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The Subjective Experience of Joblessness in Poland
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 182

The Subjective Experience of Joblessness in Poland

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-05-07
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book describes the experience of joblessness and unemployment in contemporary Poland. It does so by combining qualitative and quantitative data from a special project conducted in Poland after the Great Recession and the long-term Polish Panel Survey (POLPAN) to describe the lives of the jobless: women and men currently out of work, the recently re-employed, and housewives. The book uses a class and inequality perspective to investigate how these women and men became jobless, how they look for and find employment, their household and social activities, and their political participation. It contextualizes these experiences with a description of Poland’s economy, labor market and employment policies after the fall of Communism and builds on the active interviewing and social constructionist approaches to explore the complex interviewer-respondent relationship.

African Migrants and the Refugee Crisis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 345

African Migrants and the Refugee Crisis

This book discusses African migration and the refugee crisis. Economic, political and social tension in the Middle East and in many parts of the Global South has induced historic mass migration across national and international borders. The situation is especially dire in Africa, where a sizable number of Africans have chosen or have been forced to leave their countries of origin for Europe and North America. Written by an international team of scholars, this edited book traces the refugee crisis around the world, telling the necessary story of forced migration, intentional exclusion, and human insecurity from an Afrocentric lens. The volume is divided into three sections. Section I places A...

Dynamics of Class and Stratification in Poland
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 314

Dynamics of Class and Stratification in Poland

This book is about long-term changes to class and inequality in Poland. Drawing upon major social surveys, the team of authors from the Polish Academy of Sciences offer the rare comprehensive study of important changes to the social structure from the communist era to the present. The core argument is that, even during extreme societal transformations, key features of social life have long-lasting, stratifying effects. The authors analyse the core issues of inequality research that best explain “who gets what and why:” social mobility, status attainment and their mechanisms, with a focus on education, occupation, and income. The transition from communist political economy to liberal democracy and market capitalism offers a unique opportunity for scholars to understand how people move from one stratifi cation regime to the next. There are valuable lessons to be learned from linking past to present. Classic issues of class, stratification, mobility, and attainment have endured decades of radical social change. These concepts remain valid even when society tries to eradicate them.

Coming Home to an (Un)familiar Country
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 391

Coming Home to an (Un)familiar Country

This volume focuses on the process of return migration, from a holistic and policy-oriented perspective. Studies in return migration, which remains a vibrant field for academics, researchers, and policy-makers, have provided a large body of knowledge on particular issues, but generally fall along two lines: they are either broad macro analyses and models (especially economic ones) or narrow ethnographic views (anthropological, sociological, or psychological). This volume attempts to chart a course between these two approaches, combining returning migrants’ life trajectories, as seen by themselves, with analysis of the structural processes that have taken place in the last three decades in Europe and in Poland, as a new EU country. In analyzing the social and cultural changes reflected in the biographies of returning migrants, the author uses a framework based on an original synthesis of Alfred Schütz’s phenomenological approach, focusing on the returnees’ “life words,” with the social realism of Margaret Archer, focusing on the concerns and projects of individuals interacting with social and cultural structures.

In Search of a European Public Sphere
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 252

In Search of a European Public Sphere

This collection is up-to-date and vital at the present moment which demands a special sense of responsibility regarding the tasks ahead for Europe, especially in the fields of media and communication. The volume adopts a wide range of approaches to the European public sphere, and provides much-needed insight into both Western and Eastern perceptions of events and processes in Europe. The contributions here analyse recent trends in media and communication (such as misinformation, fragmentation, and the core-periphery division) and search for possible ways to approach them. In doing so, they discuss a number of important current issues, such as populism, migration, and foreign involvement in European affairs. The volume also sheds light on the question of how the changes in communication environments affect the public spheres in Europe. Focusing on media in Europe, the contributors bring knowledge from different scientific fields (including geopolitics, sociology, political science, and philosophy) and represent different geographic regions, whilst at the same time presenting a European perspective on the issues they investigate.

Selling One’s Favourite Piano to Emigrate
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 256

Selling One’s Favourite Piano to Emigrate

International migration is a common phenomenon of the contemporary world; however, not all the aspects of migration are adequately investigated. In this book, migration is described by academics from various European countries who see it not only as an economic, but mainly as a social process. Thirteen texts, written by authors from seven countries, consider migration from various perspectives regarding its social consequences for migrants, their families and entire societies. Although the majority of the texts pertain to the Polish context (connected with Poles as migrants, but not necessarily Poland as a country), in general, the book can be qualified as an illustration of current migration from the less developed parts of the unified Europe, which impacts on the economies and societies of the European continent. A few years ago, one had to sell their favourite belonging, a piano, to collect money for the journey. These days it is much more accessible, but not less complex, and various examples from this book offer a unique insight into the variety of human flows in the contemporary world.

De Gruyter Handbook of Migrant Entrepreneurship
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 408

De Gruyter Handbook of Migrant Entrepreneurship

Given the strong migration trends in our society all over the years, this handbook addresses the upcoming topic of migrant entrepreneurship in all its colourful facets. Migration, ethnic minorities, and related phenomena are currently the subject of intensive scholarly discussion and a heated public debate. Migrant entrepreneurship is a powerful issue within this debate as it creates numerous chances for both migrants and societies - despite significant challenges. In 19 chapters scholars from different disciplines and countries shed light on the phenomenon of migrant entrepreneurship. Long traditions of studies have resulted in the diversity of topics and approaches applied by scholars, and the handbook offers a systematization of research efforts. It also aims to explore future research avenues by providing inspirations. Three types of readers can benefit from this handbook: researchers, professionals (including policymakers), and students from around the world.

25 wykładów o migracjach
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 431

25 wykładów o migracjach

Książka jest użytecznym kompendium wiedzy o jednym z najważniejszych procesów społecznych XX i XXI wieku - współczesnych migracjach ludności. - Dlaczego historia człowieka to historia migracji? - Kim jest migrant, uchodźca, repatriant? - Jakie są przyczyny procesów migracyjnych i jakie są ich skutki dla jednostki, rodziny i społeczeństwa? - Jaka będzie przyszłość migracji? - Kim są i jak funkcjonują cudzoziemcy w Polsce? - Dlaczego migranci są populacją trudną do zbadania? Na te i wiele innych ważnych pytań odpowiadają w prezentowanej pracy specjaliści z różnych dyscyplin naukowych, m.in.: demografii, socjologii, ekonomii, nauk politycznych, prawa, historii, ge...

Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 320

Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej

Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej jest wydawanym przez Ośrodek "Pamięć i Przyszłość" multidyscyplinarnym, jedynym w Polsce czasopismem naukowym poświęconym oral history, którego celem jest stworzenie platformy do refleksji metodologicznej nad metodą oral history oraz do wymiany doświadczeń różnych ośrodków i osób – przedstawicieli różnych dyscyplin naukowych – zajmujących się szeroko rozumianą historią mówioną. W periodyku publikowane są wyniki badań naukowych z wykorzystaniem źródeł historii mówionej oraz dyskusje nad samą metodą, a także opracowane naukowo źródla historii mówionej. Czasopismo jest również źródłem informacji o aktualnie pro...

Ekonomiczne skutki migracji edukacyjnych do ośrodka akademickiego. Studium przypadku Opola
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 270

Ekonomiczne skutki migracji edukacyjnych do ośrodka akademickiego. Studium przypadku Opola

Monografia jest propozycją ujęcia problematyki migracji ludności związanych z podejmowaniem studiów wyższych. Rozważania autorki koncentrują się nie tyle na samej migracji „na studia”, ile na konsekwencjach, które powodują one dla miasta akademickiego. Prezentowany przegląd literatury, analiza danych statystycznych oraz ilościowe i jakościowe badania własne pozwoliły na sformułowanie istotnych wniosków poznawczych. Najważniejszy z nich jest taki, że napływ migracyjny do miasta akademickiego przez pobudzanie lokalnego popytu konsumpcyjnego pozytywnie oddziałuje na rynek towarów i usług. Kolejny wniosek odnosi się do ustalenia istotnej zależności między migracjami „na studia” a związaną z nimi aktywnością pracowniczą studentów, stanowiącą instrument stabilizujący i uelastyczniający bieżące funkcjonowanie lokalnego rynku pracy. Poza tym transformacja migracji „na studia” w pobyt definitywny jest jedną z najważniejszych sił motorycznych generujących impulsy rozwoju miasta – wpływa na jego sytuację demograficzną, na akumulację kapitału ludzkiego, poziom wynagrodzeń oraz na rynek towarowo-usługowy i rynek pracy.