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Developing Professional Expertise in Translation and Interpreting covers what professional expertise means for translators and interpreters in the fast-changing, globalised world and how it can be achieved in practice. The book offers tactics and solutions for everyday issues, such as competences, etiquette, cultural differences, the translator's role in communication, dealing with mistakes and using new technologies, using real-life examples of the occupational challenges practitioners face in their line of work. These range from translating Donald Trump's controversial political tweets or interpreting during Oscar Pistorius' high-profile court trial. This user-friendly guide helps students in translator training, or professionals starting out as translators and interpreters, establish good working standards and offers pragmatic solutions to common professional dilemmas for more experienced translators and interpreters. This is also an ideal resource for professors creating curricula in the area of ethics and etiquette within T&I, offering an interdisciplinary approach and an overview of the literature regarding all key topics.
Developing Professional Expertise in Translation and Interpreting covers what professional expertise means for translators and interpreters in the fast-changing, globalised world and how it can be achieved in practice. The book offers tactics and solutions for everyday issues, such as competence, etiquette, cultural differences, the translator’s role in communication, dealing with mistakes and using new technologies, using real-life examples of the occupational challenges practitioners face in their line of work. These range from translating Donald Trump’s controversial political tweets or interpreting during Oscar Pistorius’ high-profile court trial. This user-friendly guide helps students in translator training, or professionals starting out as translators and interpreters, establish good working standards and offers pragmatic solutions to common professional dilemmas for more experienced translators and interpreters. This is also an ideal resource for professors creating curricula in the area of ethics and etiquette within translation and interpreting, offering an interdisciplinary approach and an overview of the literature regarding all key topics.
Książka przybliża zagadnienie tłumaczenia środowiskowego z perspektywy problemów, na które w przeprowadzonych badaniach wskazywały osoby pracujące w tym zawodzie. Autorka próbuje odpowiedzieć w niej na pytanie czym przekład środowiskowy jest, a czym być powinien, poprzez zestawienie obowiązujących norm z powszechną praktyką.
W czerwcu 2017 roku w Instytucie Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego odbyła się konferencja pt. „Lingwistyka kryminalistyczna w Polsce. Teoria i praktyka”, która została zorganizowana we współpracy z Ośrodkiem Lingwistyki Kryminalistycznej (Aston University). Spotkanie to stało się inspiracją do przygotowania niniejszej publikacji, która znacznie wykracza poza problematykę poruszaną w ramach obrad. Udało się bowiem zgromadzić w jednym miejscu nie tyko teksty wystąpień konferencyjnych, ale także teksty zamówione oraz przedruki z publikacji z zakresu lingwistyki kryminalistycznej, które ukazały się dotychczas w Polsce, lecz są bardzo rozproszone, co niezm...
Perspektywy na przekład ukazują zróżnicowanie i wielowymiarowość przekładoznawstwa jako obszaru badań nad tłumaczeniem. Dzięki zawartym w niej studiom kognitywnym i konceptualnym, hermeneutycznym, socjologiczno-psychologicznym, empirycznym, jakościowym i ilościowym książka ma stanowić przekrojowe kompendium wiedzy na temat tłumaczenia i przekładoznawstwa, a u podłoża jej koncepcji leży połączenie teorii, praktyki i dydaktyki przekładu. Mamy nadzieję, że zaprezentowane różne perspektywy na przekład w ujęciu uznanych tłumaczy, badaczy i dydaktyków przekładu pozwolą Czytelnikom poszerzyć horyzonty przekładoznawcze i będą inspirującą lekturą. Od autorów M...
Karolina Puchała-Ladzińska discusses the nature of language interpreting. First, she addresses selected theoretical issues related to interpreting and discusses the specifics of the most common types of interpreting. This is followed by an overview of an interpreter's competencies and skills and a chapter on note-taking as an aid to consecutive interpreting. The process of interpreting is presented in detail, the success or failure of which depends largely on the choice of techniques and strategies. This part also addresses the problem of errors in interpreting as well as nonverbal elements and interpreting assessment. Finally, before presenting a selection of practical exercises for interpreting courses, the role of creative thinking in the context of interpreting is discussed.
Offers an empirical, ``total'' system approach that determines which characteristics of managers enable them to be effective in various management jobs. Presents a large-scale, intensive study (2,000 managers holding 41 different jobs in 12 organizations) that provides a context for identifying the special characteristics, as well as assessing and developing managerial talent. Develops a logical, integrated model of managerial competence that explains the relationship of these characteristics to each other, to the functions of the management job, and to the key aspects of the internal organizational environment. Also introduces a model of individual competence.
Based on seminars originally given at the College International de Philosophie in Paris, this translation from French has been fully revised by the author and extended to include highly critical commentaries on activist translation theory, non-professional translation, interventionist practices, and the impact of new translation technologies.
This book provides a historical survey of the unfolding of translation and interpreting (language mediation) in the 20th century with special reference to the German-speaking area. It is based first, on extensive archive research in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, second, on a large number of interviews with experts in the field of language mediation, and third, on the author's observations and experiences in the field of translation practice, translation teaching, and translation studies between 1950-1995. A specific feature of the book is the description of the social role of the language mediator through the prisms of communicative targets and technological developments and to determin...