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This open access book examines the ways that consent operates in contemporary culture, suggesting it is a useful starting point to respectful relationships. This work, however, seeks to delve deeper, into the more complicated aspects of sexual consent. It examines the ways meaningful consent is difficult, if not impossible, in relationships that involve intimate partner violence or family violence. It considers the way vulnerable communities need access to information on consent. It highlights the difficulties of consent and reproductive rights, including the use (and abuse) of contraception and abortion. Finally, it considers the ways that young women are reshaping narratives of sexual assault and consent, as active agents both online and offline. Though this work considers victimisation, it also pays careful attention to the ways vulnerable groups take up their rights and understand and practice consent in meaningful ways.
Ad (Synodalem) Theologiam (Moralem) Promovendam M. Therese Lysaught ORIGINAL ARTICLES “And You, Africans: Who Do You Say Jesus Is?”: The Legacy of Laurenti Magesa for the Future of African Theology SimonMary Asese Aihiokhai A View from the Dunghill: Learning Forbearance in a Synodal Church Christopher McMahon Blade Runner’s Replicant Humanity: Self-Discovery and Moral Formation in a World of Simulation Jean-Pierre Fortin Afrofuturist Worlds: The Diseased Colonial Imagination and Christian Hope Adam Beyt Moral Exemplarism in the Key of Christ Noah Karger Power Literacy in Abuse Prevention Education: Lessons from the Field in the Catholic Safeguarding Response Cathy Melesky Dante, Mark A...
This volume explores the historical, theological, sociological, and ethical dimensions of the current issues threatening the two thousand-year-old Roman Catholic Church. The interdisciplinary analysis contained within the volume exposes the destructive convictions and actions of the Roman Catholic clergy that has produced the current institutional crisis while suggesting options for moving forward. Documenting the cases that constitute the many crises currently surrounding Catholicism, the volume aims to provide clarity and conscience. At the same time, with a constructive vision of an ethics and religious practice rooted in integrity and transparency, the authors offer a path towards holistic and holy reformation by and for Catholics.
This book explains why Australian governments are doing nothing for marginalised light sensitive learners. Government inaction is explored via policymaking theories and contrasted with a case study of active policymaking in a NSW high school which resulted in improved academic results. This book exposes inequity and provides a warrant for action. A must-read for:- - policy scholars who want to detect and understand policy inaction. - educators who want to support Light Sensitive Learners. - lighting designers who want to reduce the negative impacts of artificial lighting. - lawyers who want to understand the original intent and importance of the clause “learning differently” in the Disability Discrimination Act. - parents who want to know "who’s to blame"?
Psych ne oferă o poveste fascinantă despre complexitatea psihicului uman și despre o știință încă tânără și plină de enigme. Psihologia înseamnă mai mult decât ce-au avut de spus specialiștii din domeniu. De la subiecte precum rolul inconștientului și al mediului în comportamentul uman la cel al importanței studiilor despre dezvoltarea copiilor, Bloom nu se ferește să-i contrazică pe Freud, Skinner și Piaget sau să le puncteze hibele teoretice. Abordând cu luciditate și curaj chestiuni incomode și teorii populare despre memorie, inteligență, personalitate și problema spinoasă a bolilor psihice, autorul reușește nu doar să aducă lămuriri, ci și să ne ofere speranță într-un viitor mai bun. Experimentele științifice din prezent vizează fiabilitatea și validitatea teoriilor, iar psihologia pozitivă caută încontinuu să dezlege secretele unei vieți fericite.
亞馬遜讀者好評、《華爾街日報》推薦書 限制判斷力的不是聰明才智,而是心態! 養成「偵察心態」,讓你的判斷不被盲點綁架。 你面對別人的批評,第一反應是什麼? 你曾用盡方法來證明自己是錯的嗎? 你身旁有能對你誠實說反對、批評意見的人嗎? 上面這幾個問題,你的回答是什麼? 你是不是才猛然發現,原來自己很容易被盲點包圍,它深深影響我們每天的行為與抉擇。 本書作者茱莉亞.蓋勒芙(Julia Galef)是應用理性中心共同創辦人,同時也是一位人氣講者,她的TED演講「為什麼你會認為你是對的,儘管你是錯的...
耶魯大學人氣爆棚的心理學導論課都在教什麼? 如何把心理學這門現代科學變得好讀又易懂! 認識人的心就跟研究浩瀚宇宙一樣驚奇又迷人! 好好讀完這本書,你就知道如何過著幸福快樂的日子 人為什麼會這麼做、那麼想,這樣感覺、那樣反應? 時光流沙的生命裡,是獨特又豐富的心靈——讓我們可以耀眼如星。 人是肉做的機器,卻擁有獨一無二的意識以及豐富的心靈。 我們對物質世界的理解進展快速,對心智的認識卻顯得貧乏。 所以我們需要心理學,但是心理學都在教什麼? 心理科學的基礎在於相信大腦是心智活動...
Proposes a reconceptualization of consent which argues that consent should be viewed as a dynamic concept that is context-dependent, incremental, and variable.
The first comprehensive exploration of women's multifaceted experiences of forced and consensual ravishment in medieval England.