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As he imagined desire, he held his breath long enough in his stomach. This is what makes the sensitivity in the body increases. The crown chakra located above the top of the crown will light up. Displays things or what they want. This technique is the basis of the difference why every one dream will come true or not. And all of a sudden I seemed to be pushed out of his body to preach to my friends out there to help fulfill his wish. Similar to praying, is not it? But different, because this is a powerful prayer!(My name is Prana, page 6) Every time I passed the strawberry garden, I never missed it when she started his activities. Picking strawberries with her fingers. The steps lightly go th...
WINDMILL LESSONS Love you sincerely, O wind it's the same as loving friends of the poor and poor because the wall-roof is like the most wanted dream when fate forced him to be a captain without a cabin I never cursed the lips that mention the propeller even though life begins with a dizzying wind not a machine that repeatedly fondles bearings or the burning of fossils that now have a foreign face We rely on life from a blow to blow then work to pull the two wheels that intersect like a fertile field with scattered seeds but we regularly water it even though there is no rain We believe that every job start with gradual change then learn from the snail that survives from enemy invasion and thr...
REQUESTS OF THE SKY forgive me… if i'm not as beautiful as i used to be and no longer blue because all your actions too you cut down all my pillars to decorate your furniture oh the virtuous beings my request is only one keep my friend this earth like you take care of yourself if you realize this sickness of the earth is your pain the anguish of the earth is your misery once again, keep the earth! Jepara, February 24, 2005 § The poem was published in MOP magazine, May, 2005. Request of the Sky is a book of poems by Lasinta Ari Nendra Wibawa. Lasinta is one of the young writers who are quite productive writing in print mass media. Throughout his authorship career beginning in early 2005, h...
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Bunga-Bunga Bunuh Diri di Babylonia merupakan buku kumpulan puisi karya Kinanthi Anggraini. Puisi-puisi di dalam buku ini merupakan karya awalnya dari tahun 2013-2014. Proses kepenulisan yang cukup singkat bukan berarti mengabaikan segi kualitas. Waktu yang cukup singkat tersebut justru membuktikan bahwa karya Kinanthi Anggraini mampu mewarnai blantika sastra Indonesia, khususnya sastra koran. Bunga-Bunga Bunuh Diri di Babylonia berisi puisi-puisi pilihan yang hampir seluruhnya pernah dimuat di media massa lokal dan nasional, antara lain Media Indonesia, Indopos, Sagang, Bong-Ang, Jurnal Masterpoem Indonesia, Medan Bisnis, Sumut Pos, Haluan, Riau Pos, Bangka Pos, Metro Riau, Puailiggoubat, H...
Cara mengulasnya berbeda dari kebanyakan buku. Menelaah kebijakan pembangunan dari sudut pandang karakter dan perjalanan hidup, sehingga menjadi kontekstual. —Pratikno, Menteri Sekretaris Negara Sangat tajam mengupas sisi kemanusiaan kebijakan pembangunan yang nyata. Perlu dibaca para pembuat dan pengambil kebijakan serta pelaksana program. —Pramono Anung, Sekretaris Kabinet Buku yang menyentuh. Saya bangga penulisnya mampu menerjemahkan kehendak pemimpin dalam menjalankan kebijakannya dengan sangat baik. Buku yang paripurna dan jeli menganalisis kerja seorang pemimpin bangsa dari sudut pandang yang berbeda. —Moeldoko, Kepala Staf Kepresidenan Buku ini bukan biografi, tapi juga bukan b...
Buku ini, "Tadabbur for The Future" hadir sebagai sebuah perjalanan menakjubkan melalui ayat-ayat suci Al-Qur'an yang menyingkap keindahan, keajaiban, dan hikmah yang terkandung dalam ciptaan Allah berupa hewan dan tumbuhan. Dalam kitab suci ini, Allah SWT menyajikan cerita-cerita pendek yang mengandung pelajaran moral, tanda-tanda kebesaranNya, dan bukti kesempurnaan penciptaan-Nya.
Belajar Buku Masuk PTN BUKU EMAS
Judul : Studi Kelayakan Bisnis : Seni Menilai Layak atau Tidaknya Ide Bisnis di Era Society 5.0 Penulis : Dr. Halomoan Hutajulu, M. Si, Syaiful Mujab. S.Sy., M.M, Yusriyah Atikah Gobel, S. P, M.Si, Dr. Ir. Arief Setiawan, ST, MT., Chairul Insani Ilham ATD., M.M,Merita Ayu Indrianti, S.P., M.P., IPM, Pierdijono Hartono, SE. MM, Rahmat Taufq Dwi Jatmika SE., MBA., Sara Sorayya Ermuna, ST., MT, Dr. dan Anto Susanto, S.ST., M.P. Ukuran : 14,5 x 21 cm Tebal : 162 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-505-031-7 No. E-ISBN : 978-623-505-030-0 (PDF) SINOPSIS Buku ini berjudul “Studi Kelayakan Bisnis : : Seni Menilai Layak atau Tidaknya Ide Bisnis di Era Society 5.0”. Buku ini ditulis ole...
This book gathers the proceedings of the 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM 2019), held on 16–17 October 2019 in Surakarta, Indonesia. It focuses on two relatively broad areas – advanced materials and sustainable energy – and a diverse range of subtopics: Advanced Materials and Related Technologies: Liquid Crystals, Semiconductors, Superconductors, Optics, Lasers, Sensors, Mesoporous Materials, Nanomaterials, Smart Ferrous Materials, Amorphous Materials, Crystalline Materials, Biomaterials, Metamaterials, Composites, Polymers, Design, Analysis, Development, Manufacturing, Processing and Testing for Advanced Materials. Sustainable Energy and Related Technologies: Energy Management, Storage, Conservation, Industrial Energy Efficiency, Energy-Efficient Buildings, Energy-Efficient Traffic Systems, Energy Distribution, Energy Modeling, Hybrid and Integrated Energy Systems, Fossil Energy, Nuclear Energy, Bioenergy, Biogas, Biomass Geothermal Power, Non-Fossil Energies, Wind Energy, Hydropower, Solar Photovoltaic, Fuel Cells, Electrification, and Electrical Power Systems and Controls.