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Cross-cultural management is an important facet of the globalized sport industry. Sport managers must be skilled at working with individuals from diverse cultures and aware of the key issues affecting sport on a global level. This book brings together cutting-edge research from leading sport scholars from around the world, to illuminate some of those important issues and to demonstrate what cross-cultural management looks like in a sporting context. Presenting case studies from countries as diverse as the US, Brazil, Poland and Venezuela, and across a range of sports from football to basketball, the book presents new empirical material derived from a range of inquiry protocols, including both qualitative and quantitative methods. It offers critical analyses of cross-cultural and managerial issues in key areas such as group cohesiveness, group communications, and misperception and misinterpretation. Making an important contribution to our understanding of both theory and practice in sport management, this book is fascinating reading for any student, researcher or practitioner with an interest in global and international sport.
Exploring why professional team sport clubs are almost always able to survive despite financial mismanagement, inflated player salaries and persistent deficits, this book provides new evidence on how to explain this phenomenon. It looks at the context in which many clubs operate – the soft budget constraint – and how the clubs in this respect resemble state-owned enterprises in socialist countries or big banks in financial crises.
Publikacja towarzyszy I konferencji Naukowej „Młodzi o sporcie" zorganizowanej w 2014 roku przez Koło Naukowe Managerów Sportu UJ. W czasie tego wydarzenia młodzi ludzie mogli słuchać i dyskutować z praktykami rynku sportowego. Z tych właśnie dyskusji, młodzieńczej dociekliwości, ambicji oraz indywidualnych doświadczeń powstały później artykuły naukowe prezentowane w niniejszej publikacji. Zawiera ona prace poświęcone zarówno samej organizacji imprez sportowych, jak i marketingowi imprez sportowych.
This is the first book to focus on crowdfunding in sport. Crowdfunding is an important new financial instrument that is becoming more popular with sports organisations, and this book examines the research evidence for crowdfunding and considers how it might be successfully implemented. Presenting international cases and data, including from European football, the book explains how crowdfunding campaigns have to be fully integrated with strategic marketing plans and require a solid understanding of the needs and motivations of potential investors, consumers, and fans. The book sets out a theoretical framework for applying strategic marketing in the context of crowdfunding in sports clubs, int...
Dzisiaj już nikt nie poddaje w wątpliwość rynkowego wymiaru sportu, zaś termin „marketing sportowy” stał się częścią języka powszedniego. To pojemne określenie kryje dwustronną zależność między sportem a marketingiem. Z jednej strony to sam sport, wskutek swojego urynkowienia i rosnącej konkurencji w możliwościach zagospodarowania czasu wolnego, coraz częściej korzysta z narzędzi zarządzania marketingowego, by trafić do większej liczby odbiorców (mowa wówczas o marketingu sportu). Jednocześnie jednak w licznych obszarach gospodarki i polityki dostrzeżono potencjał sportu do pozycjonowania własnych produktów, budowy wizerunku, komunikacji z aktualnymi i po...
Publikacja poświęcona jest bohaterom drugiego planu w sporcie – organizacjom i specjalistom, którzy przyczyniają się do rozwoju i sukcesu sportowego pojedynczych zawodników i całych drużyn. W obliczu ich mnogości prezentujemy opracowania dotyczące wybranych podmiotów, na konkretnych przykładach z polskiej rzeczywistości sportowej. Wybór ten determinują zainteresowania badawcze uczestników II Konferencji Naukowej Młodzi o Sporcie zorganizowanej w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w maju 2015 roku. To właśnie młodzi ludzie (najczęściej studenci i doktoranci różnych polskich uczelni) są autorami rozdziałów tej pracy.Część pierwsza pracy dotyczy zaplecza menedżerskieg...
This book sets out the current SME and entrepreneurship climate, reviews SME and entrepreneurship issues and policies at national and local levels, and provides observations and recommendations for improving and supporting entrepreneurship and SMEs in Poland.
Governance is at the centre of the work of all sport organizations, from small sport clubs to international sport federations. This book explores sport governance in today’s globalised marketplace. It adopts a broad, modern definition of ‘governance’ that includes the operational process of organizing resources and the implementation of standing policies and plans, as well as regulation, direction, control and evaluation. The book presents a series of cutting-edge case studies that shine important new light on key themes in contemporary sport management, including sustainability, human resource management, cross-cultural management and labour markets, across a wide range of sporting contexts, from Formula One and the Commonwealth Games to the NCAA. Bringing together researchers and practitioners from five continents, it represents an important platform for the international exchange of ideas, best practices, and scholarly enquiry. This is fascinating reading for any student, researcher or practitioner with an interest in sport business and management, event management or international business.
This book showcases new research in sport business management around the world, offering a platform for the international exchange of ideas, best practices, and scientific inquiries in a globalized sport economy. Featuring work from leading sport management scholars from around the world – including North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia – the book addresses a variety of global, regional, national, and community issues that are central to successful sport management. Combining both qualitative and quantitative studies, it explores key themes such as the emergent environment, managing change, organizational transformation, application of technology, marketing and promotion, and research protocols. New case studies cover topics such as entrepreneurship and innovation, sport broadcasting, digital technologies, youth and college sports, and the development of the sport management curriculum. International Sport Business Management is a fascinating reading for all students and scholars of sport management, sport business, and sport marketing, as well as for any professional working in the sport and leisure industries.