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Manual Therapy of the Extremities
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 370

Manual Therapy of the Extremities

Manual Therapy of the Extremities presents manual therapy techniques from a variety of perspectives. The presentation of multiple techniques for each joint restriction is a unique feature of this book that provides students with a comprehensive and well-rounded approach to mobilization. The consistent format in the presentation of techniques makes for an easy-to-use resource for students and practicing physical therapists. Additionally, the majority of manual therapy books on the market focus on the spine, whereas this book focuses on the upper and lower extremities.

Born to Run
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 296

Born to Run

A New York Times bestseller 'A sensation ... a rollicking tale well told' - The Times At the heart of Born to Run lies a mysterious tribe of Mexican Indians, the Tarahumara, who live quietly in canyons and are reputed to be the best distance runners in the world; in 1993, one of them, aged 57, came first in a prestigious 100-mile race wearing a toga and sandals. A small group of the world's top ultra-runners (and the awe-inspiring author) make the treacherous journey into the canyons to try to learn the tribe's secrets and then take them on over a course 50 miles long. With incredible energy and smart observation, McDougall tells this story while asking what the secrets are to being an incredible runner. Travelling to labs at Harvard, Nike, and elsewhere, he comes across an incredible cast of characters, including the woman who recently broke the world record for 100 miles and for her encore ran a 2:50 marathon in a bikini, pausing to down a beer at the 20 mile mark.

Makofsky’s Spinal Manual Therapy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 770

Makofsky’s Spinal Manual Therapy

Makofsky’s Spinal Manual Therapy: An Introduction to Soft Tissue Mobilization, Spinal Manipulation, Therapeutic and Home Exercises, Third Edition, is an easy-to-follow manual of clinical techniques for the spine, pelvis, and temporomandibular joint. The text provides "tools" rather than "recipes" and immerses the reader in the process of "thinking as a manual therapist," rather than functioning as a technician. The clinical utility of this revised third edition combines the art and science of present-day spinal manual therapy. The focus of Makofsky’s Spinal Manual Therapy, Third Edition, is to provide clinically useful treatment techniques, while being mindful of the scientific literatur...

Hip and Knee Pain Disorders
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 458

Hip and Knee Pain Disorders

Hip and Knee Pain Disorders has been written to provide a state-of-the-art, evidence-informed and clinically-informed overview of the examination and conservative management of hip/knee pain conditions. Under the current predominantly evidence-based practice paradigm, clinician expertise, patient preference, and best available research determine examination, and prognostic and clinical management decisions. However, this paradigm has been understood by many to place greater value and emphasis on the research component, thereby devaluing the other two. Evidence-informed practice is a term that has been suggested to honor the original intent of evidence-based practice, while also acknowledging...

Criminal minds
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 271

Criminal minds

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-03-22
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  • Publisher: Karakter

Criminale Minds - Originele verhalen gebaseerd op de populaire tv-serie. Het BAU-team (Behavioral Analysis Unit) wordt naar Lawrence in Kansas gestuurd om onderzoek te doen naar een aantal moorden onder de plaatselijke daklozenbevolking. De slachtoffers zijn allemaal vers gedoucht, netjes gesoigneerd en in nieuwe kleding gestoken. Volgens teamlid Jason Gideon zijn het zorgvuldig geënsceneerde moorden op geïsoleerde locaties die zijn ontsproten aan de zieke geest van een of meerdere unknown subjects . Wanneer de BAU met een tweede, in eerste instantie niet-gerelateerde misdaad geconfronteerd wordt, de ontvoering van een jonge erfgename, ontdekt Gideon, ondanks de verschillen in de manier waarop de dader te werk is gegaan, lugubere verbanden. Het is zaak om het slachtoffer zo snel mogelijk te vinden voor ook zij speelbal wordt van de zieke geest van een paar daders die al meerdere afgrijselijke moorden op hun geweten hebben.

Mobile Home Journal
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 884

Mobile Home Journal

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1968
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Sinh ra để chạy
  • Language: vi
  • Pages: 359

Sinh ra để chạy

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: StreetLib

Sống ngăn cách với thế giới qua hẻm núi Copper Canyon (Mexico), người thổ dân Tarahumara đã tôi rèn khả năng chạy bộ hàng trăm dặm không ngơi nghỉ mà không gặp chấn thương nào. Nhà báo kỳ cựu đồng thời cũng là người chạy bộ hay mắc chấn thương Christopher McDougall đã lên đường tìm bí mật của họ. Dọc hành trình, anh đưa người đọc từ phòng thí nghiệm ở Đại học Harvard xuống thung lũng nóng như nung, lên những đỉnh cao buốt giá xuyên miền Bắc Mỹ, quê hương của người chạy bộ siêu phàm đẩy cơ thể đến cực hạn và cuối cùng là cuộc s...

Born to Run - Zrozeni k běhu
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 280

Born to Run - Zrozeni k běhu

Zrozeni k běhu – Born to Run je kniha plná fantastických postav, ohromujících sportovních výkonů, nadčasové vědy, a především inspirace. Epickým příběhem odpovídá na jednoduchou otázku: Jak to, že mě při běhání bolí nohy? Při hledání odpovědi se Christopher McDougall vydal za kmenem nejlepších dálkových běžců na světě a získal jejich tajemství. Zároveň nám dokazuje, že všechno, co jsme dosud o běhání věděli nebo si mysleli, že víme, je špatně. Strážci ztraceného umění jsou indiáni kmene Tarahumarů z oblasti mexických Copper Canyons – Měděných kaňonů. Žijí v jednom z nejdivočejších krajů Severní Ameriky a dlouhá...

Paladin Duos
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 273

Paladin Duos

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-06-17
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  • Publisher: AuthorHouse

Paladin Duos is another fiction that presents the dangers and life- style of bounty hunters. In this book, the bounty hunter takes a partner, a woman who quickly becomes an equal. After several escapades, the ultimate caper takes the heroine into undercover. After a long period on the trail the inevitable occurs. The duo decides to retire and start two business enterprises. The businesses described show another form of entrepreneurship for the times. The book has gunfights, adventure, romance and the intrigue of starting a business in the 1880’s.

Zrozeni k běhu - Born to run
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 274

Zrozeni k běhu - Born to run

Autor knihy se jako miliony jiných amatérských běžců nejméně jednou ročně vážně zranil. Po cyklech bolestí, injekcí a střídání nejmodernějších běžeckých bot chtěl na doporučení lékařů s běháním skoncovat. Místo toho se však vydal do rozpálených kaňonů v Mexiku, kde žijí Tarahumarové - nejtajemnější, nejzdravější a nejšťastnější běžci na planetě. Běhání v extrémních podmínkách jen v sandálech je pro ně stejně přirozené a snadné jako dýchání. Čtivý příběh o běžcích na stokilometrové trati autor doplňuje o nejnovější vědecké poznatky a současně nám přibližuje portréty osobností, které se vydávají na trasy ultramaratonů, aby odhalili tajemství šťastného života. Zrozeni k běhu změní život každému čtenáři!