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The book was prepared by the academics and doctoral students of the Faculty of International Business and Economics of the Poznań University of Economics and Business to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the University and the 10th anniversary of the Faculty itself. The subject of this Volume reflects the variety of issues that are researched by academics from all departments of the Faculty. The rationale for publishing this Volume was to signal current work and research progress in the area of international economics, business and management. As the title of the Volume suggests, we need to anticipate changes and implement a new approach to face the challenges in the world economy for it is...
The book "Embryogenesis" is a compilation of cutting edge views of current trends in modern developmental biology, focusing on gametogenesis, fertilization, early and/or late embryogenesis in animals, plants, and some other small organisms. Each of 27 chapters contributed from the authorships of world-wide 20 countries provides an introduction as well as an in-depth review to classical as well as contemporary problems that challenge to understand how living organisms are born, grow, and reproduce at the levels from molecule and cell to individual.
Taking into consideration the outstanding importance of studying and applying the biological means to remove or mitigate the harmful effects of global pollution on the natural environment, as direct consequences of quantitative expansion and qualitative diversification of persistent and hazardous contaminants, the present book provides useful information regarding New Approaches and Prospective Applications in Environmental Biotechnology. This volume contains twelve chapters divided in the following three parts: biotechnology for conversion of organic wastes, biodegradation of hazardous contaminants and, finally, biotechnological procedures for environmental protection. Each chapter provides detailed information regarding scientific experiments that were carried out in different parts of the world to test different procedures and methods designed to remove or mitigate the impact of hazardous pollutants on environment. The book is addressed to researchers and students with specialties in biotechnology, bioengineering, ecotoxicology, environmental engineering and all those readers who are interested to improve their knowledge in order to keep the Earth healthy.
Chiny inspirują do miana państwa o największej gospodarce i potencjale rozwojowym, co wymaga wykształcenia i ciągłego podtrzymywania zdolności modernizacyjnych w wymiarze gospodarczym, społecznym, politycznym czy technologicznym. Zamiar ten może okazać się próżny, jeżeli nadal w Chinach obecne będą tak znaczące dysproporcje rozwojowe jak dotychczas, także w układzie regionalnym. Polityka rozwoju regionalnego stanowi specyficzny przykład koegzystencji interwencji publicznej i wykorzystania mechanizmów rynkowych. Powyższemu towarzyszą polityczna centralizacja i gospodarcza decentralizacja. We wdrażaniu polityki rozwoju regionalnego Chiny podążają drogą inwestycji, które w założeniu mają budować konkurencyjność słabiej rozwiniętych regionów. Strategia ta przyczyniła się do niebywałej rozbudowy infrastruktury, wciąż jednak bez przełożenia na sukces w zakresie spójności. Dysproporcje nadal stanowią wyzwanie nie tyle dla autorytarnego systemu sprawowania władzy, ile dla rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego kraju jako całości.
How do we create more economic opportunities in the low-income communities of the developing world? How can these communities build greater resilience against economic uncertainties, natural disasters, wars, and the growing threats of climate change? This book reviews the research literature of economic development in low-income communities of the developing world—from rural villages to neighborhoods in the largest cities on earth. This book is unique in gathering, organizing, and synthesizing research on economic development at the community level, across the developing world, drawing from multiple disciplines, publications, methodologies, regions, and countries. Part I provides an overvi...
Prior to the 2016 Sustainable Development Goals, the United Nations (UN) had eight 'global goals' set out to all 191 UN member states at that time, and at least 22 international organizations. Seven out of the eight United National Millennium Development Goals are social goals. The attainment of such goals would require a substantial proportion of public sector expenditure. Without a robust rate of economic growth, whatever is achieved cannot be sustainable. Developmental State and Millennium Development Goals argues that this is the main reason why some of the largest developing countries fell short in achieving the goals.