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Through the lens of a Swedish industrial city, Landskrona, Urban Lives looks at economic and demographic change at the micro level to understand the societal transformations that profoundly changed people's lives during the twentieth century. Based an original data infrastructure, the book follows individuals across generations and situates them in their social, institutional, and environmental contexts. Chapter authors provide novel insights into the micro-level foundations of long term economic-demographic processes, and cover important research questions related to health, family, migration, and residential segregation.
Using comparative and long-term perspectives the seventeen essays in this collection discuss the development of labor relations and labor migrations in Europe, Asia and the US from the thirteenth century to the present.
Navigating Time and Space in Population Studies presents innovative approaches to long-standing questions about the diffusion of population and demographic behavior across space and over time. This collection utilizes newly-available historical data along with spatially and temporally explicit analytical methods to evaluate and refine core demographic theories and to pose new questions about mortality and fertility transitions, migration, urbanization, and social inequality. It adds a spatial dimension to the analysis of temporal processes and a temporal element to spatial processes. Chapters cover a broad range of geographical settings, including the United States, Europe, Latin America, an...
In the past hundred and fifty years the lives of Dutch men and women seem to have become more varied than ever. However, this doesn't mean that before this time their lives were uniform and unchanging. In this book leading scholars describe the lives and times of Dutch men and women born since 1850 and demonstrate/explain their individual differences. This title is available in the OAPEN Library -
In dit boek vertelt Brian Heffernan het verhaal van de augustijnen in Nederland. Eind negentiende eeuw bestond deze religieuze gemeenschap uit een handvol parochiepriesters. In de twintigste eeuw bleven zij ondanks groei een relatief kleine orde. Vooral hun inzet voor het middelbaar onderwijs gaf de augustijnen echter aanzien in katholiek Nederland. Heffernan bespreekt zowel hun externe werkzaamheden als hun interne gemeenschapsleven. Ook de schaduwkanten van hun optreden komen aan bod. De augustijnen zijn een kleine orde met allure. Zij waren zielzorgers en strijders voor de katholieke zaak, maar voelden zich op grond van hun oude traditie ook kloosterling en eremiet. In de jaren zestig beschouwden zij zich, zoals veel religieuzen, als brengers van vernieuwing, tegenwoordig vooral als dragers van de spiritualiteit van Augustinus. Deze verschuivende en soms botsende zelfbeelden vormen een kapstok voor het verhaal, waarin de voortdurende heruitvinding van de augustijnse identiteit centraal staat.
This dissertation explores the applicability of Semantic Web technologies for the harmonization of the Dutch historical censuses, in particular the Resource Description Framework (RDF). The use of historical census data for longitudinal research purposes, especially when dealing with aggregated data, has been hampered by the lack of comparability over the years. Harmonization is a prerequisite to enable longitudinal research with these data in order to deal with changing variables, values, classification systems, table structures, and enumeration methods. As a result of this research, we propose a 'source-oriented harmonization workflow' and associated 'data model' based on the RDF concept. ...
The main demographic revoulution in modern history has been the increased survival of children - the gradual elimination of the biological waste linked to the high mortality of the past. This volume examines the trends of early-age mortality across time and space and the methodological and theoretical problems inherent in such studies. It widens the discussion beyond the standard European focus by including data from Asian and American sources, showing that they offer enormous potential for researchers. At the same time, it makes clear the need for cautious treatment of historical data and points towards the design of techniques for appraising their quality, correcting distortions, and filling gaps. The analysis demonstrates that levels of infant and child mortality are linked not only to material conditions of life but also to social and cultural factors. The authors argue that a better understanding of these interactions can only come from an interdisciplinary approach, where demography joins forces with biology, medicine, public health, and social and economic history.
Dit boek gaat over de Roermondse begraafcultuur tussen 1870 en 1940. Centraal staat de begraafplaats ?Nabij Kapel in ?t Zand?, waar in deze periode alle Roermondenaren hun laatste rustplaats vonden. De begraafplaats wordt onderzocht vanuit een sociaalhistorisch, cultureel-religieus en kunsthistorisch perspectief. Negentiende- en vroeg twintigste-eeuwse begraafplaatsen worden wel getypeerd als ?spiegel? van de samenleving. Als ?microkosmos? van de levende stad zou via hen het beeld van de stad uit het verleden kunnen worden opgeroepen. Maurice Heemels toont aan dat dit voor de Roermondse ?necropool? geldt. De sociale verschillen in de stad kwamen scherp tot uiting in de klassenindeling op de begraafplaats, in de begrafenisrituelen, en in de monumentale grafcultuur. Aan de uitspraak van Jacobus Craandijk dat op de begraafplaats 'allen gelijk worden', mag dus hooguit een symbolische betekenis worden toegekend.
The Children of Eve is the first book to bring together general material about population and well-being in a single volume. It presents a world history of demographic and economic change that ranges broadly over time and space and which emphasizes the commonality of human experience. The first book to put together material about population and well-being in a single volume Emphasizes the formative population history of Europe and North America over the years since the Middle Ages, and includes discussions of Asia and the southern hemisphere The authors successfully maintain the difficult balance of addressing complex issues in a style that doesn't over-simplify the subject, whilst upholding an approach that is accessible to general readers and students Designed to work as both a stand alone text or a supplement to textbooks in any number of courses