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Focusing on the conceptual understanding of psychometric issues such as validity and reliability this textbook introduces psychometric principles at a level that goes into more detail than introductory undergraduate texts, yet also more intuitive than more technical publications intended for postgraduate level. By emphasizing conceptual development and practical significance over mathematical proofs, this book assists students in appreciating how measurement problems can be addressed and why it is important to address them.
Dalam era bisnis yang kompetitif saat ini, manajemen sumber daya manusia telah mengalami evolusi signifikan. Pendekatan terhadap pengelolaan sumber daya manusia tidak lagi sebatas administrasi rutin, tetapi telah bertransformasi menjadi strategi yang mendalam untuk mencapai keunggulan organisasi. Pendekatan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) menjadi kunci dalam mengoptimalkan potensi manusia sebagai aset berharga yang mendorong pertumbuhan dan pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Dalam keperluan itulah, buku Pendekatan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia ini sengaja penulis hadirkan untuk pembaca.
This book examines Islam and women’s everyday life, focusing in particular on the highly controversial issue of polygamy. It discusses the competing Islamic interpretations of polygamy, and - based on detailed fieldwork conducted in Indonesia - women’s actual experiences and perceptions of the practice, and the impact of public policy.
Menurut Samuelson (dalam Putong, 2002: 15) ilmu ekonomi adalah suatu studi bagaimana orang-orang dan masyarakat membuat pilihan, dengan atau tanpa penggunaan uang, dengan menggunakan sumber-sumber daya yang terbatas tetapi dapat dipergunakan dalam berbagai cara untuk menghasilkan berbagai jenis barang dan jasa dan mendistribusikannya untuk keperluan konsumsi, sekarang dan di masa datang, kepada berbagai orang dan golongan masyarakat (Putong, 2002: 15). Selain Samuelson, pakar ekonom Ekelund dan Tollison (dalam Alam, 2013: 4) juga mengatakan bahwa ilmu ekonomi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari cara individu dan masyarakat yang mempunyai keinginan yang tidak terbatas memilih untuk mengalokasikan sumber daya yang terbatas demi memenuhi keinginan mereka. Ilmu ekonomi menurut Sudarman (1980: 1) merupakan cabang ilmu sosial yang menaruh perhatian pada masalah bagaimana seharusnya memanfaatkan sumber daya yang terbatas jumlahnya untuk memuaskan kebutuhan manusia yang beraneka ragam.
Puji dan syukur, kami ucapkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena berkat rahmat dan karunia-Nya, tim penulis mampu menyelesaikan penulisan buku yang membahas tentang pendidikan literasi ini. Buku ini tersusun atas 10 bab yaitu pada bab satu tentang filosofi dan tujuan penelitian; bab dua tentang prinsip dasar penelitian; bab tiga tentang hal ihwal penelitian deskriptif; bab empat tentang pendekatan penelitian kualitatif; bab lima tentang aplikasi pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dalam penyusunan proposal penelitian; bab enam tentang proses penelitian, masalah, variabel dan paradigma penelitian; bab tujuh landasan teori, kerangka berpikir dan hipotesis; bab delapan tentang metode penelitian eksperimen; bab sembilan menentukan ukuran sampel dan populasi; serta bab sepuluh tentang alat analisis metode penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Kami berharap, buku ini dapat menjadi sumber belajar bagi para pembaca sekaligus sumber referensi yang mengangkat perihal pendekatan dalam sebuah penelitian dan memberikan wawasan baru bagi para pembaca.
Brewing: Science and practice updates and revises the previous work of this distinguished team of authors, producing what is the standard work in its field. The book covers all stages of brewing from raw materials, including the chemistry of hops and the biology of yeasts, through individual processes such as mashing and wort separation to packaging, storage and distribution. Key quality issues are discussed such as flavour and the chemical and physical properties of finished beers.
Politics in Indonesia describes the attitudes, aspirations and frustrations of the key players in Indonesian politics as they struggle to shape the future. The book focuses on the role of political Islam; Douglas E. Ramage shows that the state has been remarkably successful in maintaining secular political institutions in a predominantly Muslim society. He analyses the way in which political questions are framed with reference to the national ideology, the Pancasila.
Food Processing: Principles and Applications is a comprehensive resource that explores the basic and applied aspects of food processing. It describes the physical, chemical, and microbiological basis for each method of preservation. Particular emphasis is placed on the application of three of the most universally used commercial processes: t
We are delighted to introduce the proceeding of the 1st Hasanuddin International Conference on Social and Political Sciences (HICOSPOS 2019). The phenomenon of climate change is avoidable since its effects are significantly on both environment and human beings live - such as human health, agriculture, food security, water supply, energy, ecosystem and. Here human beings play role as the actors as well as the victim. In addition, we also face society 5.0 in which integrated system of digital technology brings humans to achieve a high quality of life ideally, however, this state requires hard and sustainable efforts from all parties such as community of social and political sciences. Since eve...
2008 Best Reference, Library Journal Political communication began with the earliest studies of democratic discourse by Aristotle and Plato. However, modern political communication relies on an interdisciplinary base, which draws on concepts from communication, political science, journalism, sociology, psychology, history, rhetoric, and others. This two-volume resource considers political communication from a broad interdisciplinary perspective, encompassing the many different roles that communication plays in political processes in the United States and around the world. The Encyclopedia of Political Communication discusses the major theoretical approaches to the field, including direct and...