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Forensic Imaging
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 204

Forensic Imaging

This superbly illustrated book examines all aspects of the use of modern post-mortem imaging in forensic investigations, which has flourished since the introduction of multidetector computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Readers will find guidance on the applications of all relevant imaging modalities and contrast media. Analogies and differences between forensic and clinical imaging are highlighted, and it is explained what lessons forensic imaging holds for clinical radiology, and vice versa. The remainder of the book comprehensively documents the typical “normal” post-mortem findings and the imaging presentations in various forms of trauma and nontraumatic forensic cases, including those in which medical liability may be an issue. The authors are radiologists and forensic radiologists from across the world who have extensive experience in post-mortem imaging. The book is primarily intended for forensic pathologists, radiologists, and radiographers seeking practical information on forensic imaging, but it will also be of interest to others, such as lawyers, who encounter this specialty during their professional activities.

The Virtopsy Approach
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 534

The Virtopsy Approach

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009-05-14
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Charred, badly decomposed, or mummified corpses, as well as those restrictions forced upon coroners by certain religious sects, often make autopsies impossible to perform. In addition, lack of manpower among the personnel charged with performing autopsies frequently creates a backlog of cases in the coroner‘s office. This delay increases the likeli

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 378


As elected coroners came to be replaced by medical examiners with scientific training, the American public became fascinated with their work. From the grisly investigations showcased on highly rated television shows like C.S.I. to the bestselling mysteries that revolve around forensic science, medical examiners have never been so visible—or compelling. They, and they alone, solve the riddle of suspicious death and the existential questions that come with it. Why did someone die? Could it have been prevented? Should someone be held accountable? What are the implications of ruling a death a suicide, a homicide, or an accident? Can medical examiners unmask the perfect crime? Postmortem goes d...

P5 Medicine and Justice
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 643

P5 Medicine and Justice

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-03-27
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book describes the state of the art and future prospects of the most important bio-medicolegal subdisciplines in the post-genomic framework of personalized medicine. Focusing on the three main themes Innovation, Unitariness and Evidence, the book addresses a wide range of topics, including: Bio-Medicolegal and Criminological Sciences, Forensic Pathology and Anthropology, Clinical and Forensic Medicine in Living Persons (from Interpersonal Violence to Personal Injury and Damage, Malpractice, Personal Identification and Age Estimation), Forensic Genetics and Genomics, and Toxicology and Imaging. The unitariness of the “Bio-Medicolegal Sciences”, historically founded on the accuracy and rigor of the methods of ascertainment and criteria of evaluation, should be re-established on the basis of molecular evidence, and used to promote Personalized Justice. Taken together, the book’s conclusions and future perspectives outline a vision of transdisciplinary innovation and future evidence in the framework of personalized justice.

Current Law Index
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1320

Current Law Index

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2006
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Augmented Reality
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 288

Augmented Reality

There is at present no publication specifically dedicated to analyzing the philosophical implications of augmented reality, especially regarding knowledge formation, which constitutes a fundamental trait of knowledge society. That is why this volume includes an analysis of the applications and implications of augmented reality. While applications cover diverse fields like psychopathology and education, implications concern issues as diverse as negative knowledge, group cognition, the internet of things, and ontological issues, among others. In this way, it is intended not only to generate answers, but also, to draw attention to new problems that arise with the diffusion of augmented reality. In order to contemplate these problems from diverse perspectives, the auhors are from a variety of fields - philosophy, computer sciencess, education, psychology, and many more. Accordingly, the volume offers varied and interesting contributions which are of interest to professionals from multiple disciplines.

Die Vermessung der Seele
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 426

Die Vermessung der Seele

Erkenntnistheoretisch gesehen ist es fraglich, ob mentale Zustände, also Qualia, materialisiert und quantifiziert werden können. Dennoch machen sich vor allem die Naturwissenschaften mit Feuereifer an die Quantifizierung von Qualia, an die Vermessung der Seele sozusagen. In diesem Band werden - aus historischer wie aktueller Perspektive - natur- und geisteswissenschaftliche Zugänge vorgestellt, interdisziplinär miteinander in Relation gesetzt und einer gründlichen epistemologischen Reflexion unterzogen.

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 245


Was ist das Gedächtnis? Das Buch vereint die Perspektiven von WissenschaftlerInnen und KünstlerInnen, die sich selbst, die Gesellschaft und die ganze Welt in den Kontext ihrer Geschichte stellen. Gedächtnis ist ein Wort der Alltagssprache, aber auch vieler Fachsprachen. Psychologie, Hirnforschung und Psychiatrie befassen sich mit dem Gedächtnis, dessen Störanfälligkeit uns heute mehr denn je herausfordert. Aber nicht nur Individuen, auch Gesellschaften haben ein Gedächtnis, sie sind Produkt ihrer Geschichte, die stets präsent und wirksam ist. Auch der Verlust des kollektiven Gedächtnisses zieht tiefgreifende Störungen nach sich, die unsere Verortung und Verankerung in der Welt bedr...

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 309


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2006-01-01
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  • Publisher: BWV Verlag

Das vorliegende Buch "Kausalität" soll alle an forensisch-medizinischen, naturwissenschaftlichen sowie juristischen Fragestellungen interessierte Berufsgruppen stimulieren, kausale Zusammenhänge bei der Untersuchung und Begutachtung strafrechtlich relevanter Sachverhalte am Lebenden oder Toten vertiefen zu können. - Die durch die Beiträge entstandenen Kapitel: Kausalität - Rechtsmedizin, - Forensische Toxikologie, - Biomechanik, - Forensische Biologie sowie Recht spiegeln nahezu das gesamte Fachgebiet Rechtsmedizin seiner Spezialdisziplinen wider. Kausalitätsfragen haben in der Rechtsmedizin selten einen rein singulären Charakter, so dass nur eine enge wissenschaftliche und pragmatisc...

Im Namen der Ordnung
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 416

Im Namen der Ordnung

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010
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  • Publisher: Unknown
