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The bitter Truth about Jesus
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 597

The bitter Truth about Jesus

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: Khanverlag

God said, “2000 years ago I gave Jesus the mission to fulfil my will to build my kingdom on earth, centred on my love and all the freedoms, which I gave to all my creations as universal value. The crucifixion was the will of the evil and fallen mankind, and it was a crime against humanity.“ 2000 years later I, Zahid Khan, came as a Messiah and the representative of God's heart to build the Kingdom of God on earth. God told me that the time of religions and their Scharia-system has come to an end and the new world begins as a one family world centred on the living God.

I Lost my Heart in God - Volume 4
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 445

I Lost my Heart in God - Volume 4

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: Khanverlag

God says: "Oh my creation, you do not know me. But I know you. In eternal life, you will search my love, sometimes in songs, sometimes in tears. Then you will get to know that without me you will never find your home."

True Moments with God
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 299

True Moments with God

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: Khanverlag

God gave birth to love. Love has seen such a time in the past of the dark eternity when there was no one to feel it. There was no one who wanted to get to know love and no one who wanted to say something about love. No one could have an opinion about anything because there were neither angels and human beings nor any other creations existing. There was no one who could say and no one who could listen something about love. There was absolute silence. Even there has been such a time, when not even a concept of love was existing. There was only one who could give birth to love, life and beauty. It was God, our beloved Heavenly Father. I was a small child when I got to know God. God travelled together with me in countless heavens. In this book I have revealed my observations and experiences with God, so mankind can recognize who God really is. Throughout human history the ignorance of mankind has brought many invisible curtains between God and human beings. However, our present time is significant that morning is near to take over this deep dark night This book will give you a deep understanding about who God is and our purpose of life.

Conversation with God, Heavenly Beings and Lucifer
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 546

Conversation with God, Heavenly Beings and Lucifer

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: Khanverlag

Oh God, when one day the wind will blow the dust over my grave it will remind you: If I had lived longer on earth it would have been my last wish to tell your children more about You and your broken heart.

God Reveals Himself to Mankind as a Visible God
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 885

God Reveals Himself to Mankind as a Visible God

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: Khanverlag

Does God exist? When God took me, the author, into the countless heavens, He said to me, “Come inside of me. Let's fly vertically. You shall experience how my existence and everything else began in detail.” At this point of dark eternity, God revealed and promised me, “Where you are standing now, there has never been any being, nor any human soul, before. You will be called my eternal heart. Return to mankind and reveal to them: Who I am. Reveal everything you have heard, seen and experienced. I will always be with you. A few thousand years ago, I appeared as a visible God on Mount Sinai. But My own chosen people did not recognize My value. Tell humanity and the German nation: I swear by your name, Zahid, that if you call my name and ask me to come to earth, I will appear on a mountain in Germany. Everyone who is on the mountain on that day will see me with their own eyes as a visible God. Prepare my children for this most supreme event.” God

Die islamische Scharia gehört nicht zur Demokratie
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 663

Die islamische Scharia gehört nicht zur Demokratie

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: Khanverlag

Dieses Werk warnt vor den Gefahren, die vom extremistischen, fundamentalen und konservativen Islam für die westliche Gesellschaft ausgehen.

Wahre Momente mit Gott
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 219

Wahre Momente mit Gott

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 101-01-01
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  • Publisher: Khanverlag

Gott ist der Ursprung der Liebe. Die Liebe hat solch eine dunkle Vergangenheit in der Ewigkeit gesehen, in der es niemanden gab, der zu fühlen im Stande war. Hier war keiner, der die Liebe kennen lernen noch über sie reden wollte. Niemand hatte über irgendetwas eine Meinung, denn es gab weder Engel, Menschen oder Wesen anderer Schöpfungen. Nichts war über die Liebe zu hören und zu sagen. Es herrschte nur absolute Stille. Es gab sogar eine Vergangenheit, in der noch nicht einmal das Konzept der Liebe existierte. Nur einer konnte das Leben, die Liebe und Schönheit hervorbringen. Das war Gott, unser geliebter Himmlischer Vater. Ich war ein kleines Kind, als ich Gott kennen lernte. Gott r...

Der Weg zurück zu Gott, meinem Vater
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 681

Der Weg zurück zu Gott, meinem Vater

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 101-01-01
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  • Publisher: Khanverlag

Die Menschheit hat ihr wahres Zuhause verloren. Die meisten Menschen haben kein Interesse ihren Schöpfer kennenzulernen. Das ist auch der Grund, warum die Engel mit der menschlichen Schöpfung arbeiten und verschiedene Religionen entstehen ließen. Dieses Buch wird den Menschen helfen, zu ihrem Schöpfer zurückzukehren.

The way back to God, my Father
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 794

The way back to God, my Father

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: Khanverlag

Humanity has lost its true home. Most people have no interest in getting to know their Creator. This is also the reason why the angels work with human creation and gave birth to different religions. This book will help people to return to their Creator.

Die bittere Wahrheit über Jesus
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 506

Die bittere Wahrheit über Jesus

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 101-01-01
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  • Publisher: Khanverlag

Jede Religion,insbesondere das Christentum, erklärt den Schlüssel für das Königreich Gottes in Händen zu halten und doch ist jede Glaubensrichtung unfähig, Gott zum Mittelpunkt des Lebens der Menschen werden zu lassen. Anstatt seinen Nächsten zu lieben, wurden und werden Glaubenskriege geführt. Der Autor erklärt, warum das Christentum in der Vorsehung Gottes versagte und welche gravierenden Fehler von Jesus begangen wurden.