular emphasis on biological and pharmaceutical applications Details finished and ongoing toxicity evaluations of emerging nanomaterials Offers a multidisciplinary perspective This book is recommended for senior undergraduate and graduate students, professionals, and researchers working in the fields of bioengineering, materials science and engineering, and biotechnology.
In a world that is constantly evolving, our understanding of nutrition and its impact on human health has grown exponentially. Food, once merely a source of sustenance, is now recognized as a powerful tool for improving public health and well-being. Organized into four sections, Food Fortification: Trends and Technologies presents a comprehensive exploration of food fortification—from its historical roots to its modern applications. Part I introduces the concept of food fortification as a potential strategy for the control of micronutrient malnutrition and the role of micronutrients in human health, recommended dietary allowance, and source. It also details the deficiency, prevalence, popu...
Buku ini merupakan pemikiran secara individual berdasarkan kompetensi masing-masing guru besar Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Dewan Guru Besar (DGB) menginisiasi penerbitan buku ini karena seorang guru besar UGM mempunyai nilai strategis bagi kemajuan bangsa. Seorang guru besar mempunyai kewajiban khusus membuat karya ilmiah dan menyebarluaskan gagasan pembangunan Indonesia atas dasar ilmu pengetahuan yang dimiliki. Oleh karena jabatan guru besar merupakan jabatan akademik tertinggi diharapkan pemikirannya sudah sangat mendalam dan visioner. Dalam kaitan itulah, DGB memrogramkan penulisan buku “Pemikiran Guru Besar UGM Menuju Indonesia Maju 2045”. Tahun 2045 bertepatan dengan 100 tahun I...
Nanomaterial adalah material berdimensi nano, yaitu dimensi antara 1 sampai dengan 100 nm. Ketika benda-benda diperkecil ukurannya memasuki dimensi nano maka sifat-sifat materi dapat berubah. Sebagai contoh, di ukuran meruahnya sebatang aluminium tidak dapat digunakan sebagai propellant. Akan tetapi, pada dimensi nanonya, serbuk nanoaluminium merupakan campuran propelant yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja bahan bakar roket. Karena ukurannya yang sangat kecil maka untuk dapat mempelajari nanomaterial secara lebih baik diperlukan pengetahuan kimia kuantum yang memadai. Kimia kuantum adalah salah satu cabang dari ilmu kimia yang mempelajari fenomena-fenomena kuantum material, mulai dari fenomena a...
Limbah plastik di Indonesia saat ini merupakan masalah yang harus diselesaikan. Peningkatan volume sampah plastik erat kaitannya dengan pertumbuhan penduduk dan jumlah kegiatan industri yang cenderung meningkat setiap tahun. Penggunaan plastik di Asia diperkirakan akan terus meningkat seiring tahun dengan rata-rata penggunaannya mencapai 20 kg per tahun perorang. Permasalahan di atas perlu diatasi, salah satunya dengan cara melakukan pengelolaan sampah plastik dengan baik untuk Konversi Sampah Plastik Menjadi Gasolin 3 meminimalisir dampak bahaya terhadap lingkungan. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah sampah plastik dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber energi alternatif terbarukan.