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The Inherence of Human Dignity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 278

The Inherence of Human Dignity

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-02-15
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  • Publisher: Anthem Press

Focused on the more practical level, volume 2 seeks to understand the work dignity may do as a foundation for law, how it is related to religious liberty, and how we should adjudicate religious liberty disputes at the individual and corporate level. What is the sphere of human dignity that the law should be trying to protect? Is the role of dignity helpful as a foundational legal concept, and if so, how exactly? What is the status of religious liberty as a component of human dignity, and how is it to be balanced with other individual rights, such as freedom of expression? And finally, to what extent can the law adjudicate corporate religious claims?

The Inherence of Human Dignity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 373

The Inherence of Human Dignity

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-02-15
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  • Publisher: Anthem Press

Focused at the theoretical level, this volume seeks to clarify our understanding of various historical and contemporary concepts of human dignity. It examines the various meanings of the term ‘dignity’ before looking at the philosophical sources of dignity and both religious and secular attempts to provide a grounding for the notion. It also compares the merits and defects of older and newer concepts of dignity, including extensions of dignity to groups, animals, and machines.

Pandemic and Crisis of Democracy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 192

Pandemic and Crisis of Democracy

In this incisive book, André Duarte examines the health crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and the contemporary crisis of democracy. Reflecting on President Jair Bolsonaro’s misgovernment of Brazil, as evidenced by his political actions, speeches and omissions from March 2020 to September 2021, and using concepts like biopolitics, neoliberalism and necropolitics, Duarte proposes three interrelated hypotheses to demonstrate Bolsonaro's sharp distrust of democracy. First, that Bolsonaro’s rhetoric, actions and omissions during the first year and a half of the pandemic revealed a dangerous mixture of biopolitical, neoliberal and necropolitical governmentality strategies. Second, t...

A Pandemic of Populists
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 259

A Pandemic of Populists

  • Categories: Law

Explores the rise of populism in power, focusing on its causes, characteristics, impact on democracy, and how to fight back.

Freedom of Religion or Belief
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 411

Freedom of Religion or Belief

  • Categories: Law

Using the metaphor of ‘constitutional space’, this thought-provoking book describes the confluence and convergence of powers in a constitutional system, comprised of the principled exercise of the legislative, executive and judicial powers of constitutional government. Addressing the issues surrounding the freedom of religion or belief, the book explores the dimensions of constitutional space and the content of this freedom, as well as comparative approaches to defining and protecting this freedom.

The Impact of the Inter-American Human Rights System
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 705

The Impact of the Inter-American Human Rights System

This interdisciplinary volume brings together leading scholars in international and constitutional law, social sciences, and international relations to present a systematic as well as critical analysis of the impact of the Inter-American System of Human Rights and the legal mechanisms that allow for that impact.

Religious Liberty and the Law
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 268

Religious Liberty and the Law

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-07-20
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Questions of religious liberty have become flashpoints of controversy in virtually every area of life around the world. Despite the protection of religious liberty at both national and supranational levels, there is an increasing number of conflicts concerning the proper way to recognize it – both in modern secular states and in countries with an established religion or theocratic mode of government. This book provides an analysis of the general concept of religious liberty along with a close study of important cases that can serve as test beds for conflict resolution proposals. It combines the insights of both pure academics and experienced legal practitioners to take a fresh look at the nature, scope and limits of religious liberty. Divided into two parts, the collection presents a blend of legal and philosophical approaches, and draws on cases from a wide range of jurisdictions, including Brazil, India, Australia, the USA, the Netherlands, and Canada. Presenting a broad range of views, this often provocative volume makes for fascinating reading for academics and researchers working in the areas of law and religion, legal philosophy and human rights.

  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 216


A doutrina do “Estado de Coisas Inconstitucional” (ECI), originária da Corte Constitucional da Colômbia, foi trazida para a jurisprudência brasileira na Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental (ADPF) 347/2015, que versa sobre a crise do sistema prisional no país. Cuida-se, o ECI, de tema que se insere no contexto de estudo dos denominados “litígios estruturais” e do modelo de intervenção judicial que a reiterada violação de direitos fundamentais de um número plural de pessoas demanda. A identificação dessa nova categoria de litigância (estrutural) teve origem no paradigmático caso Brown vs. Board of Education de 1954 e nos seus desdobramentos para a tutela ...

Demokratiets krise og de nye autokratier
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 352

Demokratiets krise og de nye autokratier

Det moderne demokrati befinder sig i en krise. Nye tendenser truer fundamentet for det liberale, repræsentative demokrati. De klassiske trusler imod demokratiet – statskup fra oven, revolution fra neden – er blevet sjældenheder. I dag er det ikke generaler i uniform, der proklamerer demokratiets afslutning, men politikere og andre i jakkesæt, der underminerer demokratiet i demokratiets navn. Krisen manifesterer sig som regel ikke i dramatiske øjeblikke, men snarere i længerevarende udviklinger, hvor balancen mellem det demokratiske og det ikke-demokratiske langsomt og skridtvis skubbes i retning af det ikke-demokratiske. I dag snydes der mindre på valgdagen, men snarere alle de and...

Direito, Política e Criminologia em Tempos de Pandemia
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 205

Direito, Política e Criminologia em Tempos de Pandemia

A pandemia de coronavírus apanhou de surpresa a todos os desavisados. Por outro lado, logo após o outbreak soubemos que o risco de uma pandemia de doença respiratória era conhecido há quase uma década e monitorado. Em nome do capital de poucos, tudo estava justificado ex ante. Este livro é uma crítica aos eventos ocorridos durante, por causa e a pretexto da pandemia, mas também um relato de todxs xs amigxs que se dispuseram a escrever conosco, apesar do tempo em que vivemos – e contra!