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Buku Wajib Bagi Marketer dan pebisnis Buku ini fresh dan inventif karena merupakan studi pertama yang secara komprehensif mengidentifi kasi delapan segmen konsumen kelas menengah Indonesia. Kedelapan segmen tersebut adalah: Expert, Climber, Aspirator, Performer, Trendsetter, Follower, Settler, Flow-er. Buku ini menyajikan kajian yang sebelumnya tak pernah ada: MODEL SEGMENTASI KELAS MENENGAH, KARAKTERISTIK 8 SOSOK KONSUMEN KELAS MENENGAH, MIMPI-MIMPI MEREKA MENCAPAI KEBEBASAN FINANSIAL, MENDIDIK DAN MENGASUH ANAK, GAYA HIDUP DIGITAL, KONSUMSI HIBURAN DAN LIBURAN, dan lain-lain
Telah 80 tahun Tong Tji berdiri. Dipimpin oleh Tatang, industri teh bercitarasa Indonesia ini memasuki generasi keempat. Buku ini berkisah tentang Tatang yang tak kenal lelah dan berjuang keras menolak keruntuhan perusahaan. Juga ide-ide inovatif Tatang untuk menciptakan teh masa depan.
Buku “Baliho dan Pilihan Politik Masyarakat Kelas Menengah” merupakan sebuah buku yang menjelaskan tentang bagaimana respon masyarakat kelas menengah di Kota Makassar terhadap pemasangan baliho menjelang berbagai kontestasi politik. Penulis juga menjelaskan bagaimana Baliho masih dianggap sebagai salah satu alternatif dalam kampanye oleh kandidat, tetapi pemasangan baliho ini semakin mengabaikan etika dan aturan. Di pinggir jalan, pohon, tiang dan kabel listrik, jembatan penyeberangan, pagar taman, dan fasilitas umum lainnya. Imbasnya, ruang publik menjadi timbunan sampah visual. Masalahnya, ketika mengamati sepintas beragam gambar, foto, dan baliho tersebut yang tampak bukan kesungguhan...
It examines how to research customer satisfaction from both a client and a supplier perspective, and how to get the best results from that research.
"""Needs, wants, dan expectations berikut perilaku konsumen wanita (woman customers) dengan berbagai kompleksitasnya merupakan """"black box"""" yang sulit diurai oleh marketers. Itu sebabnya pasar wanita (woman market) merupakan pasar yang selalu challenging untuk dibidik. Membaca buku ini Anda akan diajak melakukan """"journey"""" memahami dan menyelami woman market di Indonesia. Journey tersebut dilakukan dengan menelusuri 40 kasus pemasaran dari merek-merek yang ada di lingkungan Martha Tilaar Group (MTG). Mencermati kasus-kasus pemasaran orisinil MTG ini Anda akan terbawa lebih jauh lagi untuk mendalami seluk-beluk kondisi psikograys dan perilaku konsumen wanita Indonesia. Itu sebabnya ...
Innovation may be the hottest discipline around today, in business circles and beyond. And for good reason. Innovation transforms companies and markets. It is the key to solving vexing social problems. And it makes or breaks professional careers. For all the enthusiasm the topic inspires, however, the practice of innovation remains stubbornly impenetrable. No longer. In this book the author draws on stories from his research and field work with companies like Procter & Gamble to demystify innovation. He presents a simple definition of innovation, breaks down the essential differences between types of innovation, and illuminates innovation's vital role in organizational success and personal growth. This unique hybrid of professional memoir and business guidebook also provides a powerful 28-day program for mastering innovation's key steps: (1) Finding insight, (2) Generating ideas, (3) Building businesses, and (4) Strengthening innovation prowess in workforces and organizations. Using several illustrative case studies and vignettes from a range of companies around the globe, this playbook teaches people how to turn themselves or their companies into true innovation powerhouses.
Set your sights on High-Potential leadership and help your organization thrive In today’s tumultuous and rapidly evolving business environment, High-Potential leaders are in high demand. Do you possess the relationship skills, strategic vision, innovation, and determination needed to thrive as a high-potential leader in your organization? New York Times bestselling author Ram Charan answers that question and helps you hop on the fast-track to leadership success in this insightful guide. Traditionally, leaders have risen up through the ranks based on their cognitive abilities, analytical skills, thoroughness, and even perfectionist tendencies, but as modern businesses have moved to a more d...
Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy is the eighth edition of the globally leading textbook for Services Marketing by Jochen Wirtz and Christopher Lovelock, extensively updated to feature the latest academic research, industry trends, and technology, social media and case examples.This textbook takes on a strong managerial approach presented through a coherent and progressive pedagogical framework rooted in solid academic research. Featuring cases and examples from all over the world, Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy is suitable for students who want to gain a wider managerial view of Services Marketing.
This book focuses on how neoliberal market practices engender new forms of religiosity, and how religiosity shapes economic actions.