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This book examines how migration and mobility were controlled, supported, and restricted in early modern Europe and European colonies. The aim of the book is to investigate how different actors, such as rulers, regional lords, local authorities, and corporations tried to regulate different forms of mobility and how those on the move reacted to these attempts. The book examines the agency of both the authorities and the migrants, shifting focus between the macro and the micro level. The chapters will also illuminate the ways gender, religion, language, ethnicity, occupation, and socioeconomic status were entangled in the regulations concerning mobility. Control of migration is inextricably linked with power relations. In this book, mobility is seen as a wide social process, which covers daily or seasonal movement as well as less or more stable migration.
The volume provides an updated perspective on international aspects of various developments in media and culture. It includes discussions on how the digital environment contributes to the transformation and re-interpretation of existing phenomena, such as violence-on-demand in online movies, the internet appeal of virtual gangsta rappers, or the revived battle rap tradition, which operates outside the commercial limitations of the music industry and generates more views on social media than most recording artists. The book offers a new consideration of long-term trends and developments, and demonstrates in various examples how formerly marginal practices like gaming or the previously shunned...
This book investigates the origins and development of human rights discourse in Finnish legal scholarship in the twentieth century. It provides a detailed account of how human rights were understood before they had legal relevance in a positivist sense, how they were adapted to Finnish legal thinking in the post-Second World War decades, how they developed into a mode of legal rhetoric and a type of legal argument during the 1970s and 1980s, and how they eventually became a significant paradigm in legal thinking in the 1990s. The book also demonstrates how rights discourse infiltrated the discussion regarding problems that were previously addressed in arguments concerning morals, social justice and equity. Although the book focuses on the history of Finnish legal scholarship, it is also interesting from a global perspective for two reasons: Firstly, it demonstrates how an idea of international law is transplanted and diffused into national legal thinking; Finland is an illustrative example in this regard. Secondly, it offers insights into the general history of human rights.
The Development of Commercial Law in Sweden and Finland provides a broad perspective on North European commercial law in a comparative and international framework.
Colonial Adventures:Commercial Law and Practice in the Making proposes a lung run exploration of the influence of colonisation and overseas trade on commercial law and the adaptation of transplanted law to colonial constraints in a comparative perspective.
Kirja käy läpi prostituution historiaa Helsingissä eri aikakausina. Runsaat aikalaiskuvaukset ja tapausesimerkit kertovat ihmisistä paheksutun ja monimuotoisen ilmiön takana. 1700-luvun puolivälissä Viaporin linnoitustyömaa toi kaupunkiin runsaasti uusia asukkaita, ja suuri sotilasväestö kasvatti markkinoita prostituutiolle. 1800-luvun loppua kohden ilmiö eli eräänlaista kokoistuskauttaan. Helsinkiin muutti aina Tukholmasta saakka säätyläismiehiä palvelevia yläluokkaisia prostituoituja. Myös moni Helsinkiin saapunut, tavallisista maalaisoloista tullut nuori nainen ajautui elättämään itsensä seksin myynnillä. Vaikka kaikkien sosiaaliryhmien miehet vierailivat prostituoitujen luona, yleisintä se oli ylemmissä luokissa ja erityisesti ylioppilaiden keskuudessa. 1900-luvulla sota-ajat lisäsivät prostituution tarjontaa, mutta vuosituhannen loppua kohti ilmiö alkoi jo kadota katukuvasta, kunnes Neuvostoliiton hajoaminen toi Helsingin kaduille prostituutioon uuden aallon.
Drawing on an impressive range of archival material, this monograph delves into the careers of two businessmen who worked for Nordic chartered monopoly trading companies to illuminate individual entrepreneurship in the context of seventeenth-century long-distance trade. The study spans the Caribbean to the Indian Ocean, examining global entanglements through personal interactions and daily trading activities between Europeans, Asian merchants and African brokers. It makes an important contribution to our understanding of the role of individuals and their networks within the great European trading companies of the early modern period. This unique book will be of interest to advanced students and researchers of economic history, business history, early modern global history and entrepreneurship.
Saksasta Norrköpingiin 1620-luvulla tulleen kattilaseppä Matthias Schildtin jälkipolvet ovat pääosin vaikuttaneet Ruotsissa. Mutta ainakin hänen tyttärensä Maria Schildtin ja pojantyttärenpoikansa Joachim Hohenthalin lasten kautta on sukuhaaroja myös Suomessa. Kirjassa kerrotaan Matthiaksesta alkaen Hohenthaleihin päätyvästä sukulinjasta, mutta mukana on myös esivanhempien sisarukset sekä joitakin heidän pidempiä matkoja tehneitä jälkeläisiään.
In Learning Law and Travelling Europe, Marianne Vasara-Aaltonen offers an exciting account of the study journeys of Swedish lawyers in the early modern period. Based on archival sources and biographical information, the study delves into the backgrounds of the law students, their travels through Europe, and their future careers. In seventeenth-century Sweden, the state-building process was at its height, and trained officials were desperately needed for the administration and judiciary. The book shows convincingly that the studies abroad of future lawyers were intimately linked to this process, whereas in the eighteenth century, study journeys became less important. By examining the development of the Swedish early modern legal profession, the book also represents an important contribution to comparative legal history.
The contributions of Understanding the Sources of Early Modern and Modern Commercial Law: Courts, Statutes, Contracts, and Legal Scholarship show the wealth of sources which historians of commercial law use to approach their subject. Depending on the subject, historical research on mercantile law must be ready to open up to different approaches and sources in a truly imaginative and interdisciplinary way. This, more than many other branches of law, has always been largely non-state law. Normative, ‘official’, sources are important in commercial law as well, but other sources are often needed to complement them. The articles of the volume present an excellent assemblage of those sources. Anja Amend-Traut, Albrecht Cordes, Serge Dauchy, Dave De ruysscher, Olivier Descamps, Ricardo Galliano Court, Eberhard Isenmann, Mia Korpiola, Peter Oestmann, Heikki Pihlajamäki, Edouard Richard, Margrit Schulte Beerbühl, Guido Rossi, Bram Van Hofstraeten, Boudewijn Sirks, Alain Wijffels, and Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz.